View Full Version : Christmas Posting Deadlines - Home And Abroad

Arthur Little
12th November 2015, 13:12
www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/11986438/Christmas-post-dates-when-are-the-last-dates-of-posting-for-2015.html ... :ReadIt:

ADVANCE WARNING FROM :santa: ... so now you know, folks.

13th November 2015, 21:12
I am trying to get one big one and put it on face book and here and everywhere else i can put it , home made too, :biggrin:
Sorry for the late reply :biggrin:

13th November 2015, 21:32
Thanks for the reminder Arthur. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I don't bother with Xmas myself, being an Atheist, but I do send cards to nearest and dearest. To make up for me , both of my sisters are or were Sunday school teachers... and my grandad a Methodist Minister ! :smile:

13th November 2015, 21:36
Sunday school teacher, thats a name from the past,

Michael Parnham
13th November 2015, 22:51
We'll only be sending at most three because we don't know anyone else!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th November 2015, 08:13
Problem being is a lot of mail gets stuck in airport holding facilities.

I see it every year. Planes can only hold a certain amount of cargo/baggage and passengers.
Passengers and baggage take priority. Then comes the cargo which includes mail. Mail will be last priority if it is a bulk load,opposed to being in aircraft containers. The containers will normally go. Around this time of year bulk mail gets what we call "chopped" and brought back to the holding facility. This will then try to go on the next flight. But by then there will be another load of mail turned up needing to go as well.... If it keeps getting chopped they eventually call in a truck and send it to Amsterdam in the hope it can get a connecting flight there.....

People think postage is dear, but seeing what goes into making sure post is delivered all over the world... I don't really think so.

15th November 2015, 10:49
I agree, the mail service is amazingly cheap, usually efficient, and shouldn't be taken for granted. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th November 2015, 11:12
Is it that time already?
Time sure goes quicker as I get older.
Mick. :olddude:

15th November 2015, 11:34
Unfortunately, very few greetings cards that I have sent over the years from UK have been received at their postal address in Philippines. There wasn't a problem with sending them to a large business address but those to a home address were never delivered, so sadly I had to stop sending them :NoNo:

15th November 2015, 11:57
I am guilty of not sending out cards, i cannot say its a mans thing either, maybe just lazy,
Its a good job my daughters remind me its there sisters birthdays but sometimes if i am ahead of them i will say is it so and so birthday soon, that way i am ahead of them then :biggrin:

15th November 2015, 12:01
When I was courting my now ex, cards with gifts in either did not reach her or stuff was taken from them, and she had to keep going to the post office as they did not seem to deliver them very often!

One time some Thornton's cholates I sent were partly eaten by Rats at her local post office!

I no longer miss her but do miss having someone to care about, but I have Charlie my dog, who is a good companion.
Mick. :animal-smiley-037:

15th November 2015, 12:05
The only time i sent anything to Ems was by Western Union , it was not much a few pounds here and there , infact Ems says nothing has changed much since those times , she still gets a few pounds here and there :biggrin:, KURIPOT

Arthur Little
7th December 2015, 15:38
www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/christmas/11986438/Christmas-post-dates-when-are-the-last-dates-of-posting-for-2015.html ... :ReadIt:

ADVANCE WARNING FROM :santa: ... so now you know, folks.

:omg: ... I see 3 weeks have gone by since posting this stark reminder and I haven't even written a single Christmas card thus far ...

... better get on with it then, hadn't I! :doh

8th December 2015, 06:44
Just finished mine yesterday, with a good half hour wait in the Post Office queue, so looks like everyone is trying to beat the queue at the same time :cwm25::anerikke:

8th December 2015, 13:46
Wrote mine sunday... Harlene is posting them today whilst I am at work.