View Full Version : Slain Commandos Snubbed - A National Disgrace!

Arthur Little
8th August 2015, 00:23
You would think it inconceivable that the memory of the 44 valiant servicemen - massacred in defence of their nation - could be snubbed by their Commander-in-Chief ... yet, according to this article, THAT is precisely what's happened: :furious3:


Reportedly, Aquino first ordered the mural depicting the Special Armed Forces (SAF) be removed from the wall of the Philippine National Police Academy. And now, the names of three troopers due to be awarded recognition for bravery (one posthumously as well as two survivors) have been delisted at the President's behest. :cwm23:

Arthur Little
8th August 2015, 19:42
Hmm, :icon_rolleyes: ... are members wary of passing comment(s) about the patently obvious shortcomings of Malacanang's incumbent - or the current Philippines' Administration - for fear of any imagined :cwm25: repercussions?

9th August 2015, 02:08
Probably something to do with sweeping this sorry incident under the carpet

Arthur Little
9th August 2015, 14:10
Probably something to do with sweeping this sorry incident under the carpet

:iagree: ... probably it's the only logical explanation; after all ... :anerikke: ... an incident of such horrendous MAGNITUDE isn't going to reflect too well on his tenure of office. :NoNo: