View Full Version : email to Mrs May re Romanian & Bulgarian Immigration to UK

29th August 2015, 16:38
I just sent this email to Theresa May...... others might wish to request their MP's query this apparent discrepancy in Govt figures :-

Dear Theresa

Official statistics issued this week state that 53000 Romanian and Bulgarians moved to Britain in the last 12 month period. Separate figures this week from the Dept for Work and Pensions show that 214000 citizens of these countries were issued with NI numbers in the year ended June 2015
Please explain this huge discrepancy and advise the correct number of how many of these people have moved to the UK in the last 12 months. It’s no surprise to most people that the Government refused to estimate how many would come here following the end of restrictions on 1/1/2014.

Best regards

Arthur Little
29th August 2015, 19:03
I just sent this email to Theresa May...... others might wish to request their MP's query this apparent discrepancy in Govt figures :-

Dear Theresa

As per content

Best regards

So ... :cwm24: you're on 'Christian' name terms with each other now, I see! :wink:

29th August 2015, 22:14
Good question . What a spineless bunch of fools we've had in power this past couple of decades. :mad:

Harry T
29th August 2015, 22:16
Fair play to you Deds, even though you are a Tory supporter you still wish to see the correct figures published, and not some figure that is obviously incorrect, and made for spin, did you also tell her we CANT take anymore.

29th August 2015, 22:26
Fair play to you Deds, even though you are a Tory supporter you still wish to see the correct figures published, and not some figure that is obviously incorrect, and made for spin, did you also tell her we CANT take anymore.

I should have told her that we're full up H - I'll post the reply here :anerikke:

Arthur Little
29th August 2015, 22:49
Fair play to you Deds ............ we CANT take anymore.

Yes, :iagree: ... we're - full up AND fed up - being taken for mugs. :mad:

Thankyou for the rep, *Paul ... it's much appreciated! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th August 2015, 01:25
Lets face it these politicians will always massage and manipulate any figures in their favour

We have been overrun with eastern Europeans and the only way to stem the tide is for us
to leave the EEC and thats Cameron's problem

Cameron likes to talk tough on immigration but avoids the elephant in the room = European immigration

Nigel Farage is the only politician talking any sense about the mas eastern European influx

Just thank God we never entered into the European Schengen Agreement !

30th August 2015, 14:40
Well, the problem was, the EU let two countries in which were nowhere near ready for EU entry.

There is now nothing we can do to prevent them coming here - the rules regarding barring entry to new citizens has expired - short of leaving the EU of course, such a decision shouldn't be based on Romanians but a huge number of other considerations.

Well, there is something we can do. That is to make the economies of Romania and Bulgaria nearer match that of the UK and France.
There's a chance this may happen, after all if you were Mr Honda and Mr Toyota, Mr Cadburys etc, and you needed to be in the EU, would you stay in the UK or move your factories and jobs to eastern europe, where wages and costs are lower. Of course you would move.
Just amazed this hasn't happened already really.

30th August 2015, 17:04
Probably haven't come up with an answer yet to the problem of getting a roof on the new Eastern European factory before all the fittings and site equipment gets lifted ? :cwm25:

Harry T
31st August 2015, 00:12
Just take a look at these figures guys;

824 thousand NINo registrations in the year to
March 2015, an increase of 221 thousand (37%)
on the previous year.
• 76% were from within the European Union.
• The highest annual total since the reporting period
began (2002).
• Within the European Union (EU) the number of
NINo registrations in the year was 629 thousand,
an increase of 189 thousand (43%) on the
previous year.
• The number of NINo registrations from EU2
nationals (Bulgaria and Romania) was 193
thousand, an increase of 130 thousand (197%)
on the previous year.
• Outside of the EU the number of NINo
registrations was 193 thousand, an increase of 30
thousand (19%) on the previous year
Top 5 nationalities – all world areas :
Nationality Registrations Yr
to March 2015
Change from
previous year
Romania 152,360 +223%
Poland 115,610 +13%
Italy 57,640 +37%
Spain 54,200 +19%
Bulgaria 40,580 +128%

Now thats the figures for New National Insurance Numbers issued, 824.000 thousand in the year to March, obviously some of these will have children so its pretty safe to say we are exceeding 1 million per year, so every year now our population will grow by a City equal to the size of Birmingham.

As i said earlier the figures are scary, and just cannot be allowed to continue, if it means that we have to leave the EU then so be it, already the country allowed far to many immigrants from the Commonwealth during the 60,s and 70,s those Chickens are only now starting to come home to roost, the long term effects of whats happening now with immigration wont be felt for a number of years, but our national Identity has been greatly eroded, this i believe will be the final nail in the Coffin of what was once fondly known as GREAT Britain, we managed to prevent an invasion of our shores in 1939-45, but we have been led blindly by Politicians of all parties, up the garden path, and its they who have allowed this immigrant invasion (and thats what it is) to be fact not fiction as politicians of most parties would let us blindly believe.

I dont care what political persuasion members of this forum are, but its time to put a STOP to this seemingly never ending invasion primarily now by people who have NO affinity whatsoever with the UK.

31st August 2015, 00:22
I know what my now-departed dad who risked his life for this country's freedom throughout the whole of WW2 would have said about it. :NoNo:

31st August 2015, 10:32
"A country that won't or can't control its borders is not a country anymore" - President Ronald Reagan

Harry T
31st August 2015, 12:36
"A country that won't or can't control its borders is not a country anymore" - President Ronald Reagan

No, we are no more or less than a County of Europe, unfortunately.