View Full Version : spending time together

11th November 2015, 20:21
Its a fast world we all live in, rushing here and there no time for dinner when you are at work some days, and when you do get home you only have a few hours together before its time for bed then after a few hours its back to the same routine again,
Even weekends can be like this if you and your partner do shift work,

You do try to make the most of what time you have together go smooth,

The only true time is when you plan days together no work , no phones and if you are lucky no kids too, these are the days that are the best, its a please yourself and your partner day or days ,
For me these last few days on our little adventure just the two of us brought us back to the little chit chat the fun and the innuendos and laughing and just enjoying each others company,

You do get to know each others little ways and moods too but you both can work round them and it does not take long to get back in the fun ways, I just make sure i dont ask Ems directions again :biggrin:,

No matter how much you try to find and make time for each other in the working week it is very hard so these few days away makes life sweeter again ,