View Full Version : Never challenge the law: Duterte makes defiant smoker eat cigarette butt

5th September 2015, 01:14
This story is probably 50/60% true...But still..!!

Mayor then pulled out his revolver and poked the snub-nosed .38 at the man’s crotch before saying: “Papiliin kita: barilin ko ang b…g mo, i-preso kita o kainin mo ang upos ng sigarilyo mo.” (I will give you three choices: I will shoot your b*lls, I will put you in prison or you will swallow the cigarette butt.)


5th September 2015, 01:29
The guy is a clown and his idea of justice is shooting innocent people :NoNo:

5th September 2015, 04:03
The guy is a clown and his idea of justice is shooting innocent people :NoNo:

I have heard that his squads kill drug dealers and runners etc but yet to hear of him shooting down "innocents"..
Post a link to a factual account of him doing that..I`d be interested to read it.. Thanks!
Jury is still out for me..

6th September 2015, 02:10
I have heard that his squads kill drug dealers and runners etc but yet to hear of him shooting down "innocents"..
Post a link to a factual account of him doing that..I`d be interested to read it.. Thanks!
Jury is still out for me..

Can anyone prove that those so called drug dealers that were shot were actually drug dealers :cwm25:
Death squads never were a great idea of handing out true justice. A few fingers are pointed in the wrong direction and then so poor innocent person ends up being blown away. I don't have any link but this great mayor has publicly admitted knowing about these death squads. I read that in the Manila Times back in June when the editorial of that paper was implying that he was not fit to stand for being a president

A president of the Donald Trump variety = shoot them first and ask questions later

6th September 2015, 02:42
AFAIK he has always denied any knowledge of any such death squads.
Pure propaganda.

6th September 2015, 02:55
Can anyone prove that those so called drug dealers that were shot were actually drug dealers :cwm25:
Death squads never were a great idea of handing out true justice. A few fingers are pointed in the wrong direction and then so poor innocent person ends up being blown away. I don't have any link but this great mayor has publicly admitted knowing about these death squads. I read that in the Manila Times back in June when the editorial of that paper was implying that he was not fit to stand for being a president

A president of the Donald Trump variety = shoot them first and ask questions later

Trump is America`s last chance IMO.. Nearly 20 Trillion deficit and lots of dead Policemen murdered by black and left wing activists because they wear a badge and protect people!! He will also build a big beautiful wall.. It will be the biggest and most beautiful wall the world has ever seen!!
As for Duterte.. The crime levels are low..Thats a fact and Filipino`s are weary of breaking the law there in Davao.
If you cant find any factual information to back up your accusations towards him it like Peter says..
It can only be treated as propaganda and hearsay.

6th September 2015, 09:08
...and getting any statistical facts from the Philippines is almost impossible. :Rasp:

6th September 2015, 09:55
One of dutertes cops was stabbed then shot with his own pistol last night,he was drunk and waving his gun around,small entry wound in his head much larger exit wound,he wont be getting drunk while on duty again :icon_lol:

6th September 2015, 15:52
Life is cheap in the Philippines.

6th September 2015, 23:14
At least you can now walk the streets of Davao. Duterte will get a lot of stick because he is running for President.

7th September 2015, 01:03
Trump is America`s last chance IMO.. Nearly 20 Trillion deficit and lots of dead Policemen murdered by black and left wing activists because they wear a badge and protect people!! He will also build a big beautiful wall.. It will be the biggest and most beautiful wall the world has ever seen!!
As for Duterte.. The crime levels are low..Thats a fact and Filipino`s are weary of breaking the law there in Davao.
If you cant find any factual information to back up your accusations towards him it like Peter says..
It can only be treated as propaganda and hearsay.

He admitted having knowledge about the death squads in Davao and there was a report
linking him to the death squads
The report basically came to the conclusion that nothing happens in Davao without Duterte permission
and the Death squads are reported to be serving police officers

I know what i read in a Manila Times 2 months ago :doh