View Full Version : Members Feeling Unwell And/Or Anxious For Whatever Reason

Arthur Little
1st October 2015, 18:35
:olddude: ... Friends, sifting through the latest posts, I was sorry to learn that two of our regular correspondents happened to be feeling a wee bit "under the weather", so to speak. Therefore, to each of them, my very best wishes for a speedy recovery, as - early tomorrow morning - my wife and I will be setting off to visit Myrna's niece and family in Hartlepool, and shall be away from home for most of next week. :smile:

Likewise, to those of you anxiously awaiting your partner's visas, :icon_rolleyes: ... Godspeed! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Finally - but not least - I've read that you're due to fly back to Blighty tomorrow, Graham ... so I empathise and wish you a safe journey. :airline:

1st October 2015, 19:55
Thank you Arthur. Very kind of you.

Michael Parnham
2nd October 2015, 08:07
You are a real gentleman Arthur.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2015, 11:03
Have a nice time in Hartlepool, never been there... but I assume you can have a nice time there :Erm:

Still under the weather myself, Head was thumping once again this morning... took two paracetamol and had another 3 hours sleep, feel a bit better now....

Need to be better for the weekend as I am looking after the baby whilst Harlene is working.

Michael Parnham
2nd October 2015, 11:49
Have a nice time in Hartlepool, never been there... but I assume you can have a nice time there :Erm:

Still under the weather myself, Head was thumping once again this morning... took two paracetamol and had another 3 hours sleep, feel a bit better now....

Need to be better for the weekend as I am looking after the baby whilst Harlene is working.
Hopefully you'll be fine Slip.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2015, 20:34
Enjoy your time in Hartlepool Arthur,