View Full Version : Hundreds Sign Petition Against Home Office Attempt To Deport Frail 92-Year-Old Pensioner!

Arthur Little
23rd November 2015, 18:22
http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/621274/Hundreds-support-plea-deport-frail-pensioner-92 :ReadIt:

OK, :icon_rolleyes: ... 550~odd signatures ain't a lot. And where's the petition? one reader asks [understandably] among the comments.

"Rules are rules", someone else points out - :poke: - with a metaphorical shrug ... :anerikke: ... presumably!

But consider this:

Further down the linked page, it says the Home Office deals with each application on its merits - taking into account exceptional or compassionate circumstances - in line with Immigration Rules.

What the hell is compassionate about uprooting a frail :oldlady: from her family? :mad:

23rd November 2015, 19:17
Meanwhile, on our behalf, the govt. continues to send billions to those down on their luck in rich countries such as India. ... plus pay child and other benefit to foreigners and people who are not even in this country. :anerikke:

24th November 2015, 06:46
perhaps if she was a terrorist she could stay,

the caring goverment