View Full Version : FLR - "6 items of correspondence" question

11th February 2016, 15:36
I'm getting a bit confused with the requirement for providing 6 items of correspondence addressed to both of us.

The requirements are "The items of correspondence should be addressed to you jointly or in both your names. Examples of acceptable items are listed below.
The dates of the items of correspondence should be spread evenly over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different sources. If you do not have enough items in your joint names, you may also provide items addressed to each of you individually if they show the same address for both of you.
For example - Four items of correspondence in joint names to the same address and two items addressed to each partner at the address. In total eight items would need to be submitted.
If you and your partner have no bills or correspondence in joint names, you will need to submit twelve items (six each) of correspondence, evidencing that you reside together at the same address."

Are they saying 6 bits of paper with our joint names on from the last 2 years from 3 different companies, or 6 packs of correspondence from the last 2 years (example, all gas bills, all electric bills, all water bills, all credit card bills, all bank statements and all rent bills for 2 years)

Barrie & Jaz

Michael Parnham
11th February 2016, 19:10
We did six bills from 3 different sources over two years in joint names:xxgrinning--00xx3:

12th February 2016, 10:45
Thanks, that's what I was thinking they meant after I read the requirements several times

13th February 2016, 12:45
The idea behind the bills etc is to prove that both of you have been living at the same address throughout the total period. If you can produce a variety of official documents at varying dates throughout the period that prove that, you will not have a problem.