View Full Version : Motorists Forced Off Road After DVLA Eyesight Test Fails

Arthur Little
17th October 2015, 11:26

:icon_sorry:, but it has to be said, "better safe than sorry"!

Besides ... :anerikke: ... most - if not ALL - of those affected will be eligible to receive a Bus Pass ... either on account of age or disability.

17th October 2015, 11:48
I'd be absolutely fuming if this had happened to me :cwm23:

Arthur Little
17th October 2015, 12:38
I'd be absolutely fuming if this had happened to me :cwm23:

Maybe so, Simon :icon_rolleyes: ... but I should imagine the vast majority of the drivers to whom this applies are likely to be elderly:olddude: as portrayed in the link I've supplied!

17th October 2015, 14:43
I need glasses for driving...

Although my optician told me I don't....

But I know I do as I can't read road signs and see number plates from a distance without my glasses... My eyes aren't too bad but I wouldn't drive without my glasses and can tell the difference when I have them on.

I had lazer treatment 16 years ago as I was very very short sighted, best £1500 I ever spent.... They said back then I would probably need glasses later in life for reading or driving.... So not surprised.

17th October 2015, 15:48
I have pretty much given up driving now, as it no longer gives me any pleasure...on today's roads.

So that's one less half-blind old duffer off the road :olddude:...and confined to the Xbox...for which I do still need my 'driving' glasses. :biggrin:




18th October 2015, 20:25
There are loads of drivers on the road who should not be on the road at all, but hey its a free country for now