View Full Version : Affirmation (of being free to marry) form

25th August 2015, 21:15
Hey people...on this online form you are required to type out, then once completed, print out for presentation and signing at the embassy, there are boxes for date and location (venue) of your upcoming marriage.

What if you haven't yet arranged that date and place ???

Suggestions please. Why would I arrange a wedding venue before I even have a licence and correct (as above) paperwork ? Looks like catch 22. :anerikke:

25th August 2015, 21:27
Cant help you on that Graham , but i am sure there are a few who can,
Bloody hell Graham you are changing your picture more times then i change my underpants

26th August 2015, 06:45
Plenty of folks got worried about the very same issue Graham.
Seems that because the document is valid for 6 months the British Embassy will allow non-day specific dates as a proposal.
So September 2015 or October 2015 would be accepted.
The venue can be based around where you'd propose it to be.

As always Graham, better to get confirmation from the Embassy. They don't often respond very quickly though.

If you do get that affirmation signed-off you have 6 months from date of issue to secure the marriage licence.
The marriage licence is valid anywhere in the Philippines for 120 days max from date of issue.

26th August 2015, 08:57
Thanks Peter.

I was hoping you would say something like that. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll send the embassy an email as well then. :smile:

I already have a confirmed appointment there next week.

27th August 2015, 19:43
That is what I did just put month and town and all was good

27th August 2015, 20:28
Ah, thanks Rick. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Any other possible issues you can think of...before I get on the plane ? :smile:

28th August 2015, 06:24
Ah, thanks Rick. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Any other possible issues you can think of...before I get on the plane ? :smile:

Some authorities may ask for your CENOMAR before issuing a marriage licence. Just be aware

28th August 2015, 09:29
I'm going to have to take that risk Peter....because this was all a bit last minute . :icon_lol:

If push comes to shove...next trip. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2015, 13:29
Yes I needed to show my CENOMAR at city health Cebu.

Take your birth certificare, passport and divorce absolute if you need it (been divorced)

Also you might need to attend a pre marriage counselling as the marriage licence might not be issued without it.

28th August 2015, 14:08
By CENOMAR...do you mean the new Affirmation/Affidavit document from the British Embassy, or both that AND the old type CENOMAR from the UK ?

I will only have the Affirmation document...and covering letter for Phils 'marriage officials', (plus divorce cert' and my original birth cert, plus passport).

If they insist on me producing a UK CENOMAR..not happening this trip. Not enough time. :anerikke:

28th August 2015, 14:17
No I mean a CENOMAR from the Philippines obtained by your wife to be with your details. My wife gave the NSO my details and they did a search and issued a CENOMAR under my name.

28th August 2015, 14:29
Really ?

My partner is already aware that she'll be needing a CENOMAR...but I'd assumed that that referred to HER status. :Erm:

Very confusing. Gonna have to suck it and see.

I know about the seminar (nonsense) of course. :)

28th August 2015, 14:41
No mate. You both need a CENOMAR issued in the Philippines unfortunately.

You both have to prove that neither of you are currently married in the Philippines.

28th August 2015, 14:49
Just spoke to my partner.

She says her friend married a Brit recently (locally), and only the 'legal capacity' document from the embassy was needed.

You know what it's like in the Phils...different rules or interpretations of them, here there and everywhere. :NoNo:

I'll just have to take my chances this time. :smile:

28th August 2015, 15:02
Correction to the above...seems the guy was an American, but same venue as we're proposing....and only last June.

I'd better check what the yanks give out as 'legal capacity' docs now.

28th August 2015, 15:22
My marriage was in Cebu and we needed (for marriage licence)

Affidavit to marry
Passport (Me)
Cenomar (Both People)
Birth Certificate (both)
NBI clearance (for her)
Baranguay clearance (for her)
Voters ID (for her)
Pre marriage counselling attendance certificate

But as you say where you are getting married might have different requirements to Cebu city.

I obtained a copy of the requirements from city health on the previous visit to Cebu before my marriage visit and the CENOMAR was required for both parties.

28th August 2015, 15:27
Correction to the above...seems the guy was an American, but same venue as we're proposing....and only last June.

I'd better check what the yanks give out as 'legal capacity' docs now.

Legal capacity to marry is covered by the Affirmation issued by the Embassy. It's a legal requirement stipulated by art 21 of the Philippines Family Code.

The CENOMAR is not a legal requirement for you......unless the authorities issuing the marriage licence request it.
Whatever they request then becomes a legal requirement.

The CENOMAR is issued by NSO and is a Certificate of No Marriage Record in Philippines.
The potential issue is if they request it what will it show?
Better to try to avoid declaring it in some way if it shows you to be married. These things can be resolved but it all takes time.

It's only been in recent years that licence issuing authorities have started to request it.

Your partner could order it online from here:-


At least you'd know one way or another what it states and can do something about if necessary

28th August 2015, 18:23
Thanks for all of that excellent information Peter.

Not much I can do at this stage. Hopefully all will become clearer next week. :smile:

My previous (Manila) marriage is of course detailed on my divorce form...as being the one that I am now freed from. My ex being the one to sue for it, as I wasn't bothered or in any hurry.

Michael Parnham
28th August 2015, 20:41
Thanks for all of that excellent information Peter.

Not much I can do at this stage. Hopefully all will become clearer next week. :smile:

My previous (Manila) marriage is of course detailed on my divorce form...as being the one that I am now freed from. My ex being the one to sue for it, as I wasn't bothered or in any hurry.

You will have Seminar before you marry and it's so funny Graham, it's like a sex education lesson and everyone has a right laugh, enjoy:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th August 2015, 21:39
I had to sit through that rubbish 24 years ago with my first wife Michael. :wink:

28th August 2015, 22:45
119 years between me and the wife and we had to have sex education ffs.:NoNo::laugher::laugher:

29th August 2015, 00:47

Utter bloody tripe.:NoNo: