View Full Version : What you having for Christmas

13th December 2015, 11:17
Well what are you wanting for Christmas or would you like should i say, and dont say love and peace for all mankind, when really you want a iphone
Any takers on this ,
I have told my kids I DONT want chocolates, but will they listen , :NoNo::NoNo:
It really must be hard buying for me , i tell them what i would like, a memory stick, a SD card, little things that dont cost much , or give me cash because i can put that towards something big for the camera,
We cant buy you that its to small, so its back to the big tin of sweets ,
Me and Ems are not buying anything we have said , we shall buy when we are away on holiday,
Did i tell you we are going on holiday:biggrin:

13th December 2015, 11:21
A cigar cutter for some Cohibas I bought for Christmas and new year, and a lighter too.
Did I tell you I am on holiday :biggrin:

13th December 2015, 11:33
A cigar cutter for some Cohibas I bought for Christmas and new year, and a lighter too.
Did I tell you I am on holiday :biggrin:

So you are having a pair of scissors and a box of matches then,

You on holiday Simon , i did not know that,
Did i tell you i am soon too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th December 2015, 11:37
So you are having a pair of scissors and a box of matches then,

You on holiday Simon , i did not know that,
Did i tell you i am soon too:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Knowing my luck, she'll get me some knives for the kitchen and a gas stove to light them off :cwm25:
Off shopping for aircon tomorrow, then beds and other house hold furniture.
You could call it a holiday, yes :Erm:

13th December 2015, 12:27
I`m having 10 tenants and their next of kin around for Christmas at my house and apparently I`m doing ALL the cooking.

13th December 2015, 12:28
I`m having 10 tenants and their next of kin around for Christmas at my house and apparently I`m doing ALL the cooking.

Where's my invite, I'll bring the cigars :icon_lol:

13th December 2015, 14:47
I`m having 10 tenants and their next of kin around for Christmas at my house and apparently I`m doing ALL the cooking.

Where's my invite, I'll bring the beer :biggrin:

16th December 2015, 06:29
We are having all traditional Filipino dishes this coming Christmas. We have a special guest who is the aunt of my husband who just retired as a toxicologist will join us for a meal and chat. I can't wait to eat Filipino foods again as I've been busy at work.:philippines::holiday08::unitedkingdom::tea_cup5:
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.
I am so glad to be back here. I was not able to find the site. They've change the name.:Hellooo:

16th December 2015, 09:27
Would be nice to feed myself to excess with all my favourite English Christmas foods.
Roasted cockerel, roast parsnips, brussels sprouts, yorkshire pudding, bread sauce, beautiful gravy, stuffing, heaps of Smoked salmon, mince pies, Christmas pudding, huge Pork pies, black pudding, pickled onions, Rib of British beef, fresh horseradish and ................


Michael Parnham
16th December 2015, 11:21
Would be nice to feed myself to excess with all my favourite English Christmas foods.
Roast cockerill, roast parsnips, brussels sprouts, yorkshire pudding, bread sauce, beautiful gravy, stuffing, heaps of Smoked salmon, mince pies, Christmas pudding, huge Pork pies, black pudding, pickled onions, Rib of British beef, fresh horseradish and ................


Only ever had Salmon out of a tin, not on many occasions either:Erm:

16th December 2015, 11:59
Only ever had Salmon out of a tin, not on many occasions either:Erm:

Smoked salmon. Especially M&S or Waitrose is just pure ecstasy.
You should try a few grams Michael just for experience. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Salmon from a tin is even worse than roast beef from a tin

16th December 2015, 12:04
If its salmon its got to be wild atlantic salmon,a fresh run fish caught and eaten the same day is hard to beat,farmed scottish salmon just isnt the same.

16th December 2015, 12:18
Smoked salmon. Especially M&S or Waitrose is just pure ecstasy.
You should try a few grams Michael just for experience. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Salmon from a tin is even worse than roast beef from a tin

Try the Lidl smoked salmon, better than Waitrose and about 1/3rd the price :xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th December 2015, 00:46
My usual... baked beans on toast ... in protest ! :olddude:

Middle of Jan I will be in the Philippines, so may as well save my dosh for then. :smile:

Michael Parnham
17th December 2015, 07:53
My usual... baked beans on toast ... in protest ! :olddude:

Middle of Jan I will be in the Philippines, so may as well save my dosh for then. :smile:

You do right Graham, Christmas day is just a normal day with a title!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

17th December 2015, 10:17
You do right Graham, Christmas day is just a normal day with a title!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's pretty much just how it was when I lived in Japan. I would usually end up working anyway.
The nights were awesome though :biggrin:

17th December 2015, 16:09
Nothing much in the way of anything extra for me, there is no point, my dog Charlie is happy with whatever food he gets.
I have a 5 bird roast thing from Lidl and a few good roast potatoes and I am happy. :biggrin:
Mick. :animal-smiley-037::animal-smiley-037:

23rd December 2015, 23:18
I would like to have my pension for Christmas, but pay day is the 25th so it's not going to happen. 6th January last year before I got paid :cwm23::cwm23:

24th December 2015, 10:09
Christmas day dinner will be what ever goes in the oven when we get in at 6.45pm , i wonder if KFC will be open a bargin bucket springs to mind , tight git springs to mind also

24th December 2015, 11:38
Honestly don't know yet.... Tried to talk harlene into a roast dinner.... But now we have her mum and sister here, looks like it will be rice and some sort of Filipino dish!

Michael Parnham
24th December 2015, 12:10
Nothing much in the way of anything extra for me, there is no point, my dog Charlie is happy with whatever food he gets.
I have a 5 bird roast thing from Lidl and a few good roast potatoes and I am happy. :biggrin:
Mick. :animal-smiley-037::animal-smiley-037:

You do right Mick!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
24th December 2015, 12:13
Honestly don't know yet.... Tried to talk harlene into a roast dinner.... But now we have her mum and sister here, looks like it will be rice and some sort of Filipino dish!

No different for me, I cook all my own meals and Maritess eats all her own food sometimes she eats leftovers almost a week old (disgusting):NoNo:

24th December 2015, 17:17
sometimes she eats leftovers almost a week old (disgusting):NoNo:

That so made me laugh, the amount of containers in my fridge with leftovers in. God forbid if I say I will throw any away as they have been there a few days, or indeed a week :76:

Anyway..... Bought one of those five meat things and some roast potatoes and carrots, parsnips and peas today.... They are going to try that... Wanted Yorkshire's stuffing as well.... But decided not to push it :icon_lol: Told them no rice is on the menu tomorrow!

24th December 2015, 17:48
Was that a 5 bird roast from Lidl?
I have just cooked mine, shan't put the sticky glaze on it though :cwm25:
Roast potatoes and veg lovely :hubbahubba:

24th December 2015, 18:02
Kids are back from Uni so it's a full Xmas lunch for us...:biggrin:

Michael Parnham
24th December 2015, 21:27
Maritess working 7 till 7 tomorrow, so I'll be cooking my Turkey, Yorkshire Pudding & veg whilst she's at work then when she arrives home Maritess will have left over Rice with a tiny bit of Turkey & some left over Adobo that's been in the Fridge three days and all that will fill a tea plate and she will only eat half and have the other half reheated for Boxing day:crazy::xxgrinning--00xx3: