View Full Version : Merry Christmas

10th December 2007, 10:14
http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/748/748895c3fyugpiju.gif (http://www.glitter-graphics.com)

10th December 2007, 10:18
Nice Cross.....can't see Jesus :Erm:

10th December 2007, 10:33
http://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/m.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/e.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/r.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/r.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/y.gifhttp://dl3.glitter-graphics.net/empty.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/c.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/h.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/r.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/i.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/s.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/t.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/m.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/a.gifhttp://text.glitter-graphics.net/crl/s.gif (http://glitter-graphics.com/myspace/text_generator.php)

Wishing you all the joys of the holiday season
& a
Happy New Year 2008!!

http://dl4.glitter-graphics.net/pub/28/28796xf3z4sbjdh.gif (http://www.glitter-graphics.com)

10th December 2007, 11:02
London Borough of Tower Hamlets officially cancelled Christmas, as it might offend someone.

10th December 2007, 12:57
London Borough of Tower Hamlets officially cancelled Christmas, as it might offend someone.

Good for them......can we get rid of Easter as well? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Anyone would think we are supposed to do things in this country to make us happy....:NoNo:.......More Tax please vicar :cwm24:

11th December 2007, 07:20
Merry Christmas to All

11th December 2007, 09:49
Merry Christmas everyone..

11th December 2007, 10:02
Hey Kimmi, nice to see you back. How are you? Are you in UK now? and how are you coping to this cold weather?

11th December 2007, 13:11
hi LadyJ,

I am doing good..It is my first day here in UK experiencing the 24/7 AC as what AndyPaul describes it..The sun is shining here now but I havent feel its warmth..Our house is so warm but when u go out outside..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...it feels like im in a freezer with its coolest temperature..he he he

11th December 2007, 13:21
hi LadyJ,

I am doing good..It is my first day here in UK experiencing the 24/7 AC as what AndyPaul describes it..The sun is shining here now but I havent feel its warmth..Our house is so warm but when u go out outside..grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...it feels like im in a freezer with its coolest temperature..he he he

Hey your be fine Kimmi at first the wife feally felt the cold, but after some careful shoping and some good investment in coats, hats and gloves she handles the cold better than me. As chuck will tell you layers is the key. Not just a big coat and a t shirt underneath but lots of layers to trap the heat you make.

Lots of layers means lots of clothes shopping :bigcry:for Chuck and me :xxgrinning--00xx3: for my Wife and your good self:D.

11th December 2007, 15:05
Look on the brightside.....you don't get strip searched at the supermarket :)

11th December 2007, 15:24
Look on the brightside.....you don't get strip searched at the supermarket :)

I must look super innocent they never seem to do that to me thank the lord:D i think the guards just fancy you mr admin:Rasp:

11th December 2007, 15:53
I must look super innocent they never seem to do that to me thank the lord:D i think the guards just fancy you mr admin:Rasp:

I always seemed to get the Margaret Thatcher look-a-like, who would grabs your bolex :rolleyes:

Pepe n Pilar
11th December 2007, 16:01
Merry Christmas To All.....:Wine:

11th December 2007, 16:07
Merry Christmas din sayo.

11th December 2007, 16:37
Merry Christmas everyone..

Maligayang Pasko sa inyong lahat :)

and btw, Kimmi welcome to the chiller UK :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th December 2007, 17:40
I always seemed to get the Margaret Thatcher look-a-like, who would grabs your bolex :rolleyes:

They try to nick your watch:omg:

11th December 2007, 19:00
Merry Christmas to everybody!


Kim, I'm glad that you arrived safely.

Mrs Daddy
12th December 2007, 19:21
<a href=http://www.glitter-vibes.com><img src=http://dl.glitter-graphics.net/pub/770/770711gmj18h7g24.gif width=400 height=234 border=0></a><br><a href=http://www.glitter-works.org target=_blank>glitter-graphics.com</a>

12th December 2007, 19:26
I was in Davao in early October, and they were saying merry xmas then! Us brits wait until December, for some reason..:Erm: But Merry Merry xmas people!! :BouncyHappy:

13th December 2007, 01:04
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!!:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

Pepe n Pilar
13th December 2007, 15:29

13th December 2007, 15:52
Happy Midwinter festival to you all:D

13th December 2007, 16:00
One beautiful December evening Huan Cho and his girlfriend JungLee was sitting on the beach beside the ocean. It was a romantic full moon, when Huan Cho said "Hey baby, how about we play Weeweechu."

"Oh no, not now, let's look at the moon" said Jung Lee. "Oh baby, let's you and I play Weeweechu. I love you and it's the perfect time," Huan Cho begged.

"But I rather just hold your hand and watch the moon." "Please Jung Lee, just once play Weeweechu with me."

Jung Lee looked at Huan Chi and said, "OK, we play Weeweechu."....

Huan Cho picked up his guitar and both sang....

"Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas, Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
and a 'appy New Yea."
( all those with dirty minds - shame on you!)

13th December 2007, 19:26
Nice one Fred..but I am not thinking of something dirty..

btw, thank u Mach and Erve for welcoming me, I am trying to adjust now with the weather..:)

14th December 2007, 12:33
"Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT]Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas, Weeweechu a melly Chlistmas,
and a 'appy New Yea."
( all those with dirty minds - shame on you!)

Nice one kuya Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:it cheers me up, I just came from the mall and my mobile was robbed:bigcry::bigcry:i i really feel chlitmas:bigcry::bigcry:
But as what I've learned here always look at the brightside:cwm34: I am fine and not hurt Thank God:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2007, 13:37
Nice one kuya Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:it cheers me up, I just came from the mall and my mobile was robbed:bigcry::bigcry:i i really feel chlitmas:bigcry::bigcry:
But as what I've learned here always look at the brightside:cwm34: I am fine and not hurt Thank God:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Sorry to hear about your phone but Happy for your Mahal, Family and friends you is all safe which is the main thing material things will come and go but being safe and well is far more important:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope things are better for your Christmas, may you have a Happy Christmas:Hellooo:

Pepe n Pilar
14th December 2007, 13:51
Hi Sis Leah, sorry to hear that your mobile phone was robbed:NoNo: I thought cellphone snatching is just rampant in Manila.
It was in the news yesterday that an old lady was victimized by robbers but this time her earrings were robbed from her by a 14 yr old boy:yikes:
Thank God you were not hurt.....

14th December 2007, 14:20
Sorry to hear about what happened to your cellphone Kukuroku.
Yes, Itsme _Iye is right that cellphone snatching is rampant here in Manila thats why I never bring my cellphone with me when I go out unless I`m expected to call somebody or as much as possible do the phone call before left home. Anyway, I do not bother if I do not have a cellphone for a couple of hours while doing the shoppping. If I really need to bring it, I never put in in my shoulder or hand bag, I put it in another shopping bag with the folding umbrella or with other stuffs. I never put big money in my wallet, not even put my important ID`s and ATM cards in it, so that in case the wallet lost I still have my ID`s and ATM cards. It is Christmas season and bad elements are everywhere and taking advantage. Anyway, thanks God that you did not get hurt thats important. Take care mate.

14th December 2007, 14:37
What the hell is Clitmass? :Erm:

14th December 2007, 15:43
What the hell is Clitmass? :Erm:

Japanese Christmas?

14th December 2007, 16:05
Nice one kuya Fred:xxgrinning--00xx3:it cheers me up, I just came from the mall and my mobile was robbed:bigcry::bigcry:i i really feel chlitmas:bigcry::bigcry:
But as what I've learned here always look at the brightside:cwm34: I am fine and not hurt Thank God:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don`t worry about it kukurokuk..It`s just a phone..
You are OK so thats the main thing..
Just get a cheapy from Ebay and forget about it...
The person that nicked it is probably laying in a bus stop wishing the morning doesn't come.
Happy Christmas..and as my old man always told me..
"Dont let the bastads get you down"!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th December 2007, 17:29
Merry Christmas & a Prosperous New Year to everybody!!!

I miss how Filipinos celebrate Christmas in Philippines...Christmas carols, simbang gabi and Christmas bonus!!!

14th December 2007, 19:36

14th December 2007, 19:46
Jingle Bells......All Mancs smell....

15th December 2007, 11:25
Thank you guys for your sympathized, after the robbed I do believe that there is a good thing in return and I’m feeling it right now:xxgrinning--00xx3: …I got a good deal from our local government in regards to our service offer :REDancedancer08::BouncyHappy:
And about the mobile SANTA heard it :rolleyes: and will grant soon:cwm12:
Merry Christmas everyone:BouncyHappy::BouncyHappy:

15th December 2007, 11:31
What the hell is Clitmass? :Erm:

mga gag* celebration:doh :Cuckoo::Cuckoo:
who made CHRISTMAS horrible :NoNo::NoNo:

16th December 2007, 12:24

16th December 2007, 13:05

These staffs!!!!


17th December 2007, 12:41
Happy 2008

19th December 2007, 01:46
What the hell is Clitmass? :Erm:


20th December 2007, 08:26
And may you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year too!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th December 2007, 12:04
http://dl5.glitter-graphics.net/pub/748/748895c3fyugpiju.gif (http://www.glitter-graphics.com)

merry christmas to all!!!

20th December 2007, 12:11
Maligayang Pasko and Masaganang Bagong Taon po sa ating lahat!!!!
Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New year UK!!!!

24th December 2007, 09:47
Just bought a 4 liters of fruit juice,a shed load of fruit,a liter of Tanduay gold seal,a liter of Tanduay blue(15 yrs old),2 liters of Matador brandy a big bag of ice and a bucket big enough to put it all in..,2 bottles of sparkling wine for the girls..
Food to feed 30/40 on the BBQ £20.00..
I love Christmas here!!:xxparty-smiley-050:

Merry Christmas to all.

Please drink in moderation.