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Arthur Little
6th January 2016, 19:06
www.linkedin.com/pulse/moira-jean-sylvia-judd-patrick-ryan ... :ReadIt:

Courtesy of Moira Jean Sylvia Judd ... as shared with - and reported by - Patrick Ryan.

:iagree: entirely with the :oldlady:, of course ... harking back to a (soon to be) past, [much] less politically~correct generation. :biggrin:

7th January 2016, 05:37
www.linkedin.com/pulse/moira-jean-sylvia-judd-patrick-ryan ... :ReadIt:

Courtesy of Moira Jean Sylvia Judd ... as shared with - and reported by - Patrick Ryan.

:iagree: entirely with the :oldlady:, of course ... harking back to a (soon to be) past, [much] less politically~correct generation. :biggrin:

Enjoyed reading that Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Great find and so very true.

7th January 2016, 08:58
That brought back a lot of memories ! One of which was seeing my first TV in about 1950 for sale in a shop in South London. It had a 9" or less green screen and it cost £109. That was apparently the average annual salary.

Arthur Little
7th January 2016, 18:31
Enjoyed reading that Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Great find and so very true.

:icon_lol: ... so pleased you enjoyed reading this extract, Peter.

Thanks, too, for the rep ... which, as always, is very much appreciated. :smile:

ALL the BEST to you and Carina, from Myrna and myself. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th January 2016, 18:45
That brought back a lot of memories ! One of which was seeing my first TV in about 1950 for sale in a shop in South London. It had a 9" or less green screen and it cost £109. That was apparently the average annual salary.

Thank you for your reply also, John. Hopefully :pray: ... memories this article brought back for you too, were nice pleasant ones of a much more relaxed era. :wink: