View Full Version : My life in GB and Birth of our Princess

28th January 2016, 03:23
Hello!!! It's been a long time since I last posted here. I'm hoping everyone is doing fine xx

I just want to share to everyone how my life has been since I've been here in England. Been here for almost 19 months now, how time flies. Looking back and at the moment it's been a hard but a blessed journey for me. Thankful enough that I'm with my wonderful husband.

Well to start of, I got 2 jobs as a cleaner in a shop and in a care home of reasonable distance from where we used to live. That gave me the opportunity to help my mum (in Ph) financially without depending on my husband's money. Then here comes 2015, we found someone who wants to exchange Flat with us as we want to move to Pompey coz my husband's work and family were there. Wish granted, we moved and I have to gave up one of my job. Had to find another job again locally. Saw this opportunity online about working as a support worker. I attended the interview, trainings etc. I've waited about 3 months but then I got the job and so I gave up my old job and worked full time in a hospital. While doing the preparation for this new job I found out that I'm pregnant. What a good news. We've been waiting for this for few months. I started my new job when I was already 5 months preggy so it only gave me a chance to work 3 months before my maternity leave. 11/01/2016, bang on due date, I gave birth to our little princess. It's been a good and healthy pregnancy but labour and delivery? Hmm I would say my experience has been traumatising to make the story short. But never mind she's all worth it. I'm now a mum, adjusting to this new world. I have to admit it's hard being a mum, I so wish my mum is here to help and support me. I hope she can be here soon but that's another thing for me to learn, how can I get my mum to come over here. I'm feeling a bit stressed with all these sleepless nights. Thankfully my hubby is very helpful and supportive. I know I'll be alright (Fingerscrossed), just still adjusting to parenthood.

It'll be a very busy year for me being a mum and preparing for the FLR application early next year. I have to take an English test this year and gather documents again. God help us.

I know you guys will always be there to answer queries, so thanks in advance. :)

We're still thankful for all your help before and always will be. xx

Love, Cherrie Alan & Charlotte xxxxx

Arthur Little
28th January 2016, 04:31
:Hellooo: ... LOVELY receiving your update, Cherrie ... and our heartiest CONGRATULATIONS on the recent arrival of your dear little princess, Charlotte. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th January 2016, 04:38
Hi, Congratulations to you and to your hubby on the arrival of your little bundle of joy :waver::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
28th January 2016, 09:07
What a lovely story Cherrie, warmest congratulations on the arrival of Charlotte and good luck for the future, please keep us updated on the progress of your procedure to get your mum to the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th January 2016, 09:09
Glad all is going well, treasure every moment with baby Charlotte. Trust me when I say they grow up quickly :smile:

Doc Alan
28th January 2016, 09:12
Thank you for your update, congratulations and best wishes Cherrie, Alan and Charlotte :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

29th January 2016, 00:52
:Hellooo: ... LOVELY receiving your update, Cherrie ... and our heartiest CONGRATULATIONS on the recent arrival of your dear little princess, Charlotte. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks so much for your warm greetings, Arthur :Jump:

29th January 2016, 00:53
Hi, Congratulations to you and to your hubby on the arrival of your little bundle of joy :waver::xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Hellooo: Please to meet you here. Thank you for the greetings by the way :smile::smile::smile:

29th January 2016, 00:57
Glad all is going well, treasure every moment with baby Charlotte. Trust me when I say they grow up quickly :smile:

Thanks, Simon. I bet they grow up quickly, at this moment though I want her to grow quickly as I'm finding it hard to cope with sleepless nights. I really love sleeping, lol.

29th January 2016, 01:00
What a lovely story Cherrie, warmest congratulations on the arrival of Charlotte and good luck for the future, please keep us updated on the progress of your procedure to get your mum to the UK:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks so much, Michael. About getting my mum to UK? Hmm.? I'm really clueless at the moment, not even sure if it's possible or not because of our situation. I need to do research about that.

29th January 2016, 01:01
Thank you for your update, congratulations and best wishes Cherrie, Alan and Charlotte :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Thanks, Doc Alan. :smile::smile::smile:

Michael Parnham
29th January 2016, 09:08
Thanks so much, Michael. About getting my mum to UK? Hmm.? I'm really clueless at the moment, not even sure if it's possible or not because of our situation. I need to do research about that.

Good luck Cherrie!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th January 2016, 12:06

Why not have your Mother come over on a 6 month visitor visa? It should be possible, especially if you can prove she has family/things back in Ph to go back to. You can then renew it later?

29th January 2016, 13:43
Hello!!! It's been a long time since I last posted here. I'm hoping everyone is doing fine xx

I just want to share to everyone how my life has been since I've been here in England. Been here for almost 19 months now, how time flies. Looking back and at the moment it's been a hard but a blessed journey for me. Thankful enough that I'm with my wonderful husband.

Well to start of, I got 2 jobs as a cleaner in a shop and in a care home of reasonable distance from where we used to live. That gave me the opportunity to help my mum (in Ph) financially without depending on my husband's money. Then here comes 2015, we found someone who wants to exchange Flat with us as we want to move to Pompey coz my husband's work and family were there. Wish granted, we moved and I have to gave up one of my job. Had to find another job again locally. Saw this opportunity online about working as a support worker. I attended the interview, trainings etc. I've waited about 3 months but then I got the job and so I gave up my old job and worked full time in a hospital. While doing the preparation for this new job I found out that I'm pregnant. What a good news. We've been waiting for this for few months. I started my new job when I was already 5 months preggy so it only gave me a chance to work 3 months before my maternity leave. 11/01/2016, bang on due date, I gave birth to our little princess. It's been a good and healthy pregnancy but labour and delivery? Hmm I would say my experience has been traumatising to make the story short. But never mind she's all worth it. I'm now a mum, adjusting to this new world. I have to admit it's hard being a mum, I so wish my mum is here to help and support me. I hope she can be here soon but that's another thing for me to learn, how can I get my mum to come over here. I'm feeling a bit stressed with all these sleepless nights. Thankfully my hubby is very helpful and supportive. I know I'll be alright (Fingerscrossed), just still adjusting to parenthood.

It'll be a very busy year for me being a mum and preparing for the FLR application early next year. I have to take an English test this year and gather documents again. God help us.

I know you guys will always be there to answer queries, so thanks in advance. :)

We're still thankful for all your help before and always will be. xx

Love, Cherrie Alan & Charlotte xxxxx

So glad to learn your life is so blessed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Long may it continue

30th January 2016, 01:02

Why not have your Mother come over on a 6 month visitor visa? It should be possible, especially if you can prove she has family/things back in Ph to go back to. You can then renew it later?

Thank you, Trefor :smile::smile::smile:

I don't think we're financially capable to do that at the moment. :NoNo: and another thing is they might not be convinced that she will go back to Ph. Yes, she got her own house there but with regards to family, it's only my brother that's left there.

30th January 2016, 01:05
So glad to learn your life is so blessed. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Long may it continue

Thank you, Terpe :smile:

Struggling but indeed blessed :smile:

Bless you always and your family...

30th January 2016, 18:35
That's great news and Angeline & I wish you all the very best for the future. Our little Josh is 1 year .1 month .. worth the waiting for.
God bless you all
John & Angeline

1st February 2016, 01:58
That's great news and Angeline & I wish you all the very best for the future. Our little Josh is 1 year .1 month .. worth the waiting for.
God bless you all
John & Angeline

Thank you to both of you. :smile:
Hope little Josh is doing well. All the best for you three xx

1st February 2016, 05:35
Thanks for letting us know how you're progressing. Best wishes to you and your family. :xxgrinning--00xx3: