View Full Version : Quite Quiet ...

Arthur Little
1st October 2015, 13:56
... quietest I've ever seen it! :cwm25:

1st October 2015, 14:12

1st October 2015, 14:38
I'm getting my head down before the long flight home tomorrow.

Internet access isn't always easy or reliable here either . :(

1st October 2015, 14:41
Sorry Arthur not feeling well today.

Also feeling so anxious about the spouse visa. Still waiting for a decision.

1st October 2015, 15:51
Laid up on the sofa with man flu... Legs fill like jelly, snot in abundance and coughing for England... Also lost half my bonus I was due to get at work next month for not going sick this year, goodbye £700! Shame, I only had last night and tonight to do and off until Monday night, but really am rough!

Michael Parnham
1st October 2015, 16:10
Laid up on the sofa with man flu... Legs fill like jelly, snot in abundance and coughing for England... Also lost half my bonus I was due to get at work next month for not going sick this year, goodbye £700! Shame, I only had last night and tonight to do and off until Monday night, but really am rough!

Wow your lucky Slip, I never had a day off at work in my life, no one even said thank you!:NoNo: Hope you recover soon!

1st October 2015, 19:52
Yes quite indeed, but there are the few hardy ones still plugging away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2015, 15:36
I can't remember having many sick days at all.
I do remember having flu one Christmas though. Two weeks off work which was the longest I've ever taken.
That flu was just terrible

2nd October 2015, 19:38
The last day i was of work sick was back in 2010, infact it was July 31st, i was that bad when i rang up work to say i could not make it, they could hardly hear me on the phone,
After that call i was on the way to pick up Ems from the airport, :biggrin::biggrin:

2nd October 2015, 22:21
Queuing for a plane at Abu Dhabi...

3rd October 2015, 11:22
Queuing for a plane at Abu Dhabi...

O dear Graham , i bet you are missing them already

3rd October 2015, 12:49
Back home now Steve, and yes of course, missing my little family. :(

Foot high lawn to cut tomorrow ! :yikes:

3rd October 2015, 12:53
Back home now Steve, and yes of course, missing my little family. :(

Foot high lawn to cut tomorrow ! :yikes:


3rd October 2015, 14:06
Back home safe and sound, lots to do , lots to plan, welcome back

3rd October 2015, 14:27
Back home safe and sound, lots to do , lots to plan, welcome back

Yep...cheers Steve. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
3rd October 2015, 16:07
Good to hear you arrived home safely Graham, I'm sure you will be letting us know more of your time with your new family in due course!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2015, 05:49
Back home now Steve, and yes of course, missing my little family. :(

Foot high lawn to cut tomorrow ! :yikes:


Welcome back to Blighty though I guess you'd rather be not be.

What a great looking little chap you have there Graham.
They grow and change so quickly

4th October 2015, 06:52
Thanks Peter...and yes, of course I'd rather not have to come back here, but at the moment this place generates the income. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Following the early development of our baby has been quite fascinating. That first smile (last week), being particularly special. :)

He's a lot noisier than my first son though ! :cwm24:

Michael Parnham
4th October 2015, 09:17
Back home now Steve, and yes of course, missing my little family. :(

Foot high lawn to cut tomorrow ! :yikes:



4th October 2015, 12:41
He IS a cutey Michael. lol

Thank goodness...just finished cutting that ruddy great lawn of mine. Knackered now, :olddude: but rain forecast tomorrow.

Michael Parnham
4th October 2015, 13:17
He IS a cutey Michael. lol

Thank goodness...just finished cutting that ruddy great lawn of mine. Knackered now, :olddude: but rain forecast tomorrow.

Just going to cut mine now, beginning of winter tomorrow:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th October 2015, 12:35
Back home now Steve, and yes of course, missing my little family. :(

Foot high lawn to cut tomorrow ! :yikes:


What a bonny wee bairn :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Have you decided if he will be brought up here in the Philippines or the UK?

5th October 2015, 13:29
Thanks Jake. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Early days yet, deciding where he'll be living further into the future. For the moment it suits us all him being among family in the Phils.

His mum and I want to build a little house near her hometown. That should take care of his 'pre-education' years.

Ako Si Jamie
21st December 2015, 14:03
I've never known this forum this quiet. I've noticed Dedworth got banned though and I suppose that takes a good chunk away of posts being posted. I actually thought he was invincible lol. Wee Les seems to have disappeared too along with a few others.

Arthur Little
17th January 2016, 18:22
Quiet again ... :anerikke: ... surprisingly so, as I'd thought the cold temperatures :36_1_26[1]: here would've kept most of our British members indoors.

Michael Parnham
17th January 2016, 20:59
Quiet again ... :anerikke: ... surprisingly so, as I'd thought the cold temperatures :36_1_26[1]: here would've kept most of our British members indoors.
Just returned from walking 4 hours Arthur!:wink:

Arthur Little
12th April 2016, 20:02
:poke: ... c'mon, folks, where are you ALL today, hibernating :NEW5: or what?

Started off fine but, :bigcry: ... for practically the whole afternoon, our forum input's been exceedingly minimal.

12th April 2016, 20:23
Thats how it is sometimes Arthur,
I came on this afternoon and there was lots on to look at and answer too, but there is lots that dont interest me so i cannot answer to many ,
We need new things to keep us all entertained

12th April 2016, 20:37
Not even any spammers to ban :doh

12th April 2016, 20:50
Not even any spammers to ban :doh

Now thats funny

12th April 2016, 21:05
Busy day today.

Took my Daughter to see her great grandad. Took her for a walk to the shops. Took myself to the florist to buy flowers for a funeral I am attending tomorrow.
Other than that I had a snooze this evening before Harlene phoned me and woke me to ask why I wasn't outside her work yet to pick her up! Good job it's only a few minutes away :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
12th April 2016, 22:29
Not even any spammers to ban :doh

:NoNo: ... noticed that myself, Steve. Sometimes, I wonder if the trolls we had been getting here for a while were, perhaps, rejects of ours who'd since joined 'British Filipino' - or the "dark side," as someone here once referred to that site - and in so~doing, had hoped to "have a go" at the sort of stuff Dedworth posted before he was banned.

13th April 2016, 07:23
I miss Dedworth, yes some of his stuff was over the top for me, but like anything you dont have to read it, but sometime we over step the mark and we have to say sorry or go,

13th April 2016, 08:00
Les was also a loss....

13th April 2016, 08:06
I miss Dedworth, yes some of his stuff was over the top for me, but like anything you dont have to read it, but sometime we over step the mark and we have to say sorry or go,

Quite agree on the bit about you don't have to read it.
I have nothing against anyone on here past or present because I don't know any of you personally, you are just names on my screen.... Sometimes I enjoy reading what certain people write, sometimes I don't, but I don't let it get to me. I just don't read stuff I don't like

Michael Parnham
13th April 2016, 08:56
I miss Les:anerikke:

13th April 2016, 13:25
Me too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Of course many of Dedworth's 'controversial' views are now being given a wider airing, and perhaps a few heads are at last being jerked out of the sand. Sadly, much too late. :NoNo:

13th April 2016, 14:10
Graham, do you ever see Les shooting past in his taxi?

13th April 2016, 19:43
No, and it is through sheer idleness that I haven't actually been over to visit with him.

Perhaps now that spring is here I'll get off my ..... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th April 2016, 19:48
Just a quick hello having seen the thread,tried to send a private message Graham but wont let me.
Thanks to those who miss us,I miss deds posts but we keep in touch by email.
Take care all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th April 2016, 19:49
Just a quick hello having seen the thread,tried to send a private message Graham but wont let me.
Thanks to those who miss us,I miss deds posts but we keep in touch by email.
Take care all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th April 2016, 20:15
Just a quick hello having seen the thread,tried to send a private message Graham but wont let me.
Thanks to those who miss us,I miss deds posts but we keep in touch by email.
Take care all:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So good it was sent twice,
Hello Les:smile:

13th April 2016, 22:00
Les is alive ! :biggrin:

I'll try to make time to come across one of these days... and will check the settings on my PMs here.

Take care mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
14th April 2016, 08:45
Keith is currently thrashing out a deal to bring Dedworth back. The only stumbling block is that Dedworth is now heavily involved in charity work in the Balkans and may not be able to take up the offer due to the workload. :wink:

14th April 2016, 19:19
Yes we lost some prolific posters from here.
Whatever happened to Joe Bloggs ?

Arthur Little
14th April 2016, 19:34
Yes we lost some prolific posters from here.

Sadly ... I'm afaid :iagree:.

Whatever happened to Joe Bloggs ?

:yeahthat:, Marco ...:anerikke: ... is, without doubt, the million dollar question!

14th April 2016, 19:56
In time we all move on,

14th April 2016, 20:17
Sadly ... I'm afaid :iagree:.

:yeahthat:, Marco ...:anerikke: ... is, without doubt, the million dollar question!

Well I hope it was by choice and nothing happened to him.

Arthur Little
14th April 2016, 20:27
Well I hope it was by choice and nothing happened to him.

:olddude: ... me too!

Ako Si Jamie
14th April 2016, 20:54
Didn't he go AWOL at election time? Perhaps he didn't want Dedworth gloating at him. :Erm:

Michael Parnham
23rd April 2016, 12:36
Still surprisingly quiet today :Erm:

23rd April 2016, 16:01
Theres been some great people on here,and theres been some not so great,and one or two weirdos :cwm25: before the great "purge" there was some real characters,Ded and Les just said it as it is,no pretences,no shades of grey,both good guys.

Michael Parnham
23rd April 2016, 16:46
Theres been some great people on here,and theres been some not so great,and one or two weirdos :cwm25: before the great "purge" there was some real characters,Ded and Les just said it as it is,no pretences,no shades of grey,both good guys.

Hopefully they may return one day:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd April 2016, 17:18
Theres been some great people on here,and theres been some not so great,and one or two weirdos :cwm25: before the great "purge" there was some real characters,Ded and Les just said it as it is,no pretences,no shades of grey,both good guys.

One was banned and the other left voluntarily because some prick dared him to and got his wish..
They know who they are...Or perhaps not as they are also now AWOL..Twots.
Pathetic if you think about it..
I have no idea why GOOGLE picked on this place and decided to devastate its search data but it did..
I often wonder why we dont get requests for online Rose deliveries these days??
Its just a matter of time I guess as we get re categorized.:doh

23rd April 2016, 17:36
As for Joe,he could give it out big time but in the end could not take it back when he lost his position BIG TIME.
The election could have gone either way and i`m pretty sure DED and Les would not have left in fear of reprisals from Joe if Labour had won..
Thats when Joe lost my respect...
Bit of a pussy when you think about it.

Joe..If you are reading this..That cold drink I was keeping in the ref for you...I drank it last month.

23rd April 2016, 17:44
As for Joe,he could give it out big time but in the end could not take it back when he lost his position BIG TIME.
The election could have gone either way and i`m pretty sure DED and Les would not have left in fear of reprisals from Joe if Labour had won..
Thats when Joe lost my respect...
Bit of a pussy when you think about it.

Couldn't agree more :smile:

23rd April 2016, 17:51
Like i have said we all move on someday,
I have noticed a few who have been members for quite a few years , but post very little, they just ask the odd question then go again.
I have got what i wanted from this forum and that was all the help from members who was prepared to help me in what i was wanting , and i fear now i have nothing to offer the new people wanting advice on what i was asking all those years ago,
Time does change and i dont have the answers for the new folk following in my footsteps,
I dont come on here like i use too, as there is little i need to know about, yes we are moving very soon to the Phils but as this is now a forum for new happiness and love i feel the advice i am needing well there is more folk living here in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland ,
I dont intend to leave the forum but sometimes when i do come on its the same same , but each to there own , what suits some does not suit others ,

23rd April 2016, 17:59
Like i have said we all move on someday,
I have noticed a few who have been members for quite a few years , but post very little, they just ask the odd question then go again.
I have got what i wanted from this forum and that was all the help from members who was prepared to help me in what i was wanting , and i fear now i have nothing to offer the new people wanting advice on what i was asking all those years ago,
Time does change and i dont have the answers for the new folk following in my footsteps,
I dont come on here like i use too, as there is little i need to know about, yes we are moving very soon to the Phils but as this is now a forum for new happiness and love i feel the advice i am needing well there is more folk living here in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland ,
I dont intend to leave the forum but sometimes when i do come on its the same same , but each to there own , what suits some does not suit others ,

Steve...You mean its getting very boring here now and you feel like you need to move on but you cant quite do it yet???:icon_lol:

23rd April 2016, 18:07
Thanks Simon for the Rep...Perhaps it will be my last!!

23rd April 2016, 18:16
Steve...You mean its getting very boring here now and you feel like you need to move on but you cant quite do it yet???:icon_lol:

Fred can you remember long ago when i said so many more pay days left, well there is 12 left now, time does fly,
Being bored is down to each of us , but sometimes we can all get dragged down to being bored by others too,
My way of dealing with getting bored is to make a good picture great,and post it on here and getting loads of reps to get me those silver stars

23rd April 2016, 18:50
Fred can you remember long ago when i said so many more pay days left, well there is 12 left now, time does fly,
Being bored is down to each of us , but sometimes we can all get dragged down to being bored by others too,
My way of dealing with getting bored is to make a good picture great,and post it on here and getting loads of reps to get me those silver stars

That was subtle :icon_lol: Here see if this make a difference :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd April 2016, 18:51
Sorry, I tried Steve, but must spread the lurve a bit first :wink:

23rd April 2016, 21:18
SIMON, SIMON, its love and thank you for trying to give me something you cant give, thats what it says to me too, but i cant remember who i tried to give it too in the first place, :Erm:

23rd April 2016, 21:19
Again a big thank you to who has given me a rep, Cash would be better :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
24th April 2016, 09:36
Again a big thank you to who has given me a rep, Cash would be better :biggrin:


Michael Parnham
24th April 2016, 19:57
Nice to see a few extra members on the Forum today, thank you:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
24th April 2016, 20:50
Nice to see a few extra members on the Forum today, thank you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hear, hear, Michael ... :iagree:!

Arthur Little
24th April 2016, 23:04
Hear, hear, Michael ... :iagree:!

:doh ... God dammit, :icon_rolleyes: I seem to've spoken too soon.

Arthur Little
18th July 2016, 00:18
:doh ... quiet again today ... very, very quiet! :bigcry:

Michael Parnham
18th July 2016, 00:25
:doh ... quiet again today ... very, very quiet! :bigcry:

Certainly is Arthur, would have thought the weekends would be more popular:anerikke:

18th July 2016, 06:36
If Emma is not working all my time is spent together, maybe i may pop onto here but i must admit it is quite, even when so many people are on, but hey maybe we have nothing to say

Michael Parnham
18th July 2016, 07:55
What happened to Les?:Erm:

18th July 2016, 08:49
Les ducked out for a while, maybe we will see him back one day.

18th July 2016, 11:13
I hope so. :smile:

Michael Parnham
18th July 2016, 13:35
I hope so too, he's a great bloke:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th July 2016, 16:16
Took a weekend break to our Condo in Cubao for a well earned rest.
Just got back home tonight.
Good to be home and good to be able to access the Internet.
I forgot to take my pocket wifi :NoNo:

18th July 2016, 21:20
I (and my asawa) can empathise.

Where I normally stay when there ( group of relatives' houses out in the countryside), we're lucky to even have a phone signal, let alone internet. :cwm3:

18th July 2016, 21:39
I (and my asawa) can empathise.

Where I normally stay when there ( group of relatives' houses out in the countryside), we're lucky to even have a phone signal, let alone internet. :cwm3:Bliss...... But my phone never rings anyway :bigcry:

18th July 2016, 22:25
It would only be some computer-generated dick phoning about your 'recent accident' :biggrin:. That's certainly all the calls I ever seem to get here. :Brick: