View Full Version : Petition Refugees & Economic Migrants

3rd September 2015, 19:11
Does anyone know of a petition demanding we accept less or none of these people ?

3rd September 2015, 19:23
i have not heard of one

Arthur Little
3rd September 2015, 19:25
Does anyone know of a petition demanding we accept less or none of these people ?

Yes :icon_rolleyes: ... I do seem to recollect seeing one on (I think) facebook. :wink:

3rd September 2015, 19:32

Arthur Little
3rd September 2015, 19:36
Yes :icon_rolleyes: ... I do seem to recollect seeing one on (I think) facebook. :wink:

:icon_sorry: ... NO :nono-1-1: ... the one I saw actually suggested we accept a share! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
3rd September 2015, 20:52
:icon_sorry: ... NO :nono-1-1: ... the one I saw actually suggested we accept a share! :biggrin:


:yeahthat:'s it ... the link I meant. It was published in 'The Independent' and then later appeared on FB.

Harry T
3rd September 2015, 23:00

:yeahthat:'s it ... the link I meant. It was published in 'The Independent' and then later appeared on FB.

May i suggest The Independant has the wrong title, we are anything but Independant these days.. :biggrin:

4th September 2015, 08:59

Signed it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have no problem taking in refugees from Syria/Iraq, but the migrants can bugger off back to Pakistan, and the other countries they are leaving just to claim our taxes.

4th September 2015, 12:19
I wonder how many will have to take the Life in the UK test in order to stay here.

4th September 2015, 12:20
Very interesting on 5 live today the question was asked why doesn't wealthy Saudi Arabia take them-answer was coz they wont grant then visas :cwm23:
stinking rich arabs don't want them there. It's close to Syria,same culture,weather etc but no they don't want to know.
Too busy paving their palaces with gold from the lucrative oil revenue.
Let the rest of europe deal with it eh?:doh

4th September 2015, 12:21
Remember if they get asylum status they get the same benefits as any of us having contributed nothing to it unbelievable:mad:

Arthur Little
4th September 2015, 12:23
Clearly the petition has paid off ... as :Britain: is prepared to "fulfill its moral obligations" by agreeing to take in thousands more Syrian refugees, according to Prime Minister, David Cameron.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34148913 refers.

4th September 2015, 12:27
A u turn by cameron. He will do as he his told by merkel.:wink:

4th September 2015, 12:36
Richard Littlejohn in the Mail today is worth a read...put the boot in to a few people.

Michael Parnham
4th September 2015, 12:49
It's a very delicate situation, I'm pleased that I'm not Prime Minister.:Erm:

Arthur Little
4th September 2015, 12:55
It's a very delicate situation, I'm pleased that I'm not Prime Minister.:Erm:

:gp:, Michael ... I cannot imagine ANY of us wanting to swap places with him. :NoNo:

4th September 2015, 13:12
Signed it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I have no problem taking in refugees from Syria/Iraq, but the migrants can bugger off back to Pakistan, and the other countries they are leaving just to claim our taxes.

Staggering naivity....... you and the rest of the deluded folks signing it are pushing this country faster towards demographic suicide. Didn't it cross your mind that we have enough problems with muslim extremists and terrorists ? 85% of these so called refugees are single males who have left their families behind and you are happy to have untold thousands of them here :NoNo:

'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe


You reap what you sow

4th September 2015, 13:20
I'll add to that ded. They were interviewing a refugee who had smuggled his way over here. He has said he had left his kids and wife over there and it's very dangerous. Various people texted in implying he was happy to save his own skin tho!
Of course his answer was he would get his wife and kids over here in due course! You couldn't make it up. Daft buggers signing the petition after seeing that picture

4th September 2015, 14:07
Richard Littlejohn in the Mail today is worth a read...put the boot in to a few people.

One of the best columnists around - I also recommend reading todays article


4th September 2015, 15:19
Saudi Arabia UAE and Qatar should be admitting these people same religion and same language

The Syrian's don't head to these countries because the handouts there don't compare with Europe

My sympathy for them has all but evaporated after seeing how they are behaving in Hungary

That idiot throwing his wife and baby on the train tracks was nothing more than a publicity stunt for the TV crews

Its seems these days people can demand to live where they want to

4th September 2015, 15:44
Staggering naivity.......
:laugher: Said by the most naïve person on the forum. :laugher:

....we have enough problems with muslim extremists and terrorists ? ......

We had far more terrorists amongst us during the IRA years, and many more deaths, thousands in fact. No where near that number from Muslim extremists in this country. Bloody naïve idiot with tunnel vision :Rasp:

4th September 2015, 15:50
All the countries around Syria have received refugees. UN figures as of Dec 14. Why is the overflow not going to Saudia? Simple, geography. Most refugees can only flee north, as they cannot pass south of Damascus due to Assad's forces. They cannot go east due to ISIS. East is how they would get to Saudia. North from Homs & Aleppo is the only safe route left for the majority fleeing the conflict.
Lebanon hosts 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to around 26 per cent of the country’s population
Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 per cent of the population
Turkey hosts 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 per cent of the population
Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 per cent of the population
Egypt 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 per cent of the population

4th September 2015, 15:50
Saudi Arabia UAE and Qatar should be admitting these people same religion and same language

The Syrian's don't head to these countries because the handouts there don't compare with Europe

My sympathy for them has all but evaporated after seeing how they are behaving in Hungary

Give them an inch and they'll take a mile - the more that are let in the more that will follow.

Hypocritically Cameron & the rest of the all party political establishment try to ignore other cases who do deserve shelter in this country. For example the 200 or so educated Afghan translators who bravely risked their lives supporting our troops and are now in fear of both their own and their families lives

4th September 2015, 16:09
Said by the most naïve person on the forum.
Not as naive the person who said labour would win the Election-SIMPLE MATHS POST:icon_lol:

4th September 2015, 16:31
This looks as though it's going to end up taking us out of the EU.....

4th September 2015, 16:54
All the countries around Syria have received refugees. UN figures as of Dec 14. Why is the overflow not going to Saudia? Simple, geography. Most refugees can only flee north, as they cannot pass south of Damascus due to Assad's forces. They cannot go east due to ISIS. East is how they would get to Saudia. North from Homs & Aleppo is the only safe route left for the majority fleeing the conflict.
Lebanon hosts 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to around 26 per cent of the country’s population
Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 per cent of the population
Turkey hosts 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 per cent of the population
Iraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 per cent of the population
Egypt 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 per cent of the population


Many of the "refugees" are Assad supporters http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/may/28/syrians-lebaanon-vote-assad-embassies-refugees-boycott

Nonsense about them not going south past Damascus, South is the way to both Saudi & Jordan - they don't like going to Jordan because they get put in tented refugee camps in the middle of nowhere hence the pull factor of free housing, healthcare and benefits in Europe. Why are 83% of the "refugees" pitching up in Europe young males - where are the women and children ?

The reason why they aren't going to Saudi, Kuwait and the rich Gulf states is very simple - racism............ their fellow muslims don't want them

Here's a map


4th September 2015, 17:17
We had far more terrorists amongst us during the IRA years, and many more deaths, thousands in fact. No where near that number from Muslim extremists in this country. Bloody naïve idiot with tunnel vision :Rasp:

Get real - 2005 London Bombings 50 killed, 2005 failed London attacks all 4 terrorists had been given asylum in the UK. Thankfully untold attacks and aircraft bombings have failed or been thwarted eg London & Glasgow 2007, . IRA mainland campaign 1970's to 1990's 175 killed. Unlike the IRA who targeted both military and civilians the cowardly jihadis target civilians and children on buses etc

Bloody naïve idiot with tunnel vision, pot calling the kettle black :Erm:

4th September 2015, 17:41
Just seen the footage of the Syrians trying to rip down the fence at the station in Hungary.lots of angry young men trying to stick the boot into the hungarian police:yikes:
Great these lot will be heading for the rest of europe-basically a gang of thugs. No humbleness in these people is there-bite any hand that feeds them if they don't get what they want:doh

4th September 2015, 17:56
Just seen the footage of the Syrians trying to rip down the fence at the station in Hungary.lots of angry young men trying to stick the boot into the hungarian police:yikes:
Great these lot will be heading for the rest of europe-basically a gang of thugs. No humbleness in these people is there-bite any hand that feeds them if they don't get what they want:doh

Once they Hungarian police get a few of these grubs away from the handwringing media they'll dish it out.

I have happy memories from c 1995 seeing the Police give a gang of Roma a good taste of the nightstick at a Prague metro station

It's all kicking off on Lesbos

Riots erupt on the Greek island of Lesbos as 200 frustrated "refugees" throw stones at police and coastguard officials after being blocked from getting on a mainland-bound ferry

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3222419/Riots-erupt-Greek-island-Lesbos-200-frustrated-refugees-throw-stones-police-coastguard-officials-blocked-getting-mainland-bound-ferry.html#ixzz3kn22x3L1

As Richard Littlejohn says :-

If they were wearing red and white scarves and chanting ‘United’, the police would turn the flame-throwers on them. Just as at Calais, 99 per cent of them are young men, aged between 15 and 25. Where are all the women and girls?

4th September 2015, 19:40
What is the answer, do we move from here if it is going to be so bad, well i do have a choice ,

Harry T
4th September 2015, 20:15
Refugee, can apply for asylum in the first country he/she arrives in, they have been offered refugee status in Hungary, they DONT want it, they want to go to Germany, just how desperate are they ?? as has been said earlier many are young men of 16-25, just use the riot police, and stop pussyfooting around with them, they simply dont understand the rules of fair play, only Mob rule, and for the most part they are a Mob.

I for one will not be signing anything that allows more of these kind of folks onto our small overcrowded Island, I tried legally to get someone here who was a deserving case, and we had a far more genuine reason, Im sorry but there are rules and regs for everyone, we have to abide by them, why shouldnt they ??.

Its says and i repeat, Apply for refugee status in the first country you arrive in...end of.

4th September 2015, 20:23
Great here we go:doh
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/Capture_2.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/Capture_2.jpg.html)

4th September 2015, 20:43
All the lefties, luvvies and do gooders haven't considered how on earth can such numbers be accommodated and where is the infrastructure coming from let alone the costs to the tax payer. Not fussed I suppose as most of them don't pay tax or are soap dodgers on benefits

4th September 2015, 23:23
Dont think Israel is taking many :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

4th September 2015, 23:34
Armagedon. ..:yikes:

5th September 2015, 00:04
Lots more European refugees arriving here in Panglao all with the same sob story from their homeland..
Last one out..Turn off the light.

5th September 2015, 01:31
This looks as though it's going to end up taking us out of the EU.....

I hope it does :smile:

5th September 2015, 01:35
Refugee, can apply for asylum in the first country he/she arrives in, they have been offered refugee status in Hungary, they DONT want it, they want to go to Germany, just how desperate are they ?? as has been said earlier many are young men of 16-25, just use the riot police, and stop pussyfooting around with them, they simply dont understand the rules of fair play, only Mob rule, and for the most part they are a Mob.

I for one will not be signing anything that allows more of these kind of folks onto our small overcrowded Island, I tried legally to get someone here who was a deserving case, and we had a far more genuine reason, Im sorry but there are rules and regs for everyone, we have to abide by them, why shouldnt they ??.

Its says and i repeat, Apply for refugee status in the first country you arrive in...end of.

What gets me is they think that have a good given right to enter into any country they feel like

The media reporting has been spineless and totally one sided :NoNo:

The lot marching through Hungary looked like a bunch of marauding thugs and not anything like
people fleeing for their lives

5th September 2015, 01:45
The media reporting has been spineless and totally one sided :NoNo:

Pitched at the leftists, luvvies, disaffected 6th Formers and other assorted mugs - BBC, Sky News, Channel 4, Daily Mirror & The Independent.

I'll be sticking to the Daily Mail :biggrin:

5th September 2015, 21:17
I'll be sticking to the Daily Mail :biggrin:

That's the problem.

This migrant crisis is incredibly complex and difficult. There are no easy answers. But I can't believe some of the extreme attitudes on here. :NoNo::NoNo:

It's about basic humanity.

5th September 2015, 21:17
Lots more European refugees arriving here in Panglao all with the same sob story from their homeland..
Last one out..Turn off the light.

One will be me one day i hope , but no sob story, just I HAVE MADE IT

5th September 2015, 21:19
Signed it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Signed it too! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
5th September 2015, 23:03
This looks as though it's going to end up taking us out of the EU.....

... hopefully you're RIGHT! :pray:

Arthur Little
5th September 2015, 23:08
I hope it does :smile:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... likewise!

Harry T
5th September 2015, 23:40
That's the problem.

This migrant crisis is incredibly complex and difficult. There are no easy answers. But I can't believe some of the extreme attitudes on here. :NoNo::NoNo:

It's about basic humanity.

Not extreme, i would think the majority have the same views albeit to a higher or lesser extent, again i point our Refugee status can be claimed in the first country that you arrive in..
No, there are NO easy answers, but by allowing uncontrolled, and everyone can see its uncontrolled, and never ending, it just cant be allowed to continue, once word gets around that this is being allowed the flow will become a flood. Then what will/can be done. ? over to you for showing basic Humanity, OUR answer is dont allow anymore in, whats your answer to allow millions in ?.:cwm25: when will you say enough is enough..

6th September 2015, 00:56
Not extreme, i would think the majority have the same views albeit to a higher or lesser extent, again i point our Refugee status can be claimed in the first country that you arrive in..
No, there are NO easy answers, but by allowing uncontrolled, and everyone can see its uncontrolled, and never ending, it just cant be allowed to continue, once word gets around that this is being allowed the flow will become a flood. Then what will/can be done. ? over to you for showing basic Humanity, OUR answer is dont allow anymore in, whats your answer to allow millions in ?.:cwm25: when will you say enough is enough..

Good post Harry.. You will notice that they rarely have an answer to a post that makes sense!!
As you say..First country they arrive in.. What should happen is this IMO.. Set up a refugee camp with good facilities and a big fence.. Every E.U country should pay a contribution to maintain the camp and feed them until the situation in their countries are stabilized... Then send them home.
The west have to face up to their responsibility for the wars they have caused and for the chaos they have created and consequently the refugees from the Middle east...
Bush and Blair should be HANGED publicly.

6th September 2015, 01:32
Set up a refugee camp with good facilities and a big fence.. Every E.U country should pay a contribution to maintain the camp and feed them until the situation in their countries are stabilized... Then send them home
Thats exactly what i posted a couple of days ago fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2015, 01:51
I thought we had a housing crisis here in the Uk with many people on the waiting list for Local authority housing :Erm:
Well i do find it a bit strange that now and all of a sudden and in keeping with the general hysteria that has gripped the country that local councils are now falling over themselves to offer housing

They cut the funding for life prolonging cancer drugs and then inform us that thousands of Syrian migrants will be allowed to enter the Uk.......

The figures keep on going up as well 2 days ago it was 4000 and now thats risen to 10,000 so how far up will it have to go to keep hysterical public satisfied ?

Cameron has been shown to be weak by not sticking to his first statements he made about this Syrian migrant crisis. Knee jerk reactions to an hysterical ill informed public were never going to be a great idea

6th September 2015, 02:04
I'll agree with you on that I will criticize any party even the tories when I think they are wrong

6th September 2015, 09:13
The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public :doh. The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. :Erm: At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. :NoNo: A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.

6th September 2015, 09:16
The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public :doh. The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. :Erm: At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. :NoNo: A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.

AT LAST , i back you all the way on this

6th September 2015, 13:57
Looks like George Osborne read Keith's post. :icon_lol:

George Osborne: Britain’s foreign aid budget will be used to help councils resettle refugees (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/11847202/Osborne-reveals-Britains-foreign-aid-budget-will-be-used-to-help-councils-resettle-refugees-in-the-UK.html)

6th September 2015, 14:22
All the lefties, luvvies and do gooders haven't considered how on earth can such numbers be accommodated and where is the infrastructure coming from let alone the costs to the tax payer. Not fussed I suppose as most of them don't pay tax or are soap dodgers on benefits
What catagory do you put Cameron and Osbourne in then Ded?:wink:

6th September 2015, 14:29
I wouldn't expect an answer Andy :wink:

6th September 2015, 21:02
Oh dear I just noticed Ded has gone. He must have crossed the line. Maybe I'm working too hard.:yikes:

7th September 2015, 01:23
The simple answer is to bring them in, house them in nice camps with all the amenities our prisoners get, which is more than the general public :doh. The money to pay for this should come out of the £12 Billion charity fund that we give to the likes of Pakistan and India, so they can build nukes. :Erm: At least we would know the money was being used for humanitarian reasons.

In the mean time, take Assad out. Russia are backing him more and more, and by leaving it, we could end up with another US v Russia proxy war. :NoNo: A no-fly zone and a shipping blockade would put a stop to that, no need to bomb anyone.

Hungary tried to offer them camps and looked what happened there
These migrants have the latest iphones and hollister t shirts so being stuffed in camps is going to go down like a lead balloon

Merkel seems to be quite happy by inviting them to Germany so let her deal with it
Merkels own conservative party have started to turn against her and quite rightly too

4000 then 10,000 last night i heard 15,000 when will it ever end :NoNo:

If the Syrian economic migrants have made it to safe countries Like Turkey and Greece then they should remain there

The Islamification of the Uk has already reached an advanced level and i reckon in future years people will look back at this and realize what a stupid thing it was to do

The photo of a fathers stupidity should not mean that we invite people to settle here who dont have anything in common with western society or the way we live (decadent society)

They cause trouble and unrest in Southern Thailand and Southern Philippines so just expect the same here
(deny that)

Look at the brainwashed idiots here already who want to travel to Syria

7th September 2015, 08:58
The camps are working in many countries. The problem in Hungary is caused by Merkel's open arms policy. :doh If Germany then put them in camps, that would change the way they react. I imagine camps are against EU Human Right's. :cwm25:

Most of the Syrians are not economic migrants, the whole country is a war zone. :doh Those jumping on the bandwagon from other countries are though. Simple to weed them out, ask random questions on the border in Syrian, which is what the Hungarians are doing. Hence the two groups of people, as the authorities split them between migrants and refugees.

As you point out, the Syrians have money. They are looking for refugee status, not economic benefits.

7th September 2015, 22:48
As you point out, the Syrians have money. They are looking for refugee status, not economic benefits.

They have money?? oh thats ok then... I hope they don't lose their ATM cards!!
I also hope their banks were not bombed or their cash raided by ISIS..
The Indian refugees from Uganda had money..Many were wealthy. none had a pot to piss in when they arrived in the U.K.. Just the shirts on their back.

7th September 2015, 23:08
The president also warned the UK not to shirk its duties in relation to refugees if it wants French solidarity on EU reform

UK to take in 20,000


7th September 2015, 23:13
Germany is already starting to get cold feet over this, according to some news reports. The government is coming under pressure from Bavarian MPs, and they are realising that under half of the people that have come through so far are Syrian.
They showed a camp where there are a lot of black Africans and the Police are not allowing the media to get too close, also talk of declaring some countries non refugee status.

8th September 2015, 01:27
Online Government petitions = Stop migrants coming into the UK reaches over 100,000

20,000 way too many and the do gooders will be pushing for more

I am in favor of helping the Syrian people by proving aid to the first safe countries they arrived in
No one seems to be asking the question why are they leaving Turkey and Greece

With only 50% of the migrants arriving in Germany actually being from Syria Merkel will find out the hard way about inviting so migrants to her Country

The news reporting has been a bit more even lately but i am yet to see anyone actually stating that this influx of 20,000 is not a great idea (i dont care what other european countries are doing )

If Germany wants to accept over 800,000 migrants then thats their problem and this should not be used to try and force the UK to take in more

I think the Hungarian prime minister deserves some respect for actually stating the obvious and not falling in line with the other European lunatic leaders who seem to be in some kind of race to prove how caring and sympathetic they are

4 Eastern European countries are actually standing up against Merkel and they are adamant they will be accepting no migrants :smile:

8th September 2015, 09:16
I also hope their banks were not bombed or their cash raided by ISIS...

Banks haven't been run that way since the Wild West in the 1800's :icon_lol: It's all electronic now, you can rob and blow up as many banks as you wish, the accounts are still live.

8th September 2015, 09:20
Online Government petitions = Stop migrants coming into the UK reaches over 100,000

20,000 way too many and the do gooders will be pushing for more

400,000 Say YES on the other petition, so the No's have a small minority.

20,000 over 5 years is 4,000 a year. We have 433 principal authorities in the UK, so that's 9 refugees each a year. So, each authority has to take in ONE refugee every 5.5 weeks to reach 20,000. Not many.

8th September 2015, 10:57
Banks haven't been run that way since the Wild West in the 1800's :icon_lol: It's all electronic now, you can rob and blow up as many banks as you wish, the accounts are still live.

Syrian banks..

The banking sector, which is dominated by four state-owned banks but includes 14 privately owned institutions, mostly subsidiaries of banks in Lebanon and other Arab countries, has largely been cut off from the global financial system by international sanctions against Assad’s regime.


I guess that means their cards wont work in European ATM`s?

8th September 2015, 14:05
The banks accounts are just fine http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/08/03/why-havent-syrian-banks-collapsed-under-sanctions-and-war/

8th September 2015, 14:45
The banks accounts are just fine http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/monkey-cage/wp/2015/08/03/why-havent-syrian-banks-collapsed-under-sanctions-and-war/

I read the whole article..Looks very dodgy to me and large investors are gambling on Assad clinging on to power long term..Very dodgy indeed!
It also doesn't change the fact that they have been largely cut off because of international sanctions which has effected drastically money transactions both ways.
I doubt that those Syrian refugees are walking around laden with cash with ISIS at their heels!!

"Western Union" has become the only refuge for Syrians wishing to transfer money anywhere the world over—
yet great costs.


8th September 2015, 21:01
I would imagine most Syrians are carrying a lot of cash. Thousands of them have been paying smugglers, buying train and coach tickets, etc.

It is easy to open an account offshore and move funds within a few minutes, so many Syrians would have moved the money around years ago.

8th September 2015, 22:32
Keith.. If they are not economic immigrants and they have money, why dont they go and seek refuge in the Bahama`s and sit round the beach bar sipping rum and coke`s? It`s what I would do!!
Why Western Europe specifically?

9th September 2015, 00:24
400,000 Say YES on the other petition, so the No's have a small minority.

20,000 over 5 years is 4,000 a year. We have 433 principal authorities in the UK, so that's 9 refugees each a year. So, each authority has to take in ONE refugee every 5.5 weeks to reach 20,000. Not many.

20,000 get their feet under the table and then all the requests for their relatives will follow :cwm25:

Money would be better spent on improving the camps for these people in countries like Lebanon
We can help these people without giving them the right to live in the Uk

The march through Europe of these people for me was a massive security breach
No one knows the amount of isis fighters/sympathizers amongst this lot

In years to come when Muslims in the UK are demanding a separate Muslim State within the Uk just like what is happening in countries like Thailand and the Philippines, only then will people look back at this issue and then reflect that maybe it was not such a great idea

Thats not impossible either just take a look around the Globe

9th September 2015, 00:27
Keith.. If they are not economic immigrants and they have money, why dont they go and seek refuge in the Bahama`s and sit round the beach bar sipping rum and coke`s? It`s what I would do!!
Why Western Europe specifically?

Thats easy the hand outs they will receive in Western Europe plus eventually a European passport

9th September 2015, 09:03
Keith.. If they are not economic immigrants and they have money, why dont they go and seek refuge in the Bahama`s and sit round the beach bar sipping rum and coke`s? It`s what I would do!!
Why Western Europe specifically?

Thousands have left the country and done things like that, but your average Joe may have money, but not enough to live in another country until they die. The same as most people in this country could not do the same.

Money would be better spent on improving the camps for these people in countries like Lebanon
We can help these people without giving them the right to live in the Uk

The camps are full, hence the overflow problem we have now. I mentioned this he other day, along with the stats. 26% of the Lebanese population is now made up of refugees. Every camp and spare bedroom is full. The UN does not have the means or money to build new ones.

Michael Parnham
9th September 2015, 09:32
400,000 Say YES on the other petition, so the No's have a small minority.

20,000 over 5 years is 4,000 a year. We have 433 principal authorities in the UK, so that's 9 refugees each a year. So, each authority has to take in ONE refugee every 5.5 weeks to reach 20,000. Not many.

And I believe they will all be children who have lost their families!:Erm:

10th September 2015, 02:09
So the European president Junker tries to impose compulsory quotas on Schengen European countries :NoNo:

Its seems to me this European Union is nothing more than a dictatorship

No mention from Junker about how do we try and stem the flow of these migrants

Merkel should have been publicly criticised for encouraging more migrants to come to the EEC

Surely if ever there was a good reason for the UK to leave the European Union it has to be this one

This is the first round of quotas and as the European Union is doing absolutely nothing to try and stop the influx of migrants then expect many more quotas in the future

Patrol boats off turkey and Greece to stop anymore sailing into the EEC and a massive fence to be erected along the entire European border and this border to be patrolled properly just like the fence between the USA and Mexico

I don't hear many people bleating on about the poor old Mexicans and that country could be described as a war zone also with all the infighting amongst their notorious drug cartels

Sitting back and doing nothing is not an option

10th September 2015, 07:11
I am sure when the vote comes to either stay or leave the European Union with what has happened and maybe still happening , its going to be a out vote

10th September 2015, 07:44
I am sure when the vote comes to either stay or leave the European Union with what has happened and maybe still happening , its going to be a out vote


10th September 2015, 08:43
I am sure when the vote comes to either stay or leave the European Union with what has happened and maybe still happening , its going to be a out vote

Not according to the long term polls. But, who the :censored: believes them anymore? :crazy:

10th September 2015, 12:46
Not according to the long term polls. But, who the :censored: believes them anymore? :crazy:


10th September 2015, 13:25
The original Social multi cultural engineers have won the battle and there is little point in arguing if the plan was right or wrong,good or bad anymore..
Just open the borders and let it be!! Its too late to go back now.. The Britain I was born in has gone already.
Get over it!...
What difference will it make if we allow 20,000 or 50,000,1 Million refugees in now or later?? They will get here eventually anyway and a large % of them probably will never return to their home country..
Once the social benefit system collapses and minimum wage is scrapped,perhaps we will all have to consider Immigrating somewhere better anyway!..Get saving!!
Not me though...I`m quite happy where I am, living a quiet life here with no political or social rights,respecting the locals,obeying the law and observing the vast changes in Europe from afar..
Nothing you can do... Go with the flow!!

12th September 2015, 17:30
The original Social multi cultural engineers have won the battle and there is little point in arguing if the plan was right or wrong,good or bad anymore..
Just open the borders and let it be!! Its too late to go back now.. The Britain I was born in has gone already.
Get over it!...
What difference will it make if we allow 20,000 or 50,000,1 Million refugees in now or later?? They will get here eventually anyway and a large % of them probably will never return to their home country..
Once the social benefit system collapses and minimum wage is scrapped,perhaps we will all have to consider Immigrating somewhere better anyway!..Get saving!!
Not me though...I`m quite happy where I am, living a quiet life here with no political or social rights,respecting the locals,obeying the law and observing the vast changes in Europe from afar..
Nothing you can do... Go with the flow!!

You are Probably right but when i can see something going on which is being manipulated by the media i just feel i cant remain silent on the matter

According to the media reports we should all be out dancing in the streets and rejoicing that mass unchecked migration into Europe is happening :wink:

Back in the REAL world amongst my friends and work colleagues i am yet to meet anyone who thinks this is great thing or sustainable

12th September 2015, 19:23
The original Social multi cultural engineers have won the battle and there is little point in arguing if the plan was right or wrong,good or bad anymore..
Just open the borders and let it be!! Its too late to go back now.. The Britain I was born in has gone already.
Get over it!...
What difference will it make if we allow 20,000 or 50,000,1 Million refugees in now or later?? They will get here eventually anyway and a large % of them probably will never return to their home country..
Once the social benefit system collapses and minimum wage is scrapped,perhaps we will all have to consider Immigrating somewhere better anyway!..Get saving!!
Not me though...I`m quite happy where I am, living a quiet life here with no political or social rights,respecting the locals,obeying the law and observing the vast changes in Europe from afar..
Nothing you can do... Go with the flow!!

Can i join you group :Wave: