View Full Version : Another party

13th February 2016, 11:48
We have been invited to a party, whos party Ems , you know Ate someones husband who you know, Ate who ,
dont know her or her husband,
Then they try to explain who the person is and you remember you met just the once months ago,
Whens the party Ems , tomorrow night, i aint going but i shall drop you off, i dont know the bloke,
Thats it long face time , but i hate going somewhere where you dont really know anyone , the women well as long as there is rice and some sort of fish or bones or soup with a lettuce leaf and the biggest knuckle in it they are happy,
They sit in one room chatting away , the rest of us men in another room trying to talk but having nothing in common other then our wives, it helps if you love football though and i hate that, am i being mean,
Looks like billy no mates is going to be alone tonight

13th February 2016, 12:31
You will identify with this then Steve:- "I have nothing against football... just seems very wasteful losing two hours of my life to watch 22 millionaires on TV chasing a bag full of wind in their underwear" Guy Martin..

I know exactly what you mean about the parties Steve BUT, i like to go along 1) The food is always good and plenty of it 2) I try striking up a conversation with strangers and you can normally find at least one person that has something interesting to say or you might have something in common with.

If you stay at home you may never know and i am sure your wife will want to show you off to her friends as as she is probably very proud of you. It's got to be better than staying at home alone!

13th February 2016, 12:40
You will identify with this then Steve:- "I have nothing against football... just seems very wasteful losing two hours of my life to watch 22 millionaires on TV chasing a bag full of wind in their underwear" Guy Martin..

I know exactly what you mean about the parties Steve BUT, i like to go along 1) The food is always good and plenty of it 2) I try striking up a conversation with strangers and you can normally find at least one person that has something interesting to say or you might have something in common with.

If you stay at home you may never know and i am sure your wife will want to show you off to her friends as as she is probably very proud of you. It's got to be better than staying at home alone!

Indeed you are right, but the more i think about the party the more i remember the bloke loud, LOUD ,LOUDER ,springs into mind,

14th February 2016, 08:53
They sit in one room chatting away , the rest of us men in another room trying to talk but having nothing in common other then our wives

Myself and a Kiwi guy found ourselves in a similar situation a few weeks ago. Their were 9 Septic's sitting with us and the subject turned to politics. Every one them said they would vote for Donald. That's when the days fun and games began!

I used to think along similar lines, but i have found there is usually someone or some subject to keep me amused.

14th February 2016, 09:54
Great post Steve.... and oh so true ! lol :icon_lol:

I hate having to resort to my Donald Duck impressions to get strangers to just smile. :biggrin:

Being a salesman by trade, no issues with shyness for me though.

14th February 2016, 14:28
I don't like going to parties (I hate being in the company of people who I don't really know). I like to be with people I know both Keith and I would have a great time with, just chatting away with any topics and not having to brag about what the others have or such. There are very few members here in the forum that we have met and had a great time meeting because we know we can get along fine with them.

14th February 2016, 19:24
Steve, I do go along with the food options, yuk!!, the football though I don't, I enjoy watching football. Party time and stood in the kitchen is no problem so long as there are plenty of spare Stella's around....:biggrin:

Arthur Little
14th February 2016, 19:35
Must admit, neither Myrna nor myself are really what you would call ... :anerikke: ... "party animals". :icon_lol:

:olddude: ... maybe that's on account of our being a bit older!

Arthur Little
14th February 2016, 20:00
Must admit, neither Myrna nor myself are really what you would call ... :anerikke: ... "party animals". :icon_lol:

:olddude: ... maybe that's on account of our being a bit older!

Although :icon_rolleyes: ... looking back, I may have been more inclined in my mis~spent middle age! :biggrin:

14th February 2016, 22:09
I find it hard to believe you would be shy Steve, given the number of posts on here and contributions to the forum. You always seem to have plenty to tell us about and i am sure you would be just the same at a party.

14th February 2016, 23:46
I hate having to resort to my Donald Duck impressions to get strangers to just smile.

Show us that picture again!:icon_lol:

14th February 2016, 23:52
I find it hard to believe you would be shy Steve, given the number of posts on here and contributions to the forum. You always seem to have plenty to tell us about and i am sure you would be just the same at a party.

Truth is...He just doesn`t want to miss Emmerdale..

21st February 2016, 00:26
..........Thats it long face time , but i hate going somewhere where you dont really know anyone , the women well as long as there is rice and some sort of fish or bones or soup with a lettuce leaf and the biggest knuckle in it they are happy,

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: ... so funny! Thanks for the laugh Steve, hope you weren't too lonely whilst Emma enjoyed herself :xxgrinning--00xx3: