View Full Version : bus lane penalty charge

13th November 2015, 21:10
Today at work we received a fixed penalty charge for driving through a bus and taxi lane only,
Well this road goes through the center of Derby, Albert street,
For all the years i have never known this to be bus and taxi only, and sure thing after checking the signs today there it is, NO ENTRY,
The reason our van went down this road was to deliver to Primark, yes there delivery entrance has always been down this road , thats where all there own lorries deliver too, there are other shops on this road too,
I rang Primark to ask if they have ever had traffic tickets too, and after speaking to there goods inwards , there lorries get them too,
Its a new road schem that the local council has just started 2 weeks ago,but how do you get your deliveries i ask, we just have to appeal the ticket ,
How stupid, are these stupid people trying to stop shops in the city center,
By the way our driver was caught on camera at 8am in the morning and the Primark lorries deliver at 4am so there are not many people or buses around that time ,
We are going to appeal the ticket , you never know we may get it squashed

13th November 2015, 21:41
Jobsworths !

Signs and new road schemes look great on paper, but not quite so great to a driver trying to concentrate on his DRIVING !

Too many damned distractions already, without adding more !

Thank goodness I don't have to concern myself with these council transport 'experts' and their stupid schemes anymore. :NoNo:

13th November 2015, 21:50
We have a delivery point for Marks and Spencer in Nottingham center, but if there is a lorry in there goods inwards you have to park outside and yes this is double yellow lines, no parking, and then a taxi rank,
Our driver has been inside the gates making his delivery and hes got a ticket how long was he there 2 minutes,
Now it can take days to make that delivery, you just cannot keep getting parking tickets, plus you cannot past the charge to the suppler , its your fault is all they say

Michael Parnham
13th November 2015, 22:56
We have a delivery point for Marks and Spencer in Nottingham center, but if there is a lorry in there goods inwards you have to park outside and yes this is double yellow lines, no parking, and then a taxi rank,
Our driver has been inside the gates making his delivery and hes got a ticket how long was he there 2 minutes,
Now it can take days to make that delivery, you just cannot keep getting parking tickets, plus you cannot past the charge to the suppler , its your fault is all they say

Increase the haulage rate enough to cover the cost!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th November 2015, 23:17
These stores (Victoria Centre ?) would soon change their tune and complain to the council if suppliers refused to deliver to them.

14th November 2015, 09:42
All bus lanes in Liverpool where got rid of months ago, and it has proved to be a success, with traffic no worse. Thanks to the Labour leader for having the balls to try something new. Twice the guy has turned up at finished roadworks at night, and moved all the stuff off the road himself to get the traffic flowing. :biggrin:

14th November 2015, 10:15
All bus lanes in Liverpool where got rid of months ago, and it has proved to be a success, with traffic no worse. Thanks to the Labour leader for having the balls to try something new. Twice the guy has turned up at finished roadworks at night, and moved all the stuff off the road himself to get the traffic flowing. :biggrin:

Quite the opposite to the M4 bus lane, opened by Labour and closed by the Conservatives. Common sense prevails, not some political agenda :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th November 2015, 19:00
We have a bus lane near me... It ends at 10am and starts again at 4pm, clearly signed too.
Yet the amount of lovely handshakes I get when driving down the bus lane and cutting out 30 or 40 cars midday is unbelievable. I once had to stop at the lights and some bloke got out to have a go at me. Luckily a policeman was walking past and once I pointed out the signage, he told the other driver to get back in his car before he arrested him.....

18th November 2015, 12:59
All sorted. It's been thrown out

18th November 2015, 13:14
All sorted. It's been thrown out

Wow, nice result :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Reward for going through with the appeal

18th November 2015, 15:57
The trouble is Peter. What will happen next time we deliver to the same place.
The same thing again most probably. And we shall have to go through the same thing again