View Full Version : Ties That Bind

Arthur Little
5th September 2015, 16:34
Ties between the respective armies of the Philippines and the Sultanate of Brunei are being strengthened ... in a determined bid
to facilitate military cooperation between the two nations. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2015/09/04/1495713/philippines-brunei-enhance-defense-ties ... :ReadIt:

5th September 2015, 17:26
I see they have also been working with Vietnam and Japan.

The thing is, the Chinese army is pretty crap. They have one aircraft carrier, and only a handful of old submarines. Most of the troops are just normal business folk. Only the other day they announced that army numbers would be cut by 300,000. So, although they have plenty of troops, they are not that powerful.

6th September 2015, 05:55
I see they have also been working with Vietnam and Japan.

The thing is, the Chinese army is pretty crap. They have one aircraft carrier, and only a handful of old submarines. Most of the troops are just normal business folk. Only the other day they announced that army numbers would be cut by 300,000. So, although they have plenty of troops, they are not that powerful.
You woefully underestimate Chinese military capability.

6th September 2015, 06:31
The thing is, the Chinese army is pretty crap. They have one aircraft carrier, and only a handful of old submarines.

A handful, you must have those old Kenny Everett comedy hands at the end of your arms if you think 67 is only a handful :icon_lol:
China also happen to be ranked as the 3rd strongest military force in the world after America and Russia, see for yourself :smile:


6th September 2015, 06:47
A handful, you must have those old Kenny Everett comedy hands at the end of your arms if you think 67 is only a handful :icon_lol:
China also happen to be ranked as the 3rd strongest military force in the world after America and Russia, see for yourself :smile:


Yeah..But their stuff only lasts for 6 weeks and there is no warranty!

Michael Parnham
6th September 2015, 07:09
Seeing such turmoil in the world makes one think, could this be the beginning of another war as we know it? because relationships between nations at the moment are rather weak and very unstable and I think the refugee problem will be the make or break of our future, lets just hope that the world can unite and an amazing healing comes to fruition!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2015, 09:05
You woefully underestimate Chinese military capability.

How? They have no capacity to launch long distance attacks, other than nukes, but I'm talking about conventional war. The US has a stronger military that Russia, and Russia's is stronger than China's. Hence the Superpower ratings.

This is the general consensus across many military professionals http://www.businessinsider.com/why-britains-military-could-beat-china-2014-1?IR=T , and to be honest, it is easy to see for anyone who has been in the military.