View Full Version : SeptemBER

29th August 2015, 14:04
I have already warned Emma that this coming Tuesday she is not putting the Christmas tree up, :biggrin:

29th August 2015, 14:38
The first ber means Christmas has started. :Jump:

Whoopee I say :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've already put those LED ropes all the way up big tree in the front garden in anticipation

29th August 2015, 14:58
The first ber means Christmas has started. :Jump:

Whoopee I say :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've already put those LED ropes all the way up big tree in the front garden in anticipation

Only in the Philippines :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th August 2015, 15:08
My Christmas tree is already up ...... up in the loft where it stays till December :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
30th August 2015, 05:52
My Christmas tree is already up ...... up in the loft where it stays till December :biggrin:

Best place and time.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2015, 15:19
Best place and time.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I love Christmas and everything about.
The longer the season the more I love it.

Whe I worked in Japan I really missed the spirit of Christamas. I always worked on Christmas Day just for the evening get togethers.


30th August 2015, 16:41
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Its nearly SeptemBER!!!!!!


Arthur Little
30th August 2015, 18:26
Slightly :icon_offtopic: in so far as the Festive Season's concerned. But I'm pretty sure I must've recently :grosyeux: ASTOUNDED my fellow members south of Newcastle-upon-Tyne in the east and Carlisle in the west with my periodic gripes about the skies opening :raining: for much of the "summer" north of the Border while everywhere else in :Britain: has been basking in sizzling temperatures and glorious :sunshine:.

Although fair (pun intended!) to say that August's certainly brought an improvement, weatherwise ... :anerikke: ... up till then, I had often thought:

":doh ... it might as well rain until SeptemBER!"

30th August 2015, 18:34
Arthur the summer down here has not been fantastic as some may say, or i have slept through it all, a day here and there and may be a week with sunshine too, but i must admit the temperature is up most of the time even when its overcast

30th August 2015, 22:54
All the lights and decs are up in Gasiano :NoNo::NoNo:

31st August 2015, 03:46
All the lights and decs are up in Gasiano :NoNo::NoNo:



31st August 2015, 07:58
All the lights and decs are up in Gasiano :NoNo::NoNo:

Send us a picture :Jump::Jump::Jump::Jump:

Michael Parnham
31st August 2015, 08:34
I love Christmas and everything about.
The longer the season the more I love it.

Whe I worked in Japan I really missed the spirit of Christamas. I always worked on Christmas Day just for the evening get togethers.


You now Peter don't mean to sound a bore' but never really had a proper Christmas since I was a child as an adult ex wife worked almost every Christmas at NHS also looks like Maritess will be the same. Previous to being a married man when I was trucking I was mostly pulling loads to Cadburys Montrose from Histon and return to Histon, at that time it was better than Christmas to me because I had the nations roads all to myself. To be honest weekends bank holidays ect have always been normal days to me and I'm sure many people have experienced the same even some forum members!:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2015, 08:47
You now Peter don't mean to sound a bore' but never really had a proper Christmas since I was a child as an adult ex wife worked almost every Christmas at NHS also looks like Maritess will be the same. Previous to being a married man when I was trucking I was mostly pulling loads to Cadburys Montrose from Histon and return to Histon, at that time it was better than Christmas to me because I had the nations roads all to myself. To be honest weekends bank holidays ect have always been normal days to me and I'm sure many people have experienced the same even some forum members!:Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3:

I can understand in some way Michael.
Christmas, in the commercial sense, is really at it's best when children are involved.

My childhood Christmases though were not so happy.
Maybe that's a contributing factor to me now enjoying the season so much as an adult.

31st August 2015, 09:05
Christmas is a time of giving, and it does help if you have small children around, but if there is just the two of you,it can be a holiday together and just enjoying that precious time ,
Being 1 of 13 children the Christmases in our house was very loud and must have been very expensive for mum and dad too, great times many forgotten toys, but great memories always

Michael Parnham
31st August 2015, 09:08
I can understand in some way Michael.
Christmas, in the commercial sense, is really at it's best when children are involved.

My childhood Christmases though were not so happy.
Maybe that's a contributing factor to me now enjoying the season so much as an adult.

Off subject a little, my dad was my stepfather and he was very strict indeed (ex RAF) and drilled many things into me as a child and teenager, I learnt a lot from him and when Christmas came along he always showed how big is heart was and I'll never forget my electric railway and over many years I built it up until I was 35 years old. Wish I never sold it:Erm:

31st August 2015, 10:30
Christmas is a great time to rekindle old arguments with the family :biggrin:

31st August 2015, 11:12
Christmas is a great time to rekindle old arguments with the family :biggrin:

You are wrong there matey, they are all BANNED :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
31st August 2015, 11:19
Never had much to do with my family all my life, always lived quite a distance away, I used to visit them on occasion but they never paid a visit or contacted me for many years!

31st August 2015, 11:24
Well i have told my children there maybe just another two Christmases left here for us to be together , after that it will be facetime if all goes to plan,

31st August 2015, 14:30
You are wrong there matey, they are all BANNED :biggrin:

Most of my extended family here are banned from my house.

We'll be out during the festivities with trusted family and friends :Jump:

31st August 2015, 23:00
Most of my extended family here are banned from my house.

We'll be out during the festivities with trusted family and friends :Jump:

Kids will be banned from my house, one of them got a BBQ stick and stabbed about 50 holes in my motorbike saddle. The mother thought it was funny:cwm23:

2nd September 2015, 10:05
Here's a photo of the Christmas tree in my front garden (with the top chopped off)


Here's a closer view of the foliage/needles.
Anyone know what kind of tree it is.


2nd September 2015, 10:27
Monkey puzzle tree?

Michael Parnham
2nd September 2015, 11:12
Monkey puzzle tree?

Very similar to a Monkey puzzle tree, but don't think so Simon, don't know what it could be called but I'm sure Fred or someone will know, I'm curious to know!:Erm: