View Full Version : british citizenship

7th January 2016, 20:20
how to all,belated happy new year :smile:! is anyone here could give me a advice/help about how to apply a british citizenship please! :thankyou:

8th January 2016, 06:59
As a first step look here:-

Especially under section 2

Do be aware that you'll need to have your Naturalisation Certificate and Filipino passport showing the same name if you intend to apply for British Passport

8th January 2016, 11:32
Hi Sir Terpe, thanks again and sorry for keep asking a help about British Citizenship. Haha, what happened back then 2012 I wasn't abled to apply my Brittish Citizenship because me and hubby had a priorities to payed off our house mortgage. And now we are mortgage free:BouncyHappy: Next priority is my citizenship:smile: