View Full Version : How desperate are these "refugees" to throw food and water on the railway track ?

4th September 2015, 18:19

Harry T
4th September 2015, 19:52
They also have mobiles, which need to be paid for, to make calls.. These for the most part look like younger guys, the kind who attend protest rallies etc etc, they dont look very desperate to me. I have every sympathy for moms and dads with young kids, but there doesnt appear to be many of them on the various film footages that i have seen, these appear to be the young and strong type who are forcing there way to the front. It does make one wonder just why they didnt stay behind to fight for what they believe in, or is it bcuz they have the Yellow stuff running through there veins.

4th September 2015, 20:03
They also have mobiles, which need to be paid for, to make calls.. These for the most part look like younger guys, the kind who attend protest rallies etc etc, they dont look very desperate to me. I have every sympathy for moms and dads with young kids, but there doesnt appear to be many of them on the various film footages that i have seen, these appear to be the young and strong type who are forcing there way to the front. It does make one wonder just why they didnt stay behind to fight for what they believe in, or is it bcuz they have the Yellow stuff running through there veins.

Not to worry there's plenty of caring folk who will be happy to see them here. No suspicions then about how they afford the fags, phones, trainers football shirts etc as it will be our money paying for it

5th September 2015, 01:50
They will assimilate into the UK's society just as well as the Somalians have done in West London !

These do-gooders offering their homes never thought of offering their homes to needy British people
Bob Geldof reckons he can house 4 families = lets hold him to that
Those idiots need to come inside inner London and see how great it is :wink:
Lovely places like Bethnal Green and Plaistow the list is endless of overrun inner city ghettos