View Full Version : Turkey Trot

Arthur Little
23rd December 2015, 19:09
Churches - be they Catholic, Protestant, or ... :anerikke: ... whatever - all too frequently come in for a "lot of stick" for many reasons - some justified, others less so ... such as the commonly~held belief that they're mainly "out to feather their own nests". :REGamblMoney01HL1:

However, :icon_rolleyes: what the critics often forget (conveniently or otherwise) is that, aside from the religious mumbo jumbo with which they are usually associated, most consist of teams of dedicated volunteers, working tirelessly behind the scenes to make a HUGE difference to the lives of NOT ONLY the underprivileged abroad (that we hear so much about) as you'd expect, but also through simple, general acts of kindness towards *those within the parishes and/or local communities they serve - *whose lives may well have been blighted by straitened circumstances beyond their control - as is illustrated in the following example, whereby the church that's mentioned donated (amongst an assortment of delicious mouth~watering :hubbahubba: edibles)
turkeys for Christmas.


Hence my choice for this thread's title! :coolchickendance: