View Full Version : Racists Suddenly Up In Arms About Plight Of Homeless

Arthur Little
16th September 2015, 18:30
:yeahthat: apparently ... :anerikke: ... despite an overwhelming indifference to their misery a mere few days ago.


16th September 2015, 18:31
Cannot open the page Arthur

Arthur Little
16th September 2015, 18:49
Cannot open the page Arthur

:icon_sorry:, Steve ... I've removed a word I'd mistakenly added to the *original link, so you'll be able to :ReadIt:* now. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th September 2015, 19:08
It must be a sad place to be for anyone, and i understand what many are saying about looking after our own before we invite others here,

17th September 2015, 09:53
It's another one for the humour section Arthur. Made me chuckle :smile: