View Full Version : Calls To Scrap Mandatory Religious Education In Schools

Arthur Little
6th December 2015, 22:20
Interesting article!

www.theguardian.com/education/2015/dec/06/religious-teaching-school-assemblies-axe-report ... :ReadIt:

Whilst I'm of the opinion it would be a good thing to phase~out religious seggregation, :cwm25: ... I also think imposing an outright
ban would be a step too far.

Better parents be given free choice.

6th December 2015, 22:49
I have been advocating this for as long as I can remember.

7th December 2015, 14:54
I think it is important to teach about all the major religions. I think we can all remember how rubbish RE lessons were at school, but I want the next generation to be more aware of the world and this is part of it. This includes visiting a church, synagogue and mosque and understanding why people do what they do in life.