View Full Version : Spend, spend spend

10th August 2015, 07:13
I dont carry much cash around with me and its very rare i use my debit card too, but you know the times when you have that few quid in your pocket and you think i want that, and the next minute your pockets empty,
Then within hours you need something else, and another thing and before you know it you have spent your cash and you are at the ATM getting out some more,
These days dont happen very often i am glad to say and why cannot cash machines just give out a fiver or bring back the old ten bob note :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
10th August 2015, 08:17
Never carry any cash at all, having said that I did draw ten pounds from an ATM for some money to use for car parking whilst we were in Cornwall a few weeks ago. Another good thing about not carrying cash is Christmas time when carol singers come knocking on your door, I just tell them we don't have cash these days only a Debit card, done it for many years now! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2015, 14:00
and why cannot cash machines just give out a fiver or bring back the old ten bob note :biggrin:

Sharklays cash machines give you the option of fivers I often use them as it lets me think I'm spending less :smile:

10th August 2015, 18:58
Sharklays cash machines give you the option of fivers I often use them as it lets me think I'm spending less :smile:


12th August 2015, 09:29
Some chippies only take cash, how old fashioned is that? :cwm25:

12th August 2015, 12:16
Oh remember the days when you paid in cash and the guy just rang open the till-none of this cash back,phone top up,waiting for till to do an analysis etc-happy simple days.