View Full Version : help.......badly need advice

4th December 2007, 13:49
I beg all to hear your ideas on regards with these...

I did used my mother's maiden name since birth which my parents never been married yet up until to now, My father leave apart or abandoned my mom during the time that my mom was about to give birth, ( it was me then!) he just came back a year after I was baptized. So mom just decided to use her maiden name right then as my father wasn't around that time. My mom is Nicolasa Casquejo which I did used the same "Casquejo" as it was also written on my birth cert and so as all with my school credentials. On my birth certificate there was no name written of my "father" it was fully blank.

not sure what am gonna put on my settlement visa form which theres a question asking a name of a "father" . I don't know if am going to put his name under it which it wasn't appeared on my birth cert.... Do i need to put his name even it wasn't on my birth cert? or maybe its best if am gonna leave it blank same as on my birth cert..? which is which? do i need to provide my mother's birt cert too? or no need?

thank you........a lil confuse here...


4th December 2007, 14:02
I think you should just leave it blank.. as this is what shows on your B.Certificate. You said your father left your mum since she was pregnant to you, so that will be your answer to the ECO/Embassy incase they ask you about your father but the best idea is to explain this to your covering letter.

4th December 2007, 14:10
hi Anne,

firstly welcome to the forum..Like, LadyJ have said I guess it would be better if u leave it blank the same as on ur birth certificate since if u put the name of ur father there might make a confusion at the embassy and it is best that u made a cover letter explaining about ur situation..


Pepe n Pilar
4th December 2007, 14:25
Hi Marylen welcome to the informative and friendly forum. I guess you have to leave it blank. You should provide information same as what is in your birth certificate.

4th December 2007, 15:57
thank you so much girls....i do appreciate your ideas...do i need to provide my mother n father birth cert? or no need? which anyway they aren't married ...so i think i only make a covering letter explaining those things.

4th December 2007, 16:23
u dont need to provide their birth certs and even their marriage certificate, ure the one who's going to apply so most of the documents should be about u, ur sponsor and related to ur application..

since ure going to apply for a settlement visa(is it fiancee/settlement/civil partnership?) make sure u have prepared well and followed all the advices here and on their website..

u need to make sure that u have provided evidences of Accomodation, Ur Relationship, Financial Capabilities of ur Sponsor and ur Communications..

hope it helps..goodluck..

4th December 2007, 17:02
Hi Anne,
It's best to stick to just what is on your birth certificate. I wouldn't even mentioning your father in a covering letter. The least confusion the better.

Louella & Iain.

4th December 2007, 20:38
In the UK there is far less shame about the father not been known so don't worry if you leave it blank the ECO (person reading the applicatation can not judge you on this matter by the laws which govern them). If asked just tell the truth.

Good luck with your application