View Full Version : Emperor Akihito honors Japanese war dead in Philippines

9th February 2016, 00:14
With a mournful bow, Emperor Akihito paid his respects in a war memorial in the Philippines Friday to the largest number of Japanese invasion troops who died outside their homeland in World War II.
Clad in black and accompanied by Empress Michiko, he and Michiko each laid a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, Japan's imperial symbol, and silently prayed near a marble cenotaph in the Japanese memorial garden along Lake Caliraya in Laguna province southeast of the Philippine capital. Some of the 170 relatives of Japanese soldiers wept quietly.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-3422243/Emperor-Akihito-honors-Japanese-war-dead-Philippines.html#ixzz3zcZTWL5R
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9th February 2016, 08:31
The guy at the back of the first picture obviously doesn't suffer from shy bladder syndrome :biggrin:

Sir Arthur posted a similar thread last week

9th February 2016, 14:02
The guy at the back of the first picture obviously doesn't suffer from shy bladder syndrome :biggrin:

Sir Arthur posted a similar thread last week


well spotted :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
9th February 2016, 16:22
The guy at the back of the first picture obviously doesn't suffer from shy bladder syndrome :biggrin:


Sir Arthur posted a similar thread last week


Ah ... :yeahthat: was the one in which I'd speculated as to whether this State visit had been to *empress (*spelling intended) and/or was in atonement for "the sins of the father". :wink:

At least Fred's thread elicited a reply ... :anerikke: ... mine didn't. :smile: