View Full Version : Russian Plane Crash Sinai

4th November 2015, 11:19
I said to the wife the other day that looking at the debris, the tail fell off, as it landed in one piece, and major tail failure usually results in mid-air breaks ups. A serious flooring accident with it in around 2001 confirmed the possibility. Today they have said the tail is a few miles from the main crash site. It would appear I'm right. My guess is the 2001 damage was a lot more than was expected, and small cracks around the rivets have grown over the years.

Michael Parnham
4th November 2015, 13:46
Interesting theory!:Erm::Erm:

4th November 2015, 21:16
Plus an explosive device to help it on its way ?

Rather worrying anyway.

4th November 2015, 21:25
The people on the ground doing the inspection have said that they can find no sign of an explosion, as signs of it would be on the tail.

4th November 2015, 21:28
So a similar accident to the China airlines 747 that suffered a tail strike and the damage wasn't repaired properly with s doubler?

4th November 2015, 21:47
So a similar accident to the China airlines 747 that suffered a tail strike and the damage wasn't repaired properly with s doubler?

Probably. If the plane had a bomb on board or it was hit by a missile, then why would the tail fall off 3 miles earlier? The tail came off along the joint, one guy on the ground was marking the rivets.

7th November 2015, 14:08
Report: Black boxes show bomb brought down Russian jet

European investigators are reported to have categorically said the crash is not an accident.
Seems the voice recorder shows an explosion with confirmation coming from the flight data recorder.

Here's a CNN report:-


Michael Parnham
7th November 2015, 14:56
Isis are wanting to put fear into all nations, this is the most practical way to do it and there is no way any nation can stop them unless all flights are grounded, they should have been stopped 5 years ago because anyone with any sense could see it coming!

7th November 2015, 17:45
Report: Black boxes show bomb brought down Russian jet

European investigators are reported to have categorically said the crash is not an accident.
Seems the voice recorder shows an explosion with confirmation coming from the flight data recorder.

Here's a CNN report:-


I think our actions in stopping flights there earlier in the week were an indication of how this was looking. What with this and the Tunisia massacre people will surely start thinking about steering clear of a lot of these middle east/ North African tourists spots.

7th November 2015, 19:48
Isis are wanting to put fear into all nations, this is the most practical way to do it and there is no way any nation can stop them unless all flights are grounded, they should have been stopped 5 years ago because anyone with any sense could see it coming!

I agree, but of course big business (greed), EU membership, and political correctness have rendered us virtually helpless as a people and as a country. Other countries also.

8th November 2015, 09:53
Strange that the majority of countries are still flying to the resort, and a bomb does not explain the tail breaking off. The black boxes are in the tail, so when it broke off, a loud explosion would be heard and then they would instantly cut-off.

If it proves not to be a bomb, then Cameron and our intelligence services are going to look right plonkers. It would also mean that the Tories could not have a go at Blair anymore for bad intelligence.

Only a few explosions on a plane will bring it down, just look at the kip of some of the planes landing after bombing Germany in WWII.

8th November 2015, 13:34
It would also mean that the Tories could not have a go at Blair anymore for bad intelligence.

I have no idea..But the rest of us can!!! Not only that but we can blame Bliar and Bush for every incident that happened since..This incident just the latest of many.:mad:

8th November 2015, 15:57
I have no idea..But the rest of us can!!! Not only that but we can blame Bliar and Bush for every incident that happened since..This incident just the latest of many.:mad:

A lot of it goes back to the Crusades, how far back do people wish to go to blame the present? Let's not forget that a lot of Middle Eastern issues are due to the British pulling out of Palestine and letting the creation of Israel occur. :cwm25:

8th November 2015, 16:37
MOST of the problems in the middle-east are down to the residents being brainwashed from birth with stone-age devisive religious nonsense !

How far back does that go ?

It is now being spread around every civilised country in the world.

Great ! :NoNo:

10th November 2015, 13:41
Christian kids are brainwashed as well, and has often resulted in the US and UK going to war. We only need look to Northern Ireland to see the damage it does.

Still no evidence of a bomb yet.

10th November 2015, 19:10
That's why I have no religion cluttering up my (free) mind.

Sooo much energy and so many lives wasted fighting over such fanciful nonsense.

The oldest form of conning and manipulation of the masses . :NoNo: