View Full Version : A reminder of when Britain was Great

18th August 2015, 17:20
A flypast to honour The Few: 18 Spitfires and six Hurricanes take to the skies once more on 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3202341/Remembering-Britain-s-hardest-day-Spitfires-Hurricanes-skies-75-years-battle-scuppered-plans-Nazi-invasion.html#ixzz3jBSErBKO


18th August 2015, 17:40

Arthur Little
18th August 2015, 17:51
Yes, :iagree: ... fully three quarters of a century since the Campaign "reached its height" ... aka 'The Hardest Day' of the War!

18th August 2015, 20:14
Amazing :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 20:25
I watched it on the radio :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 20:39
Last edited by raynaputi; 16 Minutes Ago at 20:21. Reason: Edited to comply to forum rules regarding posting articles.

Just for clarity - Do 3 bullet points from the newspaper underneath the headline consititute a breach of rules ?

I'll summarise them just so people can get the gist of the article

1) Historical fighter aircraft flew over the South East today in the memory of those who lost their lives in the Battle of Britain
2) On 18 Aug 1940 the Germans started their boming campaign
3) Heroic RAF Pilots fought them and prevented the country being occupied by the Nazis

18th August 2015, 20:40
Last edited by raynaputi; 16 Minutes Ago at 20:21. Reason: Edited to comply to forum rules regarding posting articles.

Just fo clarity - Do 3 bullet points from the newspaper underneath the headline consititute a breach of rules ?

Please read the thread for the rules again.

http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/56799-News-Articles-and-Other-Site-Content (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/56799-News-Articles-and-Other-Site-Content)

18th August 2015, 20:43
You could always rewrite the bullet points Ded, only takes a minute. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 20:46
You could always rewrite the bullet points Ded, only takes a minute. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Just did took about 4 mins I'm a slow typer :wink:

18th August 2015, 20:47
Just did took about 4 mins I'm a slow typer :wink:

It would be better if you can rewrite the articles if you want others to just read it all here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 20:52
It would be better if you can rewrite the articles if you want others to just read it all here. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

That would take me about four hours :wink: easier for those interested in the subject to clicky click to the font of all knowledge The Daily Hate Mail

18th August 2015, 20:55
That would take me about four hours :wink: easier for those interested in the subject to clicky click to the font of all knowledge The Daily Hate Mail

A heading and the link is all that's needed here then, just as it states in the rules. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 21:30
Wonderful stuff. We owe those lads and so many others from their generation so much. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th August 2015, 22:45
Wonderful stuff. We owe those lads and so many others from their generation so much. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Lest we forget

Michael Parnham
19th August 2015, 07:36
Well done Ded, nice comments Graham, despite some members thoughts Britain is still Great :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th August 2015, 07:39
.... despite some members thoughts Britain is still Great :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wales is.... free prescriptions :biggrin:

Arthur Little
19th August 2015, 15:00
Wales is.... free prescriptions :biggrin:

Scotland too ... :yeahthat:!

19th August 2015, 15:25
I have just returned from Berlin and Germany, I am not so sure we won the war:Erm:

19th August 2015, 15:45
I don't think everything in Germany will be sweetness and light for much longer though...with all 100s of 1000s of incomers (mainly muslims ?) their enlightened govt have so graciously admitted. Dafter than we are. :NoNo:

19th August 2015, 18:07
I don't think everything in Germany will be sweetness and light for much longer though...with all 100s of 1000s of incomers (mainly muslims ?) their enlightened govt have so graciously admitted. Dafter than we are. :NoNo:

Anti-foreigners rallies, violence and arson attacks against refugee homes or would-be shelters on the rise in the Fatherland

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3179916/Refugees-war-torn-Syria-claim-racism-Germany-extreme-want-HOME-growing-unrest-anti-Muslim-feeling-sees-attacks-foreigners-soar.html#ixzz3jHWHbcoq

19th August 2015, 18:17
I know in a perfect (human) world we would all get along , but for the foreseeable future, I'm afraid that a few million years of behavioural evolution, plus the more recent effects of religious and cultural brainwashing will trump the few decades of good intentions and daydreams of the bleeding heart liberals.

The real world is a competitive, cruel and harsh place.

19th August 2015, 18:39
That what I could not understand, everywhere we went in Berlin all I saw working in shops was white Germans, there was a few foreign faces in the Hotel but I was surprised that there city has not been taken over like ours.
Our taxi driver when we arrived was a Malaysian, again from what I saw a rarity.

19th August 2015, 22:55
Great Britain has no meaning in respect to being great. This goes back hundreds of years when we ruled most of France :xxgrinning--00xx3: What is now Brittany used to be called Little Britain, hence we are Great Britain.

20th August 2015, 03:59
We were a big fish once,but I get sick of people saying how cruel we were when we dominated most of the world.I'm very proud of the Empire.
When people have a go about our wicked past I just say well it was survival of the strongest.
If we had been a backward nation we would have been ruled by others too.

20th August 2015, 08:26
We were a big fish once,but I get sick of people saying how cruel we were when we dominated most of the world.

Tens of thousands died because of the way we treated others. Back then we did things on a larger scale than what ISIS, the American 'founders', Portuguese, French, Spanish, etc, did around the world. Only the Nazi's caused bigger issues.

20th August 2015, 08:46
True but it gave us our place in the world and we have all benefited from our ill gotten gains as have many other countries.

20th August 2015, 08:50
True but it gave us our place in the world and we have all benefited from our ill gotten gains as have many other countries.

I'm sure ISIS would say the same thing :wink:

20th August 2015, 09:16
Different times Keith.Go back centuries everyone was fighting for dominance that's how it was. we have moved on now and become a truly modern caring nation.
ISIS is a disgusting evil organisation killing anyone who gets in their way.
Hundreds of years ago it would have been accepted no doubt but with today's technology and full insight into the news and how modern nations govern there is no excuse for such barbarity.

20th August 2015, 09:25
It was never accepted by those being abused, enslaved and murdered. It all depends which side of the fence you are on. Most of the countries in the Commonwealth would have looked upon Britain as we do ISIS today. The Philippines is only Catholic due to the Spanish convert or die policy.

As for a caring nation, we left the Palestinians to defend themselves after WWII, and have done a similar thing with Iraq and Libya after interfering, as well as standing back and watching while Assad murdered his people.

20th August 2015, 09:37
Lessons learnt then. I'm talking about modern times we are a caring nation to the most.We cannot interfere with anymore countries in my opinion.Thanks to Blair being up Bush's .... it's created a much more dangerous place.So we left Assad to do as he wishes,would should we do if Putin kicked off further with Ukraine?
I think we should leave well alone now and let them all get on with it,not our fight and when we do try to help against dictators we seem to come off worse.
Without a doubt we should have left Saddam in power.

20th August 2015, 09:52
Thanks to Cameron going into Libya and then leaving them to it, and ignoring the plight in Syria, he has made the immigrant and terrorists problems worse. Lessons learnt.... where? :Erm:

20th August 2015, 10:02
The lessons are leave these .... hole countries to sort out their own people.

20th August 2015, 10:21
Tens of thousands died because of the way we treated others. Back then we did things on a larger scale than what ISIS, the American 'founders', Portuguese, French, Spanish, etc, did around the world. Only the Nazi's caused bigger issues.

:Erm: Examples please - So our former colonies were better off than they would have been under ISIS but worse than if run by the Nazis ?

We mainly provided positives getting a lot of them out of the stone age. Law, language, security, trade, transport, education etc

On independence the colonies were left with a proper economic, political and social infrastructure which many of them subsequently screwed up. Just compare prosperous stable Malaysia with basket case Zimbabwe

20th August 2015, 10:27
I'm with you on that Ded:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
20th August 2015, 10:27
Even in our modern world some countries need dictators

20th August 2015, 10:31
Even in our modern world some countries need dictators

Yes if it keeps them in check-some nations are just war-like always will be it seems.

20th August 2015, 10:56
:Erm: Examples please

What you see as giving good to another country is seen as colonization and domination by the natives. The list of this is endless. Are the Native Americans better off for being virtually wiped out by Europeans? Definitely not. Are many of the countries in Africa that we took slaves from at the same level of living as us today? No. Are the tribes in the Amazon better off? No.

We like to think we have done them a favour, but there is still a lot of resentment to this day. It is no different than if the Philippines was part of Japan today, or Britain's all belonged to Germany. Neither of them positive from where I sit.

20th August 2015, 11:11
What you see as giving good to another country is seen as colonization and domination by the natives. The list of this is endless. Are the Native Americans better off for being virtually wiped out by Europeans? Definitely not. Are many of the countries in Africa that we took slaves from at the same level of living as us today? No. Are the tribes in the Amazon better off? No.

We like to think we have done them a favour, but there is still a lot of resentment to this day. It is no different than if the Philippines was part of Japan today, or Britain's all belonged to Germany. Neither of them positive from where I sit.

None of the above examples can be blamed on the British Empire or legacy thereof I thought you were talking about ISIS & Holocaust type atrocities. Native Americans were killed after the War of Independence, Slavery was abolished 1833 when the Empire was not at it's zenith, we didn't colonise South America

20th August 2015, 12:11
They are all examples of colonization. It could not be simpler. The benefits for the coloniser, whoever they are, far outweigh the colonised, whatever point in time it is.

20th August 2015, 12:23
I used to pick up an Indian lady who felt proud of her British/Indian heritage.She says we turned India into a proper thriving democracy and thinks it was good for india in the long run:xxgrinning--00xx3:
We benefited from the romans invading us,still amazing to think the A1 motorway was built by the Romans:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th August 2015, 12:52
Tens of thousands of Indians where enslaved and abused though :wink:, only those higher up the social ladder benefited, and that still happens to this day thanks to our influence.

20th August 2015, 23:08
Without a doubt we should have left Saddam in power.

Very true :xxgrinning--00xx3: