View Full Version : Traffic Wardens

14th September 2015, 18:43
One of our drivers got involved in a shouting match with a traffic warden,
It was overheard on the mobile phone, and the driver was giving both barrels,
He was trying to do a delivery to the back of this store and the chap said park there and i will unload you,
Double yellow lines there was but as he was unloading this traffic warden came up and started writting out the ticket, there was another driver there and he was goading our driver on, but i do think he lost the plot, what he was saying , swearing to this traffic warden was to much, and i am sure he will get either a police warning or even a prosecution if the warden takes it further, he has got the ticket though,
Yes you should not park there and yes its his fault too,
Looks like we may need another driver soon :doh

Ako Si Jamie
21st December 2015, 14:35
I was involved in an incident about parking the other month which resulted in my 'opponent' being ticketed :biggrin: Serves him right for being so smug.

I was parked on the loading bay in my van doing my paperwork just before my delivery. There's enough space for three vehicles on the bay and I was in the middle with a van in front of me. When I looked up the van had moved off and a car had pulled up behind me and the driver had walked off.

He parked so close I couldn't open the back doors so I had to move forward, but as I was about to, another car came past and tried to reverse into the space. I beeped him and he stopped but left his vehicle halfway across a junction. I told him he shouldn't be parking on a loading bay as vans frequently use it at all times.

"You're having a bad day aren't you" he said cockily and waltzed off into the bank. After ten minutes, I returned from my first customer and his vehicle was still there with him nowhere to be seen. Five minutes later and another customer seen and returned from and I see him remonstrating with traffic wardens to no avail.

If only he listened to me he could have saved £60. Equal to the value of the crummy little hatchback he was driving. :signs136: