View Full Version : Food you should never reheat

18th October 2015, 20:48
My god is Ems trying to kill me and maybe all our wives are trying to kill us ,
Food you should never reheat and Rice is one of them ,
Before i set eyes on the Philippines the only rice i had was rice pudding with a dollop of jam, and maybe a Chinese take away meal,
So no more rice for me , ok until tomorrow then

18th October 2015, 21:53
My god is Ems trying to kill me and maybe all our wives are trying to kill us ,
Food you should never reheat and Rice is one of them ,
Before i set eyes on the Philippines the only rice i had was rice pudding with a dollop of jam, and maybe a Chinese take away meal,
So no more rice for me , ok until tomorrow then

It's a funny one Steve and rightly so rice is a big concern regarding food poisoning.

What I seem to do is to cook a large batch as my 2 year old loves it then cool it at room temperature for no more than an hour then bag it into individual portions and freeze it immediately.

Also when reheating it to make so it's piping hot all the way through and I mean reheat from frozen.

Interesting but follow guidelines....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th October 2015, 22:18
I must admit...beats me how more Filipinos don't suffer from food poisoning. As you say...re-heating, plus letting adobo or raw meat etc, sit in 35C for half a day at a time. :NoNo:

19th October 2015, 02:40
So when my wife gives me my container of rice to add to my meat for lunch at work, which I heat in tbe microwave.... That is bad!

19th October 2015, 03:15
So when my wife gives me my container of rice to add to my meat for lunch at work, which I heat in tbe microwave.... That is bad!

I don't think it's the process of reheating that causes problems. Just be sure the rice is piping hot all the way through.

The biggest problem, as with many foods, is how that food has been stored before reheated.
Ideally it should have been chilled/cooled soon after cooking rather than getting left outside the fridge for hours on end. That's the time bacteria can grow rapidly and produce toxins.

I agree with Graham, it beats me that food poisoning isn't rife over here given the time cooked foods spend on the table. Sometime covered sometimes not.
I'm always very wary of reheated rice out here.

My wife understands and whilst she often reheats yesterdays rice for herself and friends she only ever serves up fresh cooked rice for me.
Maybe I'm OTT since I've not known anyone get ill from 'old' previously cooked rice over here.

Still a lot of people without a decent fridge or indeed any fridge at all.

19th October 2015, 04:44
cooking is chemistry is it not, how much of it is chemical changes that do harm when re heating,
when i freeze anything after cooking i will let it cool enough before transfering to fridge,after which i then transfer to freezer, so the transfer to freezing is as quick as possible, i dont advise putting in freezer while the food is still hot or warm,
i think in philippines they are more immune to bacteria/food poisoning, because they dont take care, where as with us we take too much care so we have no resistance,
i complain at my mrs, especialy, her handling raw chicken at meat counter, then touches other meat, then hands on trolly, and other shelf foods, its just not on, im convinced they dont know what kitchen or food hygene is:Erm:

mrs says the bacteria is afraid of them :icon_lol:

19th October 2015, 07:17
mrs says the bacteria is afraid of them :icon_lol:

There's more than a grain of truth in that :biggrin:

19th October 2015, 16:16
So when my wife gives me my container of rice to add to my meat for lunch at work, which I heat in tbe microwave.... That is bad!

I would imagine that the microwaves will kill bacteria.

Most of my cooking (from scratch) is done in the microwave. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2015, 17:19
I've never been sick after all the reheating thing I did my entire life! :xxgrinning--00xx3::icon_lol:

19th October 2015, 19:37
Ems says its silly too,

Doc Alan
19th October 2015, 21:59
It IS possible, relatively infrequently, to get food poisoning from eating reheated rice - the responsible " bug " is Bacillus cereus, the spores of which can survive cooking, and may form multiplying bacteria if the rice is left standing at room temperature. A few hours later these may cause vomiting/diarrhoea which lasts about a day. Ideally rice should be served once it’s been cooked ; or cooled quickly ( within an hour ), and refrigerated for no more than a day before thoroughly and uniformly reheating ( once ).

Microwaves should kill most bacteria - it’s thought to be the heating ( of water present in food ) - rather than the electromagnetic radiation directly - which needs to be thorough and uniform ( not uneven ).

There are of course many causes of diarrhoea / vomiting related to food / water, including those where NO " bug " is responsible - such as spicy foods, change of diet with travelling, and drugs like antibiotics.

Most are gut infections caused by many different " micro-organisms ". These may be bacteria such as Campylobacter, Cholera, Clostridia, E.coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella, Staph. aureus, and Typhoid ; viruses such as Hepatitis A, Rotavirus, and Norovirus ; and others such as Amoeba.

Food poisoning is very common, most cases being mild and therefore unreported to doctors, so we don’t know the true frequency. For example, there are about 60,000 confirmed cases of food poisoning each year in the UK, but it’s estimated the real number is 10 times greater. Similarly we don’t know the true numbers in the Philippines.

As for " natural immunity " ( " resistance " ) from acquired infections, that may well contribute to the surprisingly low apparent numbers of cases of food poisoning, considering unhygienic practices in storage ( perhaps with no 'fridge ) and preparation of food ; and impure water consumption. Natural immunity is good, but is neither complete, nor an excuse to take no care ! If vaccines are available, they may be considered for prevention of more serious infections such as Cholera ; Hepatitis A ; Typhoid ; and Rotavirus in children.

Many links provide more details - see for example :-

# 8 here :- http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/33885-Health-checklist-before-travel-to-Philippines


19th October 2015, 23:02
Thanks for the info Alan. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th October 2015, 23:18
I have never seen anyone get food poisoning in our house and the rice can sometimes sit in the pot there for hours and then fried with an egg,garlic and onions later.. If the rice is no good,it very quickly lets you know via an inedible taste and smell..

I agree with Imagine..

i think in philippines they are more immune to bacteria/food poisoning, because they dont take care, where as with us we take too much care so we have no resistance

Arthur Little
20th October 2015, 12:25
Whilst :iagree: it's ALWAYS wise to be cautious about reheating food of ANY description, I haven't personally come across a case where someone has suffered ill effects from reheated rice. Myrna, in fact, regularly does it.

Having said that, :cwm25: ... I recommend readers follow Doc Alan's professional knowledge relating to food poisoning in general. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th October 2015, 14:18
speaking of re heating, its a long while since iv had a good fry up:biggrin:

20th October 2015, 16:16
I'm taking a proper frying pan with me next trip ! :olddude:

20th October 2015, 21:22
Rice is unusual

It can contain spores or similar. If they "hatch" after cooking, they produce toxins (Pretend it's poop). Doesn't matter how hot you make it - you kill the organisms, but you are still eating loads of their poop - this causes the poisoning.

Of course that is simplified, but it's a good way to describe the issue. Rice isn't like many other foods.

Having said that, wife and family all just like all the rest of you have said have a bit of a cavalier attitude to re-heated rice.

I'm going to guess that not always does rice contain the spores in the first place to potentially grow, so you often get lucky. Still - doesn't mean at some point you won't end up praying to Huey

21st October 2015, 07:55
I think truth be told we have all eaten something that has been reheated , resteamed or just dam cold,
I remember as a teenager coming in late from work the dinner has been cooked a good hour or more before, it was either put on a saucepan with a little water to try to steam it warm, or put in the oven on a low light to either keep warm or just burn,
Those was the days , black chips, congealed gravy, hot on the outside cold on the inside,but there was nothing else to eat so you just ate it washed down with lots of hot tea

21st October 2015, 11:24
Oh really quick aside, never microwave cold coffee. If the blurb is correct, "they" say it turns it carcinogenic.

Course, how much of this you believe is another debate

21st October 2015, 12:27
I think truth be told we have all eaten something that has been reheated , resteamed or just dam cold,
I remember as a teenager coming in late from work the dinner has been cooked a good hour or more before, it was either put on a saucepan with a little water to try to steam it warm, or put in the oven on a low light to either keep warm or just burn,
Those was the days , black chips, congealed gravy, hot on the outside cold on the inside,but there was nothing else to eat so you just ate it washed down with lots of hot tea

Happy days...I still try to recreate the sticky baked beans that had been fried in bacon fat. :hubbahubba:

26th October 2015, 23:22
Just had the 24 hour squits :yikes: Lost 2 kilo :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

26th October 2015, 23:23

So glad I live in the real world now.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
27th October 2015, 07:06
Just fancy Rice Pudding with jam Mmmmmmmmmm:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2015, 14:22
Just had the 24 hour squits :yikes: Lost 2 kilo :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

I'd give up on those chicken head BBQ sticks :biggrin:

27th October 2015, 22:42
Lol yuck!!! They have a dish in South Africa made from chicken heads and legs, they call it WALKI TALKI :laugher::laugher::laugher::laugher:

28th October 2015, 06:38
Lol yuck!!! They have a dish in South Africa made from chicken heads and legs, they call it WALKI TALKI :laugher::laugher::laugher::laugher:

Keep away from anything called 'Adidas' if it looks this:-


Michael Parnham
28th October 2015, 07:56

So glad I live in the real world now.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Great find, interesting read!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
28th October 2015, 07:57
I suppose in a real world nothing should ever be reheated!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th October 2015, 10:57
Think of all the Mexicans, with their refried beans :cwm25: