View Full Version : The Wolf Whistle

28th July 2015, 08:26
When walking with the wife you get the looks and the stares from many folk, and when they are shopping and you are just waiting around you do see men and women look over, that does make you feel good, thinking too, thats my wife.

But when does it change from the looking to the shouts, the whistles and the glaring even when you are walking hand in hand?

Its happened a few times now and its always from the foreign chaps, most have a can in there hand and they are always in gangs. I have turned and stopped and said something before, and have got a sorry, but what will happen the next time you stop? and like i have said its the Europeans who are doing this,

Back in the day you would have challenged them all but today you just cannot do this, you will risk a good kicking and maybe your life too, but is it against the law to shout HEY SEXY, HEY LOOKING GREAT? What do these dirty, smelly, men think they may get, a smile? I know what they do need MANNERS, but these dregs dont know the meaning of the word.

Maybe i should get Ems a hijab to walk around in

28th July 2015, 08:51
How do you know they don't bat for the other side and were whistling at you Steve :wink:

28th July 2015, 09:37

28th July 2015, 14:39
I live in hope. :cwm3:

28th July 2015, 14:39
Unless you think these twots can attract your wife away from you...whats the problem?
Steve..Who is going home with your wife? You,right?
What are they going home with?
Probably not much!!
Thats their problem....Not yours.:NoNo:

In the old days you could give them a slap..These days you will only end up in trouble...Or dead!!
Move to the R.P is my advise.

28th July 2015, 15:53
I live in hope. :cwm3:

:Wave: :wink:

28th July 2015, 19:35
How do you know they don't bat for the other side and were whistling at you Steve :wink:

I leave that to you to decide Simon.

29th July 2015, 11:04
I leave that to you to decide Simon.

Like the beard, gives me something to hold onto :Rasp:


29th July 2015, 13:19
I leave that to you to decide Simon.

Reminds me of my younger brother who lived in the mountains of Sierra Nevada Spain.