View Full Version : Japan marks 70th anniversary of Hiroshima atomic bombing with a moment of silence

6th August 2015, 13:50

They got what they richly deserved.

The handwringers at the BBC and leftist media conveniently forget the torture and atrocities the Japs inflicted on Allied PoW's and the people of the countries they occupied

6th August 2015, 14:14
i must be getting soft in my old age but i heard an account of a very young boy who survived theblast but lost family members,and i thought of mothers,children,grand-parents all going through terror and i couldnt justify that loss of civilian life,dont get me wrong i have read all about the japanese atrocities in the rape of nanking and brutality on allied troops etc,the japanese army deserved to be annihilated but the effect of the bomb immediate and long term on children doesnt sit well with me.
I never used to have a conscience when i was younger,maybe i need therapy :Erm::icon_lol:

6th August 2015, 14:38
It ended the war dead. It's believed if the bomb had not been used and conventional weapons used many more lives would have been lost.