View Full Version : Question about financial requirements

13th August 2015, 07:05

We are getting really close to submitted the spouse visa application

I have a question about the financial requirements

My main job salary is enough but I do a lot of work on the nurse bank of my hospital.

These payments show up on the same account as my main job so they will see them.

Do I need to explain what they are maybe in a supporting letter? I am working a lot of bank shifts so I can save up what we need more quickly

Thank you so much for any advice.

13th August 2015, 07:13
If your main salary is enough i would not bother , to much information sometimes is too much,
Do you still have to show your bank accounts/ saving accounts too

13th August 2015, 08:31
Are you saying that you have a consolidate monthly payslip showing consolidated 'Salaried' and 'Bank Work' payments ?
Also that your corresponding bank statements show the same single credit to the account?

In which case I feel an explanatory note/letter would help.

In principle your 'Salaried Employment' (fixed annual pay paid monthly) is your main method of meeting the financial requirement and you'll be applying under category A
The extra payments are just that and need not be figured by the UKVI caseworker.

Since it seems you cannot seperate the two sources of income and since the caseworkers are not accountants, I'd explain it in a short note.
The Financial Application form is basically 'catch-all' and you need to keep things simple and minimise any risk of caseworker misunderstandings.

You category is relatively simple and not much can go wrong with the form collected data.
But you do need to be clear on the basis of the information supplied.
The Employers letter will clearly state your basic annual Salary and the basis of your contract.

Download the form and have a practice run of filling in the boxes under3.3 and 3A and see how it looks.

The caseworker needs to see the payslip amounts and the exact corresponding bank credits relating to them.

Michael Parnham
13th August 2015, 10:33
Phil, if your payslip total and your bank statement shows the same figure then there should be no problem!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th August 2015, 11:17
Thank you.

Terpe my bank work and main salaried work are on different payslips from the same nhs trust. I get my main salary payslips monthly and my bank payslips weekly if I have done any bank work.

They both go into the same bank account.

Should I still write an explanatory letter?

I just thought they might wonder where these extra payments are coming from.

14th August 2015, 11:47
Thank you.

Terpe my bank work and main salaried work are on different payslips from the same nhs trust. I get my main salary payslips monthly and my bank payslips weekly if I have done any bank work.

They both go into the same bank account.

Should I still write an explanatory letter?

I just thought they might wonder where these extra payments are coming from.

In that case Phil I wouldn't worry. The income you're relying is your main salaried employment which meets the minimum income threshold.
Your employer will support that in their letter, and your payslips and bank credits will correspond.

Job done. UKVI are only interesting in verifying the £18600
They have no interest in any extra income above that.

Looks pretty straightforward :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th August 2015, 12:04
Thank you Terpe.

I got a letter from my employer last month confirming my salary and employment but last month I got an incremental pay rise. My new salary is now slightly higher than stated in the letter.

Is it OK to just put an explanatory note explaining this or get a new letter?

Thanks again

14th August 2015, 21:53
You should be fine. All they want to know is that you meet the financial requirement. They will see this from your six month payslips and bank statements.

15th August 2015, 05:34
Hi Phil

It's easy for me to say don't worry and it's natural to be anxious about the whole UKVI visa process.

It's just as Andy has said.

The only time UKVI scrutinise financials is when you miss out documents or cannnot meet the income threshold in the simple cat A
Concerning salary increases, any note would just be your personal choice. The only time UKVI will adopt extra scrutiny is when the salary increase just brings the applicant into the threshold level. Meeting the income threshold in Cat A salaried employment must be for the complete 6 months period prior to the date of application submission.

You'll be fine Phil, you already have a good understand of what is required.