View Full Version : Fast Track Renewal Of Contracts At Faslane

Arthur Little
1st September 2015, 21:01
:Hellooo: Hailed as good news by George Osborne yesterday ... the announcement that work scheduled to begin in 2017 at Scotland's Naval Submarine Base on the 'Holy Loch' in the Firth of Clyde will safeguard its present workforce - with the ultimate prospect of creating several thousand more jobs - while simultaneously strengthening :Britain:'s defence system.

But it's bad news for the SNP ... whose leader, Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister - given her agenda for a conventional (as opposed to a nuclear) base - has since accused the Chancellor of arrogance in "pre-empting" Parliament's decision over the future of Trident and/or its replacement.


Michael Parnham
2nd September 2015, 07:18
Used to deliver to Faslane in my driving days, the security was amazing!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd September 2015, 07:34
I would have moved everything down to Portsmouth, that would have put Jimmy Cranky in her place

2nd September 2015, 08:41
During the Yes/No vote, Nicola never visited Faslane to ask the local workforce what they thought about closing it down. I wonder why? :cwm25: