View Full Version : To begin with the visa application and all its forms?

12th November 2015, 16:50
Hello to you all

My wife has finally got her all clear TB certificate today :-)

We are now at long last in a position to begin to fill in and complete the visa forms

I have found this one here below

Are there any more forms that we must fill in and complete?
I await anxiously to get on with this now

Thank you

12th November 2015, 20:33
Just this one and the financial requirements Form. Add that to your supporting documents.

Register for an account. Select apply for a visa. Select settlement and spouse.

12th November 2015, 20:53
Just this one and the financial requirements Form. Add that to your supporting documents.

Register for an account. Select apply for a visa. Select settlement and spouse.

(APPENDIX 2 (VAF 4A DECEMBER 2013) FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT FORM)............Is this the correct form?

Hello cheekee
Thanks for this
Also today, my wife paid a visit to the CFO while she was in Manila before she went on to the TB clinic to collect her passed certificate.

There she attended a seminar and at the end of this course, she was told that once she gets her visa?
Bring her passport back and they will put the sticker upon one of the pages.

How are things going with you?


13th November 2015, 08:22
We are good thank you.

My wife got her spouse visa and she is now in the UK.

13th November 2015, 13:10
My wife got her spouse visa and she is now in the UK.

Fantastic news cheekee
well done and congratulations to you both after all the hard work :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Is this her 1st time here to the UK?

Could you please tell me more about what happen once your wife got her visa, what I mean is this....
What does this all mean about the 28 days and a time limit for your wife to come to the UK and letting the visa officials know the date of her departure, which is already booked and that the ticket is paid for even before if and when you will know if she will or when she get visa or not?
This part I cannot get my head around :doh


13th November 2015, 13:40
Fantastic news cheekee
well done and congratulations to you both after all the hard work :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Is this her 1st time here to the UK?

Could you please tell me more about what happen once your wife got her visa, what I mean is this....
What does this all mean about the 28 days and a time limit for your wife to come to the UK and letting the visa officials know the date of her departure, which is already booked and that the ticket is paid for even before if and when you will know if she will or when she get visa or not?
This part I cannot get my head around :doh


Hi LG,
Do not book any travel ticket where the departure cannot be changed until she has the visa. There is no way at all to know when she will be able to travel.

When she fills out the form she will state a date for her preferred date of travel.
This cannot be more than 3 months advance of the date of application.
If the visa is granted before her stated date of travel then she will need to wait until the visa is valid before she can secure the CFO sticker and before she can enter UK
If the visa is granted after her stated date of travel then the visa will be valid from the date the decision to grant was made.

The travel visa will have a 30 day window to prepare for the relocation and to enter the UK.
If she does not travel within that window she will need to get a new entry visa.

Once she arrives to the UK she'll have 10 days to pick up her Biometric Card from the post office.
She needs to do this.

13th November 2015, 13:41
(APPENDIX 2 (VAF 4A DECEMBER 2013) FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT FORM)............Is this the correct form?

Hello cheekee
Thanks for this
Also today, my wife paid a visit to the CFO while she was in Manila before she went on to the TB clinic to collect her passed certificate.

There she attended a seminar and at the end of this course, she was told that once she gets her visa?
Bring her passport back and they will put the sticker upon one of the pages.

How are things going with you?


She can only get the CFO sticker once her travel visa is valid. This may not be the same as when she receives it.

13th November 2015, 13:50
Fantastic news cheekee
well done and congratulations to you both after all the hard work :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Is this her 1st time here to the UK?

Could you please tell me more about what happen once your wife got her visa, what I mean is this....
What does this all mean about the 28 days and a time limit for your wife to come to the UK and letting the visa officials know the date of her departure, which is already booked and that the ticket is paid for even before if and when you will know if she will or when she get visa or not?
This part I cannot get my head around :doh


We didn't buy plane tickets until we knew the visa was granted. If you buy tickets and the visa is refused you waste your money.

If the spouse visa is granted your wife will get a 30 day visa in her passport. She must Travel to the UK in that time. If she doesn't then a replacement visa must be applied for

Once in the UK she will pick up her biometric residence card which is her spouse visa once the 30 day one in the passport runs out. That is her proof that she has the right to be in the UK

robbie bobby
13th November 2015, 23:20
If you follow the rules of the application and have all the requirements needed before you apply there should not be any reason why the visa would not be granted.I know there is always the odd jobsworth but as a rule they also have protocols to follow and if everything is satisfactory the visa will appear.good luck

17th November 2015, 14:32
Hi LG,
Do not book any travel ticket where the departure cannot be changed until she has the visa. There is no way at all to know when she will be able to travel.

Thank you for this Terpe

17th November 2015, 14:35
We didn't buy plane tickets until we knew the visa was granted. If you buy tickets and the visa is refused you waste your money.

If the spouse visa is granted your wife will get a 30 day visa in her passport. She must Travel to the UK in that time. If she doesn't then a replacement visa must be applied for

Thank you cheekee for this info
Regards to you both

17th November 2015, 14:37
If you follow the rules of the application and have all the requirements needed before you apply there should not be any reason why the visa would not be granted. I know there is always the odd jobsworth but as a rule they also have protocols to follow and if everything is satisfactory the visa will appear. Good luck

Thank you Robbie:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2015, 11:33
Hello all
In sending my documents
I know that I only need to send a copy of my passport

Do I have to send the original copy of my birth certificate as well?

The reason I'm asking this, In heard that they do not send your originals back to you (in other words, they keep them) and is because I still need my birth certificate here with me for legal purpose and the birth certificates are not that cheap these day and it is a lot of hassle when trying to get another one , especially as I was born in another country outside the UK
Any suggestions or alternative's to this problem of mind would be gladly appreciate?

Thank you

23rd November 2015, 05:16
Hello to you all
How are you I hope you are keeping safe and well?

I'm awake at the very early hours of the morning (4 am) because I am worried about a few things in regards to filling in the online visa application forms

My wife is still in the Philippines and I am here in the UK
Can I fill in her visa forms from my end here?

Is there anyway I can see a dummy run visa form that has al the questions that we are suppose to answer before I go into the online visa application, what I mean is I would like to have a preview of the type of questions that the visa form will ask me?

Because of our 8 hours differences I'm mostly asleep while my wife is awake and when I do get online she is already tired from her days work to fully consternate with me while we fill in the forms online together

Also another very big problem I have found while we are talking via video chat and we often get cut off for a couple of hours because of power failures in the area that she lives in...
I find this very frustrating when we are trying to talk about some very important issues that concern us

If I do fill in the form, are there any special papers and documents that I should have here in front of me before I go ahead and complete the online form myself?

And to cap it all, my wife doesn't know or understand anything about computers at al, and that is not to say that I am a wizard at computers either
I know because we both have tried to complete forms online before and it has often ended up with us both being frustrated because of this problem

I would really applicate any help and guidance from any of you

Thanking you in advance

28th November 2015, 23:09
Hi all
I just posted off all my papers and documents to my wife in the Philippines
sent by dhl courier at the cost of 40 quid
they said it will take about 3 days to get there.
Once they are there, then we will begin to fill in the visa forms
Touch wood

Michael Parnham
29th November 2015, 00:52
Hi all
I just posted off all my papers and documents to my wife in the Philippines
sent by dhl courier at the cost of 40 quid
they said it will take about 3 days to get there.
Once they are there, then we will begin to fill in the visa forms
Touch wood

Well done, hope all goes well and good luck also please keep us updated on your progress:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th November 2015, 14:42
Hi all
I just posted off all my papers and documents to my wife in the Philippines
sent by dhl courier at the cost of 40 quid
they said it will take about 3 days to get there.
Once they are there, then we will begin to fill in the visa forms
Touch wood

The online form is designed as one of those 'one size fits all' so can very often be confusing.

Take your time. Be sure to understand every question and answer. Any doubts at all post here.

Now is not the time to guess the real meaning of a question or to the the option in those drop-down menus or to believe that UKVI will show understanding and compassion.

Good luck

29th November 2015, 15:08

Should I fill this one in too?
What appendix is this one called?

30th November 2015, 05:24

Should I fill this one in too?
What appendix is this one called?

The application needs to be made online.
Look here:-

If you've already registered for an account then just log-in. Otherwise hit the 'Register an Account' button.

The 'Personal Details' Form VAF4A is a generic 'one-size-fits-all' form which all applicants complete.

If you'd like to review the 'paper version' forms then here are the links.

Personal Details

Appendix 2 (financial requirements)

Guide to supporting documents

But do familiarise yourselves IN DETAIL with the online version as it can be different.

Personal details is online.
Financial Requirements is completed and submitted on paper together with all supporting documents.

The VFS appointment is booked online.
The application payment is made online
Don't forget the 'immigration health surcharge' or IHS which is also part of the application.


1st December 2015, 15:38

Thank you Terpe
What I meant to say is...
From this link above, as it is an online visa form application too
Is there any way I can see a prewire of the type of questions that it will ask me?

Just like those other two applications that you mention above

Personal Details

Appendix 2 (financial requirements)

These two can be printed out and I can have look at all the questions before I put my answers in..

this is an online only version https://www.gov.uk/government/upload...-Appendix2.pdf

How can I familiarise myself with it if I cannot see the questions before hand?

Because it only shows one page at a time and you have to answer that page 1st before you can see the next page with more questions on it

Am I making myself understood here?


1st December 2015, 18:58
for the online application - personal details You can save the online form at anytime by clicking on the "save" link on the side.

You can go between sections anytime you want. it will save your answers.

1st December 2015, 19:19
You can go between sections anytime you want. it will save your answers.

Thanks for that cheekee This will make it a lot easier now that I understand it a bit more
I suppose it is all nerves because if I make one slip up? We might not get a second chance again Plus the great financials lost of this visa too

I am working on the financial form now appendix 2
before I work on that online form
I can now see why the lawyers charge such a lot of money to help you with these forms

2nd December 2015, 19:37
Hi Cheekee


That appendix 2 form completed

I'm now waiting for the courier to deliver my documents to my wife I sent them early last Saturday morning and they told me my papers will be there by Wednesday today...
It is funny that I cannot find my package by it's tracking number.
So I called DHL and ask them about this and they told me they only deliver it to the Philippines then another company takes over, called Wexpress that have a base in Manila.


5th December 2015, 09:29
Hi all
great new the documents are with my wife now
Although this took 7 days with DHL £40 and it is the same time as the royal mail took last time for only £12 and that was registered too, what?

5th December 2015, 14:07
Hi all
great new the documents are with my wife now
Although this took 7 days with DHL £40 and it is the same time as the royal mail took last time for only £12 and that was registered too, what?

Very unusual for DHL to take so long.

I have used them 3 times and it took 3 days to get there each time.

Does your wife live in a province far from the city ?

When I used royal mail it took 3 weeks.

5th December 2015, 18:09
Does your wife live in a province far from the city ?

Hi cheekee
My wife lives in Davao which is quite a big city...
We send each other letters and cards all the time and it takes about 7 days for hers to get to each other and I send mine by royal mail 'registered mail' of course

You are right about that last online application it is a lot easier than I thought it might be Thanks for that again

how is your lovely lady settling down here with our long winter days?
I hope she is enjoying our weather and hopefully she and you will be able to build a snowman together soon :smile:
Mind you so far it has been very mild

I have not come across that part where you have to fill the NHS service health surcharge yet?

When do I have to pay for the visa and what does this mean about V.I.P. lounge any idea ?

Also in filling in the forms we have not seen any reference to the TB clearance corticated either or will these come later?

But we did see the part where you fill in about the English Test :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Take care
Thanks again

5th December 2015, 19:07
You will be directed to pay the NHS surcharge once you have completed and submitted the online application.


1) complete online application
2) Before submitting online check for errors or omissions as once you submit you cant change anything
3) Submit. you are then taken to the website to pay the NHS surcharge - pay and make a note of the IHS number
4) you are then directed back to the VFS site to pay the visa application fee. then you can select if you want to use a VIP lounge for which there is an additional fee. Pay for the visa application and select an appointment date.

The application wont be complete till all payments are made. then you can print out the online application. The your wife turns up at the VAC (visa application centre on the day of the appointment with the printed online application and all the other documents (evidence, TB certificate and IELTS)

If you wish to use Cebu to submit your application there is an additional fee. Not for Manila.

5th December 2015, 19:09
Please note. If you use a pay for centre for submitting your documents and you need to change the appointment date, you must change the date no later than five days before the appointment. After that you will lose the fee for using the centre (not the visa fee) and will need to use a free centre (Manila). If you are submitting at manila then you can change the date of your appointment with no penalty.

5th December 2015, 19:12
Take a look at the VFS global website for an explanation of the extra services you can avail.


5th December 2015, 20:33
2) Before submitting online check for errors or omissions as once you submit you cant change anything

Yes I had notice that I did leave some un-answer questions out, thank God my wife and I spotted it and I almost left a couple of digits out from my passport number too,, Phew! That was close!
I've gone over and over a few times just to make double sure

Hi cheekee
Thanks again while this still all fresh in your mind you would almost certainly still know all the in and outs of these visa forms A valuable help and I hope I can help those that come here after me too.

So we don't have to pay extra for appointment we just go to the free appointment centre without paying any extra charge ?

On average lets just say, how long does it usually take to process the visa's and for them to us know if we are going to get one or not?

I should touch wood be finish with all the forms by this time tomorrow?

thanks once again

6th December 2015, 11:28

I've just submitted my wife's visa application online, so far so good, but when I got to the next part after where my wife must go when she comes to the UK She must go to a local post office near where she and I will live, which I stated I live in London with my full UK address That's ok, but when it ask for next step where to go for the biometric details, it said we have to go to Warsaw in Poland, for this is the nearest British Embassy for her to go to
Crazy to say the least.

Does any one have an idea of what could have gone wrong?

I have kept a print out of each page as we did when we filled in the visa form online and throughout we stated that my wife lives in the Philippines with her full address there too


6th December 2015, 15:46
Did you make payment ?

6th December 2015, 16:02
Thank heaven I made no payment and yet as it did not get that far because is stopped at the British Embassy Warsaw in Poland......

You have now completed your application for leave to enter the UK.

If your application is successful, your passport/travel document will contain a 30 day visa to allow travel to the UK. You will also be sent a BRP Decision Letter with instructions on collecting your BRP after your arrival in the UK.
This is the last page that made some sense to me.....

You must collect your BRP within 10 working days of arriving in the UK from:

So when I click the button marked 'book appointment', it then led me to the British Embassy in Warsaw, Poland, crazy is it not?
I'm lost of what to do next?

6th December 2015, 20:26
You have now completed your application for leave to enter the UK.

If your application is successful, your passport/travel document will contain a 30 day visa to allow travel to the UK. You will also be sent a BRP Decision Letter with instructions on collecting your BRP after your arrival in the UK.

You must collect your BRP within 10 working days of arriving in the UK from:


If you have chosen to collect your BRP from the Post Office you will find further guidance, and details of how to change the branch from which you will collect your BRP, here https://www.gov.uk/biometric-residence-permits

If your destination is a Crown Dependency (Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man) you will not receive a BRP, and the advice above does not apply to you.

copied from the online visa website, but the next page brings me to Warsaw, in Poland

Michael Parnham
6th December 2015, 20:59

6th December 2015, 23:43
I've just submitted my wife's visa application online...........

Without payment the application is not actually submitted.

Time to start again.

Michael Parnham
7th December 2015, 10:15
You'll get there in the end I'm sure, good luck:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2015, 14:51
Your unique application reference number is: GWFXXXXXXXX
Select your appointment location

You must now book an appointment to submit your biometric data as part of your visa application. The available appointment location(s), according to the information you have provided, are shown below. If multiple appointment locations are shown, you may choose the most convenient location.





Appointment Location


Visa Appointment Type

Standard (incl. Priority) Appointments*

Appointment Location

Please note there is an additional fee to use the Visa Application Centre you have chosen. This fee will be added to your visa fee during the payment process for this application. You may not be able to change and rebook your appointment at this Visa Application Centre once booked.

British Embassy Warsaw
ul. Kawalerii 12

This appointment location does not have the facility to accept payments in person. Therefore you MUST make your payment online if you choose this location. If you do not want to or are unable to pay online, you must select an alternative location.

Every time I log in it goes to this page
what else can I do?
The online visa page is either corrupted fake or what????

Can anyone on here confirm this web address for me to see if it is the real macoy? https://www.visa4uk.fco.gov.uk/home/welcome

7th December 2015, 15:03
Is it possible that at some point you selected your country as Poland in error ?

As I've stated If you haven't paid the visa fee then the application hasn't been submitted.

Start over again.

7th December 2015, 15:36
Is it possible that at some point you selected your country as Poland in error ?

Hi Terpe
Not possible as I had my wife and I to treble check before submitting this form We even did a print out of each page and I made a copy of the last page before pressing the submit button just to be sure

I can now see the country that she is in throughout the form. Which is the 'Philippines' on every page that ask her where she is now?

BTW did you check that web site address to see if it is the real Maccoy?

I even ask a member of my family here to check this website by giving him my password and email address and it come's us the same for him too ' Poland'


7th December 2015, 16:07
I'm going to start all over again
I don't where I went wrong, but I must have made a mistake somewhere along the line?
Thank heavens I could not make a payment
Thank you

7th December 2015, 20:45
I remember when I started my wife's visa application is when I was asked which country the applicant was from.

You definitely selected the Philippines then?

9th December 2015, 09:57
You'll get there in the end I'm sure, good luck

Thanks for that Michael :smile:


9th December 2015, 09:59
Is it possible that at some point you selected your country as Poland in error ?

Thank you Terpe


9th December 2015, 10:04
You definitely selected the Philippines then?

Hi cheekee
No I'm not 100% sure now, that's why I'm doing it all over again, thanks for that


10th December 2015, 16:40
Hi cheekee
phew that's that part completed
My wife has her appointment on Monday 14th at the visa centre
We wait for that now
Thanks very much to everybody for your great support
I can tell you one thing for sure, and that is this...I don't want to go through all that again,,,
I must have age 10 years in this past year :smile:

14th December 2015, 12:35
Hi to all of you
Just to let it be known
My wife kept her appointment at 7.10 am local time in the Phils at the British embassy this morning
I was a bit of a panic because we forgot to get her confirmation of the appointments printed out before she took off to Manila
But we sorted it out, because I printed it out and scanned it and made a copy and then I email it to her to collect it at an internet café and print out over there
so far so good
Thanks again for this help site

By the way
Can anyone tell me how I can upload a photo of myself to display on my profile here?

Michael Parnham
14th December 2015, 12:43
Hi to all of you
Just to let it be known
My wife kept her appointment at 7.10 am local time in the Phils at the British embassy this morning
I was a bit of a panic because we forgot to get her confirmation of the appointments printed out before she took off to Manila
But we sorted it out, because I printed it out and scanned it and made a copy and then I email it to her to collect it at an internet café and print out over there
so far so good
Thanks again for this help site

By the way
Can anyone tell me how I can upload a photo of myself to display on my profile here?

Well done, see you can do it, regarding uploading photo's I'm not your man, I end up asking someone else to do it for me, sorry!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2015, 13:25
Hi to all of you
Just to let it be known
My wife kept her appointment at 7.10 am local time in the Phils at the British embassy this morning

Why did your wife have an appointment at the British Embassy ?
Do you mean she submitted her application bundle at VFS Application Centre ?

14th December 2015, 13:25
Hi to all of you
Just to let it be known
My wife kept her appointment at 7.10 am local time in the Phils at the British embassy this morning

Why did your wife have an appointment at the British Embassy ?
Do you mean she submitted her application bundle at VFS Application Centre ?

14th December 2015, 19:07
Now the wait begins. It can be torture waiting for the decision believe me.

Expect around a four week wait from submission.

15th December 2015, 13:29
Why did your wife have an appointment at the British Embassy ?
Do you mean she submitted her application bundle at VFS Application Centre ?

Hello Terpe

Do you mean she submitted her application bundle at VFS Application Centre ?

Yes I mean that section of the embassy's links

My wife was told by a member of the staff at VFS Application Centre
Manila that you can speed the visa results by paying an extra 8,500php as this fee will only take about a week or so to process her application?

I did not know or hear about this extra service but unfortunately she did not did not know about this either until she was at the VFS centre and she has just told me now today after she has just got back from her trip.

Where can I find this site so that I can pay this extra fee do this?

Thank you

15th December 2015, 13:30
Now the wait begins. It can be torture waiting for the decision believe me.

Expect around a four week wait from submission.

Thank you cheekee

15th December 2015, 13:32
Well done, see you can do it, regarding uploading photo's I'm not your man, I end up asking someone else to do it for me, sorry!

Thank you Michael

15th December 2015, 20:27
My wife was told by a member of the staff at VFS Application Centre
Manila that you can speed the visa results by paying an extra 8,500php as this fee will only take about a week or so to process her application?

I did not know or hear about this extra service but unfortunately she did not did not know about this either until she was at the VFS centre and she has just told me now today after she has just got back from her trip.

Forget about this now

This request to find out more about this seems to be too late now as I had a message from the UKborder agency just now to tell me that should have been asked for at the time of my wife's appointment at the VFS centre
It's funny how you find out these kind of things when it is too late.

Arthur Little
16th December 2015, 02:44

Forget about this now

This request to find out more about this seems to be too late now as I had a message from the UKborder agency just now to tell me that should have been asked for at the time of my wife's appointment at the VFS centre
It's funny how you find out these kind of things when it is too late.

Actually, Lloyde, my reply to the personal message you'd forwarded to me earlier, was sent several hours ago. Unfortunately, however, it inadvertently landed up on my *own profile page - instead of yours, I'm afraid ... :icon_sorry:!

......................................... :yeahthat:! Please, therefore, go *there ... where, in fact, I've posted a couple of links clarifying the situation.

16th December 2015, 08:00
This extra service does not exist for settlement visas.

Only for visit visas.

16th December 2015, 08:00
This extra service does not exist for settlement visas.

Only for visit visas.

16th December 2015, 09:08
Super Priority Visa Service (SPV)
From 23 February 2015, the Super Priority Visa Service (SPV) will be available to applicants in the Philippines who apply under the following categories:

Tourist and short stay.
Point Based System Tier 2 applicants with authority to live in the Philippines.
Points Based System Tier 5 applicants with authority to live in the Philippines or Temporary Worker (Creative and Sporting) if currently in the Philippines for a similar purpose to the activity proposed to be undertaken in the UK.
This new optional service aims to process applications within 24 hours and incurs an additional fee of PHP 43,200 on top of the standard visa fee. The service is only available to those applying at the Manila visa application centre.

To use this service, customers will need to select the Super Priority Visa Service appointment option when making your appointment online. Applications for the SPV service must be made between 7:00am and 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. Payment can be made online or by cash when you attend your appointment at the visa application centre.

Once an application has been submitted, your visa decision and documents will be ready for collection from the visa application centre within 24 hours. You will be contacted with confirmation of time.

Full terms and conditions of the SPV service are in the Applicant Declaration which customers who wish to use this service must read, print off, sign and bring to the VAC with their application. Please click here to download SPV Customer Declaration.

Priority Visa Service (PV)
The Priority Visa Service is an optional service which aims to process applications within 3-5 working days and incurs an additional fee of PHP 8,640 on top of the standard visa fee.The service is available at both our Manila and Cebu visa application centres.
Payment can be made online or by cash when you attend your appointment at the visa application centre.

The eligibility requirements for the Priority Visa (PV) service is extended to include all non-settlement visa categories, including all visitors and Tier 4 students.

Source (http://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/philippines/user_pay_services.html#12)

As cheekee states there are no such priority services for settlement-route visa

Arthur Little
16th December 2015, 13:00
Super Priority Visa Service (SPV)
From 23 February 2015, the Super Priority Visa Service (SPV) will be available to applicants in the Philippines who apply under the following categories:

Tourist and short stay.
Point Based System Tier 2 applicants with authority to live in the Philippines.
Points Based System Tier 5 applicants with authority to live in the Philippines or Temporary Worker (Creative and Sporting) if currently in the Philippines for a similar purpose to the activity proposed to be undertaken in the UK.
This new optional service aims to process applications within 24 hours and incurs an additional fee of PHP 43,200 on top of the standard visa fee. The service is only available to those applying at the Manila visa application centre.

To use this service, customers will need to select the Super Priority Visa Service appointment option when making your appointment online. Applications for the SPV service must be made between 7:00am and 12:00 noon, Monday to Friday. Payment can be made online or by cash when you attend your appointment at the visa application centre.

Once an application has been submitted, your visa decision and documents will be ready for collection from the visa application centre within 24 hours. You will be contacted with confirmation of time.

Full terms and conditions of the SPV service are in the Applicant Declaration which customers who wish to use this service must read, print off, sign and bring to the VAC with their application. Please click here to download SPV Customer Declaration.

Priority Visa Service (PV)
The Priority Visa Service is an optional service which aims to process applications within 3-5 working days and incurs an additional fee of PHP 8,640 on top of the standard visa fee.The service is available at both our Manila and Cebu visa application centres.
Payment can be made online or by cash when you attend your appointment at the visa application centre.

The eligibility requirements for the Priority Visa (PV) service is extended to include all non-settlement visa categories, including all visitors and Tier 4 students.

Source (http://www.vfsglobal.co.uk/philippines/user_pay_services.html#12)

As cheekee states there are no such priority services for settlement-route visa

:yeahthat: ... which, of course, was ALL already confirmed in the links I've referred to above. Apologies again, from me Lloyd, for posting these in the wrong place.

17th December 2015, 20:15
As cheekee states there are no such priority services for settlement-route visa

Thank you Terpe
and thank you cheekee and Arthur
Well that is that one all sorted out
It is good to know this for sure
We just have to settle down and wait now
Regards to all for your very helpful replies..

19th December 2015, 10:49
with lots of love and best wishes

19th December 2015, 10:59
with lots of love and best wishes

The best new year wish you could have come true would be that your wife be with you here in UK under settlement-route visa.
I pray for that LG

19th December 2015, 20:47
The best new year wish you could have come true would be that your wife be with you here in UK under settlement-route visa.
I pray for that LG

Why thank you very much for that Terpe I think this is a very nice thing to say...

4th January 2016, 10:27
Happy New Year to you all

If my wife does or could get rejected by the visa aurthorites?
How would one go about making an appeal against this?

Thank you

4th January 2016, 13:24
Happy New Year to you all

If my wife does or could get rejected by the visa aurthorites?
How would one go about making an appeal against this?

Thank you

LG, think positive :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Remember you can only appeal against a decision which is a mistake within Immigration Rules.
There's no answer to your question at this time
Any refusal will give very specific reasons as to why and will include full details on how to appeal if you feel the refusal was given in error.

Be aware that appeals may often take 6 months or more to complete. It's a very stressful period.
Oftentimes it's faster to overcome the refusal reason(s) and make a new application

5th January 2016, 22:34
LG, think positive

Be aware that appeals may often take 6 months or more to complete. It's a very stressful period.
Oftentimes it's faster to overcome the refusal reason(s) and make a new application

Thanks for this Terpe


7th January 2016, 16:54
Hello Terpe
My wife has just got a text from Visa office to say that her visa application is being view by their staff, or words to that effect
Dose this means it is now at the uk border agency HQ here in London?

Arthur Little
7th January 2016, 19:58
Hello Terpe
My wife has just got a text from Visa office to say that her visa application is being view by their staff, or words to that effect
Does this mean it is now at the uk border agency HQ here in London?

:smile: Probably I'm in a position to answer this latest query of yours, Lloyd ... based on my own wife's application.

.................................. :yeahthat: happened to be away back on 20th January 2009, I'll grant you; fully 7 years ago! But ... :anerikke: ... unless the system's changed, NO, :nono-1-1: ... it means the papers your wife submitted are now in the hands of the *British Embassy - otherwise known as 'The British High Commission' (as *it called itself back then) - in Manila, for normal processing.

So, as I've explained, unless the system's changed, I'm confident Terpe will back me on this ^ statement. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th January 2016, 06:54
Correct Arthur and nicely put too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th January 2016, 12:56
unless the system's changed, NO, ... it means the papers your wife submitted are now in the hands of the *British Embassy - otherwise known as 'The British High Commission' (as *it called itself back then) - in Manila, for normal processing.

Thank you Arthur

9th January 2016, 12:18
Hello Arthur

I ask my wife to send her text to me for word for word that she got from the UK Visa Application Centre in Manila

These are the copies of those two text messengers that were sent to her

(The visa application for GWFXXXXXXX was forwarded to UK on 14/12/2015)

(The processed visa application for GFWXXXXXXX was received on 1/6/2016)

So it looks like my wife is right about her application has been forward to the UK after all

Thank you
With regards

9th January 2016, 13:34
Don't understand why it has been forwarded to the UK.

Our application wasn't. It was sent to Manila the same day it was received.

9th January 2016, 15:05
Don't understand why it has been forwarded to the UK.

Our application wasn't. It was sent to Manila the same day it was received.

Hello Cheekee
I don't know or understand either and to be honest i did not know the difference between the two places, London or Manila?

Now i am a little worried



11th January 2016, 06:25
Hello all
At 4 am my time here I got a text from my wife to ask me to log online because she has just got a package from the visa office
She has got her visa...
Wow this is amazing
less than 4 weeks from her appointment

Thank you all very much for your great support

All we need to do now is to get her CFO and then book a one way ticket to the UK
Thank heavens she has already

Best wishes and regards

11th January 2016, 07:40
Great news, well done :smile:

11th January 2016, 09:07
Thank you Simon :smile::smile::smile::

Michael Parnham
11th January 2016, 10:19
Wonderful news, another step forward, congratulations!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th January 2016, 10:40
Thank you Michael :smile::smile:

Arthur Little
11th January 2016, 18:56
Hello all
At 4 am my time here I got a text from my wife to ask me to log online because she has just got a package from the visa office
She has got her visa...
Wow this is amazing
less than 4 weeks from her appointment

Thank you all very much for your great support

AMAZING, indeed, :iagree: (that your wife's visa has come through as quickly as it has, I mean) and, of course, from the British Embassy in Manila - as *Terpe, *Cheekee and myself had ALL anticipated!

:biggrin: ... CONGRATULATIONS to you BOTH ... I'm truly delighted, as will each of *them - and others who've advised you - be when they ALSO learn of this really marvellous outcome! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
11th January 2016, 19:35
All we need to do now is to get her CFO and then book a one way ticket to the UK
Thank heavens she has already

Best wishes and regards

:olddude: ... yep, that's it; onwards and upwards!! :wink:

12th January 2016, 07:53
Hello all
At 4 am my time here I got a text from my wife to ask me to log online because she has just got a package from the visa office
She has got her visa...
Wow this is amazing
less than 4 weeks from her appointment

Thank you all very much for your great support

All we need to do now is to get her CFO and then book a one way ticket to the UK
Thank heavens she has already

Best wishes and regards

What wonderful news LG :Jump:
Congratulations and well done to you both.

It's been a long road but you both stuck at it and now have the rewards.

Don't limit your flight search to one way fares only as sometimes a promo return ticket can work out as a better deal. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th January 2016, 12:31

Glad you got it.

Dont forget you need to book travel within the dates given on the vignette in her passport.

Keep her TB certificate and your marriage certificate in the carry on luggage just in case the immigration officer at the UK airport wishes to see it. They will want to see the CFO sticker in her passport and the CFO certificate at the airport she is leaving on in the Philippines. She will need to pay the terminal fee and airport tax which I think is 1640 pesos or around that mark.

And she will need some warm clothes. When she arrives get a rice cooker and start looking for a local or online store that sells filipino foods lol. We use http://www.tindahan.co.uk

As Terpe said. we found that a one way ticket is more expensive than a return. But I went over to Cebu and had a short holiday and came back with my wife together.

Congratulations again.

12th January 2016, 15:30
Hello all
At 4 am my time here I got a text from my wife to ask me to log online because she has just got a package from the visa office
She has got her visa...
Wow this is amazing
less than 4 weeks from her appointment

Thank you all very much for your great support

All we need to do now is to get her CFO and then book a one way ticket to the UK
Thank heavens she has already

Best wishes and regards

Hi, did they interview her? Thank you. I will have my appointment for biometrics and submission of documents on the 20th, Praying to get a visa granted :) Thank you

13th January 2016, 11:38
Thank you Arthur :smile::smile:

13th January 2016, 11:43
Don't limit your flight search to one way fares only as sometimes a promo return ticket can work out as a better deal.

Hello Terpe
Thank you for the best wishes

I did a search for return ticket and they were all over well over the £1000 mark
I manage to get a deal with Cathay Pacfic for less than £660 one way ticket It is done now and her flight come in at Heathrow next week


Michael Parnham
13th January 2016, 14:52
Hello Terpe
Thank you for the best wishes

I did a search for return ticket and they were all over well over the £1000 mark
I manage to get a deal with Cathay Pacfic for less than £660 one way ticket It is done now and her flight come in at Heathrow next week



13th January 2016, 14:54
Hello Terpe
Thank you for the best wishes

I did a search for return ticket and they were all over well over the £1000 mark
I manage to get a deal with Cathay Pacfic for less than £660 one way ticket It is done now and her flight come in at Heathrow next week


As long as you'll be together at long last be happy with whatever you managed to do. :Jump:

13th January 2016, 14:55
Hi, did they interview her? Thank you. I will have my appointment for biometrics and submission of documents on the 20th, Praying to get a visa granted :) Thank you

There's no interview

Arthur Little
13th January 2016, 15:47
Hi, did they interview her? Thank you. I will have my appointment for biometrics and submission of documents on the 20th, Praying to get a visa granted :) Thank you

There's no interview

Exactly ... it'll simply be a case of submitting your documents - and having your biometrics taken - as opposed to an actual interview. :smile:

Good Luck, Raven. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th January 2016, 19:51
Hi, did they interview her? Thank you. I will have my appointment for biometrics and submission of documents on the 20th, Praying to get a visa granted Thank you

Hello Raven
No interviews
Good luck with your visa application

16th January 2016, 00:12
There's no interview

Thanks Terpe :cheeky-smiley-024: now all i need is this :tea_cup5: and just wait.. :Jump:

16th January 2016, 00:14
Hello Raven
No interviews
Good luck with your visa application

:veryhappy::veryhappy::veryhappy: thanks so much LG :) and enjoy being together with your wife :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th January 2016, 00:16

Good Luck, Raven. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:woohoo: Thank you Sir Arthur

what i'l do now til i get the result :pray: