View Full Version : Dark nights

30th October 2015, 18:48
Well its been nearly i week since the clocks went back ,
Its so different driving home now its dark, but how many people you see in there cars with only 1 light on , even worst are those that are adjusted wrong, they dazzle you when they are following you,
I wonder how many people even check there lights before they drive of,

31st October 2015, 11:54
Do the police even bother to stop people now...for such offences ? ... especially cyclists ! :NoNo:

31st October 2015, 12:03
i hate the morons that have 2/4 driving lights/spotlights on aswell as there headlights blinding everybody :crazy: .

Michael Parnham
31st October 2015, 17:11
Remember, Philippines no lights is much more dangerous!:crazy: