View Full Version : Its been a funny old year,

31st December 2015, 12:11
Well the year will soon be ending and its been a funny old year ,
There has been lots of places visited and there are still lots of places to see,
The house over in the Philippine has been finished to how we wanted it to be , yes still lots to do on it but that will happen when we want it to happen, there is no rush there just yet,
One of the things that has struck me is how quick the time is going , the weeks and the years are just flying by but i still think i am in my thirties , thank god i dont look in a mirror i may look my age then ,
When i first came on here i had a ten year plan in my mind, yes that was so far ahead i did not have to worry, but now its only 3 years left to go, but things can and will change to suit us ,
The forum seems to have changed this year too, sometimes there are periods where it is so quite and then there are times when everyone is on,
A few people have gone never to return and some come and go as the please, well thats how forums are ,
Well tomorrow we are off for 3 weeks so i may drop in then again i may not , so i would like to wish all my friends on here and anyone who is not my friend too, a very happy New Year,
I do hope to see you all again soon :Wave:

31st December 2015, 12:16
Have a great trip Steve :xxgrinning--00xx3:

On a separate note I'd just like to say how much I've enjoyed reading your contributions over the year, keep up the good work :smile:

Arthur Little
31st December 2015, 12:21
Well tomorrow we are off for 3 weeks so i may drop in then again i may not , so i would like to wish all my friends on here and anyone who is not my friend too, a very happy New Year,
I do hope to see you all again soon :Wave:

Glad I "caught" you before you leave, Steve & Ems ... so that I can heartily reciprocate your good wishes. All the very BEST to you BOTH, :xxgrinning--00xx3: and ...

... Bon Voyage! :airline:

31st December 2015, 12:27
Thank you Simon, those are kind words ,
As always Arthur, a true gent always there with kind words to say

31st December 2015, 13:24
Happy New Year Steve, and to all the other good people on the forum! Bless you all...


31st December 2015, 14:28
Happy new year to one and all may 2016 will bring us all the peace,happiness and good health!! Wealth will be a bonus hehe happy 2016 to all!!!

Michael Parnham
31st December 2015, 14:32
A very happy new year Steve and Em, hope you have an enjoyable holiday!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st January 2016, 04:09
Happy new year. Enjoy your trip and safe travels.

3rd January 2016, 19:11
Enjoy !!:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: