View Full Version : All Souls Day Trip

27th October 2015, 04:09
Going away for a long weekend in Compostela Valley province with mountain trips, beach trips, fishing trips and cemetary tours.

And no TV or internet. :yikes:

Hope I'll stay safe and be back in Davao City soon. :wink:

It's Halloween, All Saints day and All Souls here in the Philippines. Duty and tradition calls......so my wife tells me.

Arrangements are getting firmed up.
I'm on a need to know basis. Again. :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
27th October 2015, 07:04
Going away for a long weekend in Compostela Valley province with mountain trips, beach trips, fishing trips and cemetary tours.

And no TV or internet. :yikes:

Hope I'll stay safe and be back in Davao City soon. :wink:

It's Halloween, All Saints day and All Souls here in the Philippines. Duty and tradition calls......so my wife tells me.

Arrangements are getting firmed up.
I'm on a need to know basis. Again. :biggrin:

Hope you enjoy your trip!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th October 2015, 07:06
Sounds great, especially the no TV and internet bit :wink:

29th October 2015, 11:08
I went to the cemetery where Sheina's father is buried today.

We bought the lights in preparation for all souls day.

The cemetery was really busy. Really interesting to see the customs.

Was shocked though when one of the graves had no front stone and saw the skull.

Everyone was buried above ground in these kind of stone compartments. So different from the UK.

Michael Parnham
29th October 2015, 11:46
I went to the cemetery where Sheina's father is buried today.

We bought the lights in preparation for all souls day.

The cemetery was really busy. Really interesting to see the customs.

Was shocked though when one of the grades had no front stone and saw the skull.

Everyone was buried above ground in these kind of stone compartments. So different from the UK.

The families have to pay rent and if they fail the remains are thrown away and the plot is rented to someone else!

29th October 2015, 12:16
We are off to Harlenes Aunts here on Sunday to visit her Husbands grave. I know it's a big day in Philippines so although it's not something I want to do, I am for Harlene and because she believes in it.

29th October 2015, 13:50
Good man :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Relationships that feature cultural differences need close attention, understanding and acceptance.

Diversity is the spice of life

29th October 2015, 15:17
I'm going back with Sheina on Saturday to watch what happens here. They wired up lights around her father's grave today.

29th October 2015, 18:48
When we make the trip to the Phils we make the trip to see Ems mums grave, a little tidy up and a prayer is said next to grave, its so different to here,