View Full Version : Every Little Helps

26th July 2015, 13:44
Whats the saying, Look after the pennies the pounds will look after themselves.
Well its down to all of us to try and save a few bob here and there and today we went to Aldi, Ems wanted some veggies.
Well in we went and with the shopping trolly and the old Ikea blue bag, i knew my wallet was in for a killing,
Up and down the aisles we went, well Ems went and i followed putting things in the trolly that i would like, and to tell the truth it was getting rather full,
Do you want a chicken for dinner tonight, yum, yum, yum, i thought. Yes please in that went too,
Well after 30 mins or so of we went to the checkout, on the conveyer belt and of the conveyer belt into the Ikea bag and it filled it so the rest went into the trolley, the cost just over £53 and the best news Ems paid. can this day get any better, yes it can Chris Froome to come down the Champs Elysees first