View Full Version : Carrier bags

11th November 2015, 16:33
Shopping again today and yes no shopping bags, how easy it is to forget them even standing in the queue waiting to be served,
Ems went buying cloths today and perfume,
First shop perfume, which was in a nice big box and after paying for this , can you put it in a bag was asked, thats 5p, then they give you a plastic bag showing the name of the shop your brought it,
Now this got me thinking i am walking around town promoting this store and its cost me 5p, it should be free i say,
The next shop we went in this time cloths, would you like a bag, is it free i asked , NO 5p, no thankyou so i filled in the first bag , ok the cloths maybe a little creased but i am 5p richer,
Next shop, cloths again, would you like a bag , are they free, YES ,and why are these free, they are a nice thick paper bag with the shops name on the side too,
So the next time i go shopping to these big chain stores i am going to get the bags from farmfood, iceland, wilkos, to put there wares into, :biggrin:

11th November 2015, 16:52
I'm keeping mine going with sellotape...haven't had to buy one yet. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th November 2015, 20:23
I'm keeping mine going with sellotape...haven't had to buy one yet. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I just think how many i have thrown away , bags that is:Erm:

11th November 2015, 22:15
My car boot is full with carrier bags, I play a game to amuse myself. When shopping in Tesco I take in my asda bags... And off course in asda I take in my tesco bags

11th November 2015, 22:56
So you also used to run into Marks and Spencers when you were a kid and shout... "WOOLWORTHS !!!" before legging it. :icon_lol:

12th November 2015, 15:21
So you also used to run into Marks and Spencers when you were a kid and shout... "WOOLWORTHS !!!" before legging it. :icon_lol:

No, I'm not childish :Rasp:

12th November 2015, 15:50
You mean to say they don't get used as bin liners in true Filipino tradition :biggrin: