View Full Version : IELTS English Test Results for FLR Excempt form test?

30th December 2015, 16:32
Hi again,
I am led to believe that if my wife had her leave to enter ( 2014) her IELTS result B2 would be acceptable for the FLY application even though it would have passed its expiry date.

Am I correct in thinking so according to the PDF print screen below?

Under paragraph 32D of Appendix FM-SE if an applicant under the partner or parent routes submits an English language test certificate or result and the Home Office has already accepted it as part of a successful previous partner or parent application (but not where the application was refused, even if on grounds other than the English language requirement), the decision-maker may accept that certificate or result as valid if it is:
(a) from a provider which is no longer approved, or
(b) from a provider who remains approved but the test the applicant has taken with that provider is no longer approved, or
(c) from a test centre which is no longer approved, or
(d) past its validity date (if a validity date is required under Appendix O),
provided that when the subsequent application is made:

Are there any other folks out there applying soon under such circumstances?

Many thanks


3rd January 2016, 06:47
Hi John,

In connection with the validity of the English Language tests the "Immigration Rules Appendix FM-SE: family members specified evidence" applies.
This document was updated 17 December 2015 and remains valid until the next update.

Here's the pertinent extract:-
32A. For the avoidance of doubt paragraphs 27 to 32D of this Appendix apply to fiancé(e), proposed civil partner, spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner and same sex partner applications for limited leave to enter or remain made under Part 8 of these Rules where English language requirements apply, regardless of the date of application. Paragraphs 27 to 32D of this Appendix also apply to spouse, civil partner, unmarried partner and same sex partner applications which do not meet the requirements of Part 8 of these Rules for indefinite leave to remain (where the application is for indefinite leave to remain) and are being considered for a grant of limited leave to remain where paragraph A277A(b) of these Rules applies. Any references in paragraphs 27 to 32D of this Appendix to “limited leave to enter or remain” shall therefore be read as referring to all applicants referred to in this paragraph.

Here's that link to the "Immigration Rules Appendix FM-SE: family members specified evidence"

As always you need to satisfy yourselves that you comply with all immigration rules

3rd January 2016, 16:28
Thank you Terpe. According to that the details I copied for you to see were indeed in accordance with the information you provided me ie:
"My wife has a relevant English pass mark with a pass mark acceptable & by a test (IELTS) that also acceptable & was accepted as part of her previous successful application.
Many thanks


grahame 1
3rd January 2016, 19:49
Hi John , My wife has to apply later in the year. Her English test was IELTS but was through Hopkins which is no longer allowed so i believe she has to take it again

3rd January 2016, 22:14
Hi John , My wife has to apply later in the year. Her English test was IELTS but was through Hopkins which is no longer allowed so i believe she has to take it again

Hi Graham I had better check Angelines to make sure it is ok. Thanks for pointing that out.

I have checked and hers is University of Cambridge ESOL examination. So that's a relief.