View Full Version : 'Dark Island'

Arthur Little
8th November 2015, 15:24
:please: share this haunting YouTube video ... featuring views of some of Scotland's finest scenery, to the accompaniment of the pipes and drums of the world-famous Perth-based Black Watch Regiment, as they play one of my ALL-time favourite Scottish tunes ... you'll be entranced! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


Arthur Little
8th November 2015, 15:39
:please: share this haunting YouTube video ... featuring views of some of Scotland's finest scenery, to the accompaniment of the pipes and drums of the world-famous Perth-based Black Watch Regiment, as they play one of my ALL-time favourite Scottish tunes ... you'll be entranced! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


:cwm24: ... it says "this video does not exist". Hmm, :cwm25: ... WHY? I *poached it from facebook not long ago. Maybe *that's ... :anerikke: ... why. :doh

Pity, that :bigcry: ... you'd have loved it!

Doc Alan
8th November 2015, 17:36
Haunting indeed, Arthur :Kilt:


Arthur Little
8th November 2015, 18:31
Haunting indeed, Arthur :Kilt:


:smile: Thanks, Alan :Jump: ... I've obviously made a mistake somewhere along the line when typing out the link I'd found earlier. :wink: