View Full Version : These grubs have got some front

8th August 2015, 14:33
Stop blaming us! Angry Polish workers to go on strike across the UK this month to try and show their importance to the British economy

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3190222/Polish-workers-unofficial-strike-UK-month-try-importance-British-economy.html#ixzz3iEKZywmn
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If they don't feel wanted then they should go back to their homelands before the EU fills them up with African "economic migrants"

Harry T
8th August 2015, 23:50
Its largely thanks to them that the UK got out of crisis! what a ridiculous and inacurate statement to make.

I've got news for them, why dont they not only go on strike, but take it a step further and return to Poland never to return. I certainly wouldnt miss them, and i know a lot of others who wouldnt miss them either, they really are deluding themselves into believing in their own self importance, dont they realise their are many others who would only to gladly step into their shoes. If the Poles are so great why is it that they need to leave Poland in the first place ?, Im trying to think what it is that Poland is famous for, and find myself having to admit my ignorance as to what it is, except for exporting cheap labour to other countries.

9th August 2015, 02:02
Cheap labour and the one of the reasons why wages have remained so low in the UK
These poles will work for peanuts :NoNo:

9th August 2015, 12:58
Latest on news, a Polish lorry driver has been arrested thought to be aiding immigrants - about 17 found in his wagon on the M1

Arthur Little
9th August 2015, 13:47
Latest on news, a Polish lorry driver has been arrested thought to be aiding immigrants - about 17 found in his wagon on the M1

Hmm ... :yeahthat: should be a salutory lesson :poke: he needs to "polish" up on his act!