View Full Version : Mass Migration

31st August 2015, 20:51
Whats happening to Europe with so many people trying to get to Europe and for what a better life
You cannot blame anyone who thinks moving to a better place then where they are , but what can Europe offer all these folk, jobs i some how dont think so, so what else is there for all these folk, benefits, well we all should get some sort to help out ,but many say they dont want that,
I understand people running away from persecution but i am sure its more then that, these people are not from Europe, they are from outside Europe ,
Some may say my wife is from outside Europe and she is here , but she is here after paying thousands of pounds and it has all been done legal too,
These people should be treated just like that, what you have been reading and hearing on the news about these poor people dying trying to get here to Europe , what did they pay in cash to get here , there are right ways and wrong ways
Europe is a joke at this moment , i cannot see a way out of this too,

31st August 2015, 21:08
Whats happening to Europe with so many people trying to get to Europe and for what a better life
You cannot blame anyone who thinks moving to a better place then where they are , but what can Europe offer all these folk, jobs i some how dont think so, so what else is there for all these folk, benefits, well we all should get some sort to help out ,but many say they dont want that,
I understand people running away from persecution but i am sure its more then that, these people are not from Europe, they are from outside Europe ,
Some may say my wife is from outside Europe and she is here , but she is here after paying thousands of pounds and it has all been done legal too,
These people should be treated just like that, what you have been reading and hearing on the news about these poor people dying trying to get here to Europe , what did they pay in cash to get here , there are right ways and wrong ways
Europe is a joke at this moment , i cannot see a way out of this too,

Ship all the Syrians to the Gulf States and the chancers back to Africa

31st August 2015, 21:10
If we let everyone it who wants a better life it would be millions-sorry but we can't solve all the worlds problems.

31st August 2015, 21:14
Ship all the Syrians to the Gulf States and the chancers back to Africa

Thats what i cannot understand about all these boat people ,once rescued turn right back to port and drop them off again, or am i thick in thinking that

31st August 2015, 21:15
If we let everyone it who wants a better life it would be millions-sorry but we can't solve all the worlds problems.

I understand that Les, but its Europe that seems to be opening the doors to all these folk, it seems to be only England is keeping the door locked

31st August 2015, 21:21
Thats what i cannot understand about all these boat people ,once rescued turn right back to port and drop them off again, or am i thick in thinking that

All they need do is deploy warships to escort the "rescue ships" & bum boats back to Libya and if they kick up shell them.

Back in May the EU approved a naval force to clamp down on people smugglers and traffickers, I think that idea was dead in the water. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/migrant-crisis-eu-ministers-to-establish-naval-force-to-destroy-trafficker-boats-10259189.html

As regards Turkey allowing so called migrants to cross to Kos on inner tubes and five quid inflatables (complete with life jackets) just hit them with a trade & travel ban

31st August 2015, 21:26
All they need do is deploy warships to escort the "rescue ships" & bum boats back to Libya and if they kick up shell them.

Back in May the EU approved a naval force to clamp down on people smugglers and traffickers, I think that idea was dead in the water. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/migrant-crisis-eu-ministers-to-establish-naval-force-to-destroy-trafficker-boats-10259189.html

Yes i remember it well, all these modern war ships with all the super duper radar they could track anything once it gets onto the water,

Harry T
31st August 2015, 21:37
I understand that Les, but its Europe that seems to be opening the doors to all these folk, it seems to be only England is keeping the door locked

We may be keeping the door locked officially, to boat people etc, but have you seen the figures of official EU migrants Steve around, a million people over the past year, it cant continue mate, usually when a Sports Stadium or any Venue is full the gates are closed,its time we put up the House full signs.

Harry T
31st August 2015, 21:39
I understand that Les, but its Europe that seems to be opening the doors to all these folk, it seems to be only England is keeping the door locked

We may be keeping the door locked officially, to boat people etc, but have you seen the figures of official EU migrants Steve ?, around a million people over the past year, it cant continue mate, usually when a Sports Stadium or any Venue is full the gates are closed,its time we put up the House full signs.

31st August 2015, 21:48
I was listening to the radio the other day about what to do about all these migrants coming to Europe and those who are wanting to come to England also,
You have the two people on , one is for everyone to come here and the other is against that,
We need the migrants to do the work that we dont want to do, that was said by the person who wanted more migrants here,
Thats been said now for the last few years, so surely those jobs have been filled now,

31st August 2015, 21:53
Did any of you see on the tv about Germany welcoming all migrants to there country, well i say good of them and will they take many more,
Does East Germany still exist to put them all into i wonder

31st August 2015, 22:28
We're doooomed ! :cwm3:

31st August 2015, 22:29
Did any of you see on the tv about Germany welcoming all migrants to there country, well i say good of them and will they take many more,
Does East Germany still exist to put them all into i wonder

Fingers crossed Eastern Germany will be where it all kicks off :xxangry-smiley-038:

1st September 2015, 00:36
Someone needs to tell Angela Merkel that at some stage she will have to start saying No
I hope the Schengen agreement fails and all EEC countries start doing border checks again
Remember an asylum seeker has to claim asylum in the first safe country they get to
Not in the Uk after passing through many safe countries

Quotas from the EEC will be on the cards and i am sure Merkel will be more than happy about offloading
a few thousand on us (tens of thousands) :cwm25:

I wonder how many ISIS sympathizers and undercover agents amongst that lot

1st September 2015, 06:09
If Bush and Bliar had of listened to the people that elected them and not conned us into war,Saddam would still be ruling his lot with an iron fist.. Perhaps the western invaders now understand why he was so tough.. Dont meddle with other cultures issues.. The US and Britain caused a huge void when invading Iraq and now ISIS are tapping the oil to fund their extreme Islamic ways from war torn Syria... The Arab spring was a direct result of the disaster caused by invading Iraq and is now the reason for millions of refugee`s running for their lives after the West refused to help them..Their doomed fate is DIRECTLY linked to the criminals,Bliar and Bush!
Where will they run to??
Europe Of course!!! Good for them as the risk is tiny compared to staying with their new ISIS residents and the entrenched Syrian leader..
You reap what you sow. Things will only get worse.

1st September 2015, 08:40
We can't actually stop the Syrians coming in, as the borders are huge. I don't mind refugees coming in, as generally they eventually go back home, as shown after WWII, and other wars around the world. However, the EU should be setting up camps in Hungary, rather than distributing them around the EU. :doh

It is partly the EU's fault that this is happening, Afghans, Libyans, Iraqi's and Syrians. Notice anything? The first three we bombed, while the last one we could have stepped in two years ago and possibly prevented what is happening now. It would have prevented IS getting such a hold. The only area President Assad now holds is Damascus, and not all of that. History shows he is now finished, but it could take a long time before he falls.

1st September 2015, 09:40
We can't actually stop the Syrians coming in, as the borders are huge. I don't mind refugees coming in, as generally they eventually go back home, as shown after WWII, and other wars around the world. However, the EU should be setting up camps in Hungary, rather than distributing them around the EU. :doh

So we can look forward to seeing the back of hundreds of thousands Kosovans, Somalis, Albanians, Iraqis & Afghans :Erm:

1st September 2015, 10:03
So we can look forward to seeing the back of hundreds of thousands Kosovans, Somalis, Albanians, Iraqis & Afghans :Erm:

We already have.

2013 Stats (Numbers will have increased by now)
Somalis 90,000
Iraq 70,000
Afghanistan 60,000
Albania 20,000

2001 (2012 not available) Likely to be at least double now.
Serbia (In Kosovo) 31,000

That's at least 200,000.

1st September 2015, 10:17
If Bush and Bliar had of listened to the people that elected them and not conned us into war,Saddam would still be ruling his lot with an iron fist.. Perhaps the western invaders now understand why he was so tough.. Dont meddle with other cultures issues.. The US and Britain caused a huge void when invading Iraq and now ISIS are tapping the oil to fund their extreme Islamic ways from war torn Syria... The Arab spring was a direct result of the disaster caused by invading Iraq and is now the reason for millions of refugee`s running for their lives after the West refused to help them..Their doomed fate is DIRECTLY linked to the criminals,Bliar and Bush!
Where will they run to??
Europe Of course!!! Good for them as the risk is tiny compared to staying with their new ISIS residents and the entrenched Syrian leader..
You reap what you sow. Things will only get worse.

Spot-on Fred. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Now these people flooding into Europe will carry on causing trouble and fighting one another just as they did in their own stupid countries. Great. :NoNo:

1st September 2015, 10:34
We already have.

2013 Stats (Numbers will have increased by now)
Somalis 90,000
Iraq 70,000
Afghanistan 60,000
Albania 20,000

2001 (2012 not available) Likely to be at least double now.
Serbia (In Kosovo) 31,000

That's at least 200,000.

Are you saying this lot have gone back to their countries of origin ? Where are the figures from ?

1st September 2015, 18:23
Are you saying this lot have gone back to their countries of origin ? Where are the figures from ?

Stats are from the Census, and does not include the last 3-4 years, nor illegals. So add on a few more thousand. The UK does not monitor who leaves, so it is impossible to know who goes back. Refugees prefer to go back home when it is safe to do so, as they are only seeking refuge, hence the name refugee. Migrants on the other hand are something different.

If war ravaged the UK, we could either stay and starve, and risk being bombed, or seek refuge in an EU country. Once the war was over, most of us would want to head back home than live in a foreign country. Migrants on the other hand do not want to go back home, although some will.

1st September 2015, 18:37
Stats are from the Census, and does not include the last 3-4 years, nor illegals. So add on a few more thousand. The UK does not monitor who leaves, so it is impossible to know who goes back. Refugees prefer to go back home when it is safe to do so, as they are only seeking refuge, hence the name refugee. Migrants on the other hand are something different.

If war ravaged the UK, we could either stay and starve, and risk being bombed, or seek refuge in an EU country. Once the war was over, most of us would want to head back home than live in a foreign country. Migrants on the other hand do not want to go back home, although some will.

So are you saying this lot have gone back or are they still here ?

1st September 2015, 18:45
So we can look forward to seeing the back of hundreds of thousands Kosovans, Somalis, Albanians, Iraqis & Afghans :Erm:

Whoopie doopie do:cwm23:

1st September 2015, 18:48
I pick an Afghan up sometimes-most miserable piece of .... ever-never says hello-I'm not even bothering now speaking to him.Flash watch,top of range mobile-decent house too-nice if you can get it.I'm sure he is enriching our culture evey minute he stays here,which will be of course forever. None of these people are going back to their .... hole countries:mad:

1st September 2015, 18:56
I pick an Afghan up sometimes-most miserable piece of .... ever-never says hello-I'm not even bothering now speaking to him.Flash watch,top of range mobile-decent house too-nice if you can get it.I'm sure he is enriching our culture evey minute he stays here,which will be of course forever. None of these people are going back to their .... hole countries:mad:

Probably a drug dealer dabbling in false ID's and people trafficking whilst he enjoys hot and cold running benefits

1st September 2015, 19:54
Its all shocking and the more you hear and read the more it sounds so bad,
Again all i can do is save hard and leave this country to where who knows, but the middle class is disappearing quick, you are either rich here , or you are going to be very poor,