View Full Version : Benefits

20th October 2015, 20:25
Who watched the program last night about the women with 12 kids , i did try to watch a little , but i had enough and decided to go and put red hot irons behind my nails,
What sort of person thinks that this is the right way of living and whats worst we are paying for it,
Just goes to show you cannot blame everything on the Migrants when its home grown already

20th October 2015, 21:17
Best thing about it is that most migrants genuinely want to work and these slobs don't give a toss and laugh in the face of every single hard working tax paying people like ourselves.

Send them to the Phils or even other European countries and see how long it is before they get of their idle arses once they know that the gravy train has stopped...:doh

20th October 2015, 21:45
Unfortunately we live next door to a couple , its just not worth them working (they say),.. all through the time we have known them , about 10 years, they have scrounged off the government. They dont hide it either, quite proud to be able to hang out all the best branded named hoodies,shirts etc on the washing line overlooking our meagre Matalan wares !... Open their front door and your met by a 2 foot high stack of cider and lager ( he's a paid alcoholic) and in the hallway there is 3 shelves with almost every single x-box and playstation game thats ever been out. If there's nowt on telly on Sunday afternoon (they got full sky package too) ,..then the wifey gets a taxi up to the supermarket and pays £35 for the latest game for him. We regularly hold BBQs for our street, everyone brings their tuppens worth for an input, often rolls or snacks,......next door come out with venison burgers, stake slices and fancy sausages from a butchers 25 miles away,..... I often wonder who the fools are in this life ???
He's an alcoholic, and supposedly an invalid with a bad knee. He has a caliper which he keeps behind his couch and only puts it on when he goes to the doctors for his yearly check-up. Last year he had put on so much weight that the caliper was too tight when he went to the doc's... he got a new titanium one made to measure,... he brought it back home and joked as he chucked it back behind the couch till next year. No wonder the countries in a mess.
It's a generation of won't -work,... happily driving around in their brand-new mobility cars, smoking inside taking their young kids to school, double-parking outside the entrance coz too lazy to park and walk,........ seen it all ,... still trying to convince myself on those cold wet winters mornings that its better to be out freezing earning a living and paying my taxes to help maintain this country,...



21st October 2015, 07:11
Jonny , next time you have a BBQ invite me, i have never had a venison burger,:biggrin:
It does make you wonder sometimes how some people get like this, i have a few in my family that dont work, but they never see it like that,

Michael Parnham
21st October 2015, 09:32
Glad we don't live near anyone like that!:NoNo:

21st October 2015, 14:00
I never blame the people, it is the system that is wrong. Luckily, David Cameron is taking steps to make the working class low paid even worse of, so even more people will realise they will be better off on benefits. Great idea Osborne! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st October 2015, 14:41
So, how many kids do you think East Europeans..like Romanians have, on average ?:Erm:

This isn't going to get any better.

21st October 2015, 15:07
Don't know Graham but I am sure they will be having a lot more as soon as they come here

21st October 2015, 15:13
May I add that I work into a factory in our town where there are several Polish guys working,...two of them are supervisors and the rest are on damned good salaries. One in particular arrived in our town straight from Poland and walked into the job by the same afternoon,....so not all bad !
Thing is these local guys sit in the pub mid-week moaning that the foriegners get all the jobs in this town,....aye, right !!

21st October 2015, 22:34
The sooner this government limit child benefit to 3 x kids the better....:mad:

21st October 2015, 23:12
Yes, that's all this overpopulated world needs...people being paid to breed, especially criminals and wasters. :NoNo:

Michael Parnham
22nd October 2015, 09:17
Did watch it and was disgusted, with the income she has I would have thought her home would be amazing, she's got nothing. I feel sorry for the children just hope some of them at least will see sense and lead a good clean living life!