View Full Version : This Past Week's 'Misguided' Hero?

Arthur Little
17th January 2016, 19:02
At least in my book ...

www.express.co.uk/news/uk/635351/Former-soldier-risked-five-years-jail-rescue-four-year-old-Calais-Jungle-girl ... :ReadIt:

17th January 2016, 19:09
Maybe in yours but not in mine, we have enough muslim immigrants in this country already ....

Arthur Little
17th January 2016, 23:56
Maybe in yours but not in mine, we have enough muslim immigrants in this country already ....

... having seen the remarks of press *respondents underneath the article I'd decided to post, it would appear practically all of *them share your opinion.

:poke: ... be aware, though, that the ex-soldier - the aid worker - mentioned, had suffered from bipolar depression and also Tourette's Syndrome ... facts that aren't mentioned in the article posted and I have only since learned through a separate source.

Hence the reason for my later insertion of the word, "misguided" into the original thread heading ... in order to clarify that his actions (for which a fine of £750 suspended for five years was imposed) were well~meant ... :anerikke: ... rather than amounting to criminal deception.

18th January 2016, 17:08
Arthur, I fully appreciate your opinion, that is one of the good things of our once great country, but unfortunately it would seem that a lot of the people we have given refuge to are only intent on changing this freedom...:mad:

20th January 2016, 11:38
The guy also had 2 eritrean illegals in the van,not a hero at all misguided or otherwise,he should have been jailed,and why didnt the parents apply for asylum in france instead of giving their daughter to a stranger to take to a strange country alone?More to the story than meets the eye :NoNo: