View Full Version : Terror Arrests In The UK Reach A Record High

11th September 2015, 01:47
I would imagine this figure is just going to get higher and higher with all the brainwashed fools living here :NoNo:
Apart from banning religion i cant see any way around it
A curb on single faith schools might promote a more integrated society (all faiths)

11th September 2015, 08:19
A recent report in the Evening Standard suggested that a 3 yr old child from London had been deemed extremist and duly put in a government reeducation program.


11th September 2015, 08:48
If we didn't have religion we would still have terrorists. IRA for one. This type of fanatics always find a reason to cause trouble.

11th September 2015, 11:42
I'm not so sure I agree. Religion seems to be central to many of the worlds current problems. I agree with LM get religion out of our schools.

11th September 2015, 17:53
The majority of terrorist groups are fighting over land, not religion. :smile: Some can be associated with religion, but the root cause is often to do with who runs a particular piece of land.

13th September 2015, 01:35
The majority of terrorist groups are fighting over land, not religion. :smile: Some can be associated with religion, but the root cause is often to do with who runs a particular piece of land.

Whether its land or religion the UK does have a particular problem with one religion at the moment and it seems to be ongoing

13th September 2015, 09:13
Whether its land or religion the UK does have a particular problem with one religion at the moment and it seems to be ongoing

I agree. Bloody Christians invading countries in the Middle East that they should never have been involved in. :NoNo:

13th September 2015, 23:06
They should not teach religion in schools, its brain washing at a young age, its what the militants do.

14th September 2015, 00:58
They should not teach religion in schools, its brain washing at a young age, its what the militants do.

Of Course and just look at Northern Ireland if you think separate faith schools are a good idea

Creating divisions in any society and from very young age

A total ban on all religions in schools would be a better way to go

16th September 2015, 01:25
Cameron was warned in the Lebanon that they reckon out of every 100 migrants flooding in at least 2 of them would be undercover isis fighters

Isis have already threatened to flood Europe with its fighters anyway

Lets hope Cameron does rigorous and thorough background checks before he starts importing his 20,000 :cwm25:

16th September 2015, 08:17
Cameron was warned in the Lebanon that they reckon out of every 100 migrants flooding in at least 2 of them would be undercover isis fighters

Isis have already threatened to flood Europe with its fighters anyway

Lets hope Cameron does rigorous and thorough background checks before he starts importing his 20,000 :cwm25:

People who think that IS fighters are hiding themselves in refugees are a bit deluded. Why on earth would they spend days walking in harsh conditions, with no idea of where they will end up, starving and thirsty, when all they need to do is drive from Syria to Turkey, get on a plane, and land at Heathrow? Which is exactly what they do, as we have arrested a few doing just that.

IS have no reason to smuggle anyone into the EU, as the fighters they send are already EU passport holders. :doh

17th September 2015, 01:28
People who think that IS fighters are hiding themselves in refugees are a bit deluded. Why on earth would they spend days walking in harsh conditions, with no idea of where they will end up, starving and thirsty, when all they need to do is drive from Syria to Turkey, get on a plane, and land at Heathrow? Which is exactly what they do, as we have arrested a few doing just that.

IS have no reason to smuggle anyone into the EU, as the fighters they send are already EU passport holders. :doh

I am sure that ISIS would be more than happy to get as many of their people into the Uk as they can
To just dismiss this risk however small is unwise