View Full Version : the house smells lovely

13th December 2015, 11:30
I must admit a women's touch to everything is just that bit better then a mans, i am on about the house and how pretty it looks too,
Ems has brought this thing, it smells nice and every so often is sprays out this nice smelling fragrance too, its shaped like a vase too , its a ornament :biggrin:.
Anyway whats that Ems , do you like , well yes its nice and yes it smells nice too i said,
That was it i had given her the go ahead to buy more and to place them around the house where i cant see them but just hear this pissss, and then a nice smell,
Walking into the bathroom the other day as sometimes we men do, without looking and getting ready to pee, i walked straight past this thing on the wall and yes it pissssss, and smelled straight on my head , you can imagine the words i had and it was soon moved too,:yikes:
I am told the lavender smell will go away in a day or so , but there is still the odd sniff going around my head:Cuckoo: